British explosives and counter-insurgency specialists pass on decades of bomb making know-how to frontline Ukrainian troops. The handmade bombs are the secret weapons in Ukraine's arsenal. CNN's Nic Robertson has the exclusive report. #CNN #News
See devastating impact of Ukraine’s ‘secret weapons’

Russia: “What is this secrets weapons?”
Ukraine: “Is………………………………potato”
Thats President Potato Joe.
@Diego Fonseca who’s my master? Go on…say something stupid.
Of course it would be a fella from northern ireland teaching covert bomb techniques
Was literally about to say that lol probably an ira/uda man 😂😂😂
@Gareth McC more likely an irishman in the British forces
So what? You have something against Irish making bombs.
@Ellen Faulkner being Irish, I found humour in it, mostly because they failed entirely to disguise the accent.
Queen Elizabeth ll laid the biggest bomb of all-
As much as I am thrilled to hear about the inventiveness and strategy of the incredibly brave Ukrainian military, I worry about giving the slightest bit of intelligence away by reporting on their efforts.
Up the Provos!
England out of Ireland
Wagner: “Ah yeah, . . . we took the city so ah, . . . we’ll be retreating now.
Why are we reporting this?? Shouldn’t this be secret?
Everyone knows we all have special forces there…. We sunk their flagship of the fleet for fux sakes
psychological warfare
We are an open society. So we blurt out our secrets around the world so the enemy can hear them. That’s how we are.
Proud to be British helping these Ukrainian warriors
that’s the only thing you British only know, Colonialism. Those days are over .
@Joe Lieu I support Craig’s support of Ukraine. I’m a US citizen.
@GreatWhiteBuckwheat ok then send another 50 billion dollars quick
Is it really a good idea to share all of these sensitive information with the world?
psychological warfare
God 💪 Bless 👊 Ukraine 🇺🇦
Bakhmut is Russian. Glory to Russia 🤍💙❤️
The UN Security Council should pressure Russia to turn over the operation and supervision of the Nuclear power plant to the IAEA without any armed Russian soldier around. This is a very dangerous place if not taking care of.
It’s all just sad. I think about all the fatherless kids that have to grow up without a daddy.
This should certainly help ease the suffering and end the war. 😮
Even though Ukraine is not as powerful as Russia they are still holding on and fighting back. Help is on the way Ukraine! Fight strong and proud. Slava Ukraine!
Well, did you hear that Ukraine is now rank 15, the strongest country in the world they had moved up a lot and also made russia look weak.
Russia ❤s you 😊 So much more Russian love to come.
There are many of us that are very good at making devices like that. Some of us have studied this type of device for decades. ❤ GOD Bless Everyone
The state of play in Nato is at its most fragile state.
I love it when a “secret weapon” is advertised on the internet.
Glory to Ukraine!