'The Daily Show' contributor Jordan Klepper shares what he saw and heard outside a Trump campaign event in South Carolina. #CNN #News
See what happened when Jordan Klepper went to a Trump campaign event

'The Daily Show' contributor Jordan Klepper shares what he saw and heard outside a Trump campaign event in South Carolina. #CNN #News
Klepper has balls of steel and a poker face that could fool God. Much respect.
no: jordan Works for God
@James Scully yes but am sure jordan would hit the field…
And wit in spades.
@BruceBro “Can’t generate a real crowd”??? You’re joking right…Biden’s crowds were only in the double digits!!!
Guy is a National treasure.
@Ow3 Wells Traumatized… probably…but not tainted.
Oh yes! He is THE best! Those two old ladies- hilarious! “Bringing people back from the dead…” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Never heard of him.
Remember what he said about the hunter Biden laptop?
Is CNN teaming up with the daily show? How bad are your ratings? When will the next sale come? How many sales to lose Anderson Cooper? It will still be cnn as long as coop is there …. How long will CNN last??? Lol hahahaha
This is the same guy who said the laptop was fake ??? Qr
@Robert The pathetic GOP has nothing else on it’s tiny mind besides Hunter’s Laptop. There are no other pressing issues in the world that need consideration, right? Wow, they are really working hard to help the American people with housing, poverty and jobs. OH! That’s right …that is a Democratic Party platform…. the GOP platform is lower taxes for the rich and go after nothing stories.
THANK YOU FOR SHARING THIS ON “mainstream media”. PS Jordan is hilarious
@Alam natural STOP SPAMMING
@Lawrence D’Oliveiro Looks more like he’s looking for the most outrageous “Trump supporters” to make them all look bad and pretend that their audience is morally superior. MSNBC and other propaganda networks does the same. Talking to an average supporter would burst their bubble.
Remember what he said about the hunter Biden laptop?
Is CNN teaming up with the daily show? How bad are your ratings? When will the next sale come? How many sales to lose Anderson Cooper? It will still be cnn as long as coop is there …. How long will CNN last??? Lol hahahaha
This is the same guy who said the laptop was fake ??? Qe
@Alam natural and here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_5ZSlWoWKY
Because I like to be controlled. Put me in my “left” box to fight against the “right box” while the elite fleece me.
Thank you Jim for inviting Jordan Kepler. Please encourage your peers to invite more people like Jordan.
@Rodney Boehner Would you like cheese with your whine, or would a bowl of sour grapes be more to your liking.
@Rodney Boehner Project Veritas BWAHAHAHAHAHA, OMG, BWAHAHAHAHA, What a Meathead, BWAHAHAHAHA.
@BitBuhkit CNN’s rating are so bad that Jim Acosta’s days at CNN are numbered, just like Chris Cuomo, Jeff Zucker, his wh0r*, Brian Stelter, Jeff Toobin, Alison Kosik, Martin Savidge, Alex Field, Mary Ann Fox, Chris Cillizza, etc. The only question is: who’s next? Jim Acosta or Don Lemming? If CNN reported on a tree falling in the woods, would anyone hear it?
@jesse pruit Unfortunately for Klepper, the Jay Leno Street Talk routine stopped being funny a decade ago. Klepper never got the memo. He probably had to go through thousands of hours of interviews to string this pathetic bit together while Libs of Tiktok just post libitards like yourself self-owning themselves all day long without any cherry-picking.
@emmett.francis Hey brah, this Street Talk bit was old and unfunny a decade ago with Jay Leno. You basically have to do thousands of interviews to cherry-pick a few responses from 80 year old ladies with Alzheimers. That’s not funny, unlike Lib of Tik-Tok where thousands of libitards like yourself self-own themselves with idiotic videos every second of the day.
Jordan’s interview with the two elderly women was the craziest thing I’ve heard. ( in the last 12 hours)
@Marty James the fact that they said it is crazy. The fact that they believe it is astounding!!!
Remember what he said about the hunter Biden laptop?
Is CNN teaming up with the daily show? How bad are your ratings? When will the next sale come? How many sales to lose Anderson Cooper? It will still be cnn as long as coop is there …. How long will CNN last??? Lol hahahaha
This is the same guy who said the laptop was fake ??? Qt
The good military and the bad military. I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone in person as ignorant and obviously uneducated as those two women. I’m embarrassed for their families.
@Trump is going to prison Even his buddy, Hannity admitted that he didn’t believe for a minute that the election was stolen.
Love you Jordan Klepper. Stay safe.
(jordan packs *bodyguards*
thank God)
@jorge gonzalez-larramendi YESSSS! Klepper needs a bodyguard and to wear a mask.
These people are probably un-vaccinated and carrying ( disease and guns)
Hopefully his time is soon
Remember what he said about the hunter Biden laptop?
Is CNN teaming up with the daily show? How bad are your ratings? When will the next sale come? How many sales to lose Anderson Cooper? It will still be cnn as long as coop is there …. How long will CNN last??? Lol hahahaha
This is the same guy who said the laptop was fake ??? Qi
All this bizarre moments is because in spite of millions of cases against him he is planning his return, WHAT A SHAME
NO DOUBT!…bob2bobby! Let THIS be an Indicater to ALL Of US, of How “F’ed” Up, WE are Currently, as A Nation……WHILE DUMBDONALD SHOULD BE PLANNING HIS ESCAPE…..HE IS PLANNING HIS RETURN!!!
GOD Help US!!!
No one has ever accused Trump supporters of thinking critically – or being capable of thinking at all.
@kelperdude created what?
@R M Yep. They’ll be crying about some pancake syrup soon.
At least a republican can talk about an issue instead of just making insults and screaming or blowing whistles.
@kelperdude what has happened delusional one?
@Trump is garbage: Really? In what way?
Donnie did say he loves the uneducated . Perfect example.
Remember what he said about the hunter Biden laptop?
Is CNN teaming up with the daily show? How bad are your ratings? When will the next sale come? How many sales to lose Anderson Cooper? It will still be cnn as long as coop is there …. How long will CNN last??? Lol hahahaha
This is the same guy who said the laptop was fake ??? Qo
Afterwards, in a speech to supporters, Trump touted how many different demographic groups he won in Nevada, declaring that “We won the evangelicals. We won with young. We won with old. We won with highly educated. We won with poorly educated,” before exclaiming “I love the poorly educated!”:
ok , it wasn’t exactly but pretty close. And still a lying traitor. stop defending the a hole .
And the undereducated love him!
This is not funny. This is not the uneducated. This is someone who’s clearly experiencing dementia. Shame on you and CNN!
Invitation only means they were probably picked due to the higher possibility of them donating
I’m guessing money received. If there’s one thing tRump and friends know how to do, it’s collect 💰!
as in no rino allowed.
So? Biden just whores his son out for his donations. Your point is what? This year is gonna be fun just watch the meltdowns about to happen. I’m glad your party’s got your comedian our party just watches Biden. Anyone who could support Biden is a joke.
@Linda Decker my point is that Loser 45’s donor base is getting smaller, so he wants to rake in a set amount per dollar spent hustling them
Absolutely am a huge fan of Jordan Klepper, he brings a dry sense of humor to the crazy I call the RepubliCon Party.
He isn’t funny. He is a lame hack, he has writers you know.
I. Call. The. Republican. Party. Corrupt
@ervin johns bot
@Matt Greenlee Jordan cleverly exposes the absurdity, delusion, and ignorance of these MAGA morons! That’s his superpower!
@J.B. MacAdam I never asked what his so called super power is. You people are more cringer than the maga people.
Those interviews are hilarious lol. I mean not for the country but damn those people got some knee slappers!
*These crazy old bags DON’T represent the majority of Republicans. Thanks CNN for picking out the craziest people you could find. Here’s my crazy statement. President Lincoln and the Abolitionists where all Republicans and the Confederates where all Democrats. Try to knock that fact over.*
The lengths people will go to in order to avoid reality.
yeah like watching Fox Entertainment and calling it news
I admire any comedian who is able to hold their tongue and yet still be so cutting. 🗡️
@Carl Jensen You got issues, did you take your meds.
@Jetmir Metaliaj 🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻 with spit.
@Joe Dead balloon boy
*These crazy old bags DON’T represent the majority of Republicans. Thanks CNN for picking out the craziest people you could find. Here’s my crazy statement. President Lincoln and the Abolitionists where all Republicans and the Confederates where all Democrats. Try to knock that fact over.*
@John Slugger No, just the magats that demonstrate their bigotry
Trump saying smaller crowd size is a good thing is the ultimate in shrinkflation
Remember what he said about the hunter Biden laptop?
Is CNN teaming up with the daily show? How bad are your ratings? When will the next sale come? How many sales to lose Anderson Cooper? It will still be cnn as long as coop is there …. How long will CNN last??? Lol hahahaha
This is the same guy who said the laptop was fake ??? Qy
*These crazy old bags DON’T represent the majority of Republicans. Thanks CNN for picking out the craziest people you could find. Here’s my crazy statement. President Lincoln and the Abolitionists where all Republicans and the Confederates where all Democrats. Try to knock that fact over.*
Cause it costs less and Biden won following that method.
Trump likes to win by spending less money
@John Slugger You forgot the fact that the parties switched sides. Try to knock that fact over.
@Robert Well, now you know the laptop is real. What if you took your laptop to get fixed and someone placed a bunch of stuff on it that was false evidence to set you up? How would that make you feel?
Wile E. Coyote never suffered the type of brain injuries these two senior citizens have suffered. But Wile E. never watched 100 hours of fox news a week.
Klepper never fails to entertain! 🙌🏻
Because I like to be entertained and controlled. Put me in my “left” box to fight against the “right box” while the elite fleece me.
@Carl Jensen who would the ‘elite’ be? Seriously.
Those people at the event are the real entertainers. They just don’t know it.
@Carl Jensen As they are fleecing you. 🤣🤣😱🤡🤡🤡🤡
*These crazy old bags DON’T represent the majority of Republicans. Thanks CNN for picking out the craziest people you could find. Here’s my crazy statement. President Lincoln and the Abolitionists where all Republicans and the Confederates where all Democrats. Try to knock that pin over.*
Jordan Klepper is the best at getting people to say what they think.
I love the stunned look on their faces when he fact checks them
@R M
To reason with this type is like reasoning with a rabid dog. Waste of time.
I loooovvve Jordan Klepper. He has a stomach made of steel to be able to speak with MAGots for hours and not flinch or show revulsion. I am so in awe of his interview abilities because I can’t speak to a GOPpy for 1 minute without getting enraged.
*These crazy old bags DON’T represent the majority of Republicans. Thanks CNN for picking out the craziest people you could find. Here’s my crazy statement. President Lincoln and the Abolitionists where all Republicans and the Confederates where all Democrats. Try to knock that fact over.*
@John Slugger I won’t knock that fact over. But look at how the GOPs tanked and the Democrats took the high ground and the ethical path. You poor thing. What a shame you are a GOPPY
Big props to Klepper for being able to stomach those events, I couldn’t.
@Davey Ray like the church?
@Random Internet User I’m putting my faith in Jesus at this point
Because I like to be controlled. Put me in my “left” box to fight against the “right box” while the elite fleece me.
*These crazy old bags DON’T represent the majority of Republicans. Thanks CNN for picking out the craziest people you could find. Here’s my crazy statement. President Lincoln and the Abolitionists where all Republicans and the Confederates where all Democrats. Try to knock that fact over.*
@John Slugger all I know is the middle man called the Illuminati lies to all of us