1. @Yousavedbro Heaven Bound put your tin foil hat back on. You seem to miss where reality stops and paranoid conspiracy fantasy begin. I don’t bother watching your mind control videos – you see, I have many friends who are DOCTORS some that specialize in the field of medicine hardest hit by the corona virus. He sends email out regularly to my congregation keeping us up to date on the latest corona virus news, treatments, where they are in testing both patients and possible cures that are in REAL clinical trials and without naming names he talks about his patients. He calls his hospital corona virus central he talks about a patient he lost the other day, talks about the lack of testing the dead and how most are categorized. The saddest part is the week he spoke of a good friend, another doctor but in the ICU working on the front lines as well. He caught covied from one of his patients, ended up being a patient in his own ICU and died. These doctors I see every religious service on the weekends (well the ones they can make it too of course) .

    2. @Paul Blackburn yaaaa! FREEDOM! How are these people still calling for thing’s that are no longer needed? Jesus help them

    3. @Dean Young the ones that have their tin foil hats on. Are people that believe that men can be women. Are people that are slaves to their home with less than a 1% death rate from a low lethal virus. 99% recovery rate.

      the ones with in tin foil hats are the ones that sit there and treat governor’s like their gods.

      No to 😷⛓️🏚️😥
      Yes to ❣️🙏🏼✝️🙌🏽💪🌞🇺🇲📯🎶🚶

    4. @Yousavedbro Heaven Bound At present, using CDC figures, we have 150,137 people who have recovered and 66,605 dead from the Corona virus. Dividing the dead by the recovered and multiplying by 100 will give you the the death rate as a percentage: 44%. Of the people who have been diagnosed with covid 19, when the virus finally lets you go you have a 56% of living. From my doctor friends, if you need intubation survivability drops to 20%. There are currently 1,148,705 diagnosed with covid 19 and when the virus is done with them, they will end up in one of the two percentages. A look at the world’s numbers as a whole, the death rate is 22%. The original prediction was that the virus has was going to hit us at 6% world wide. I have faith that the 6% is accurate, as it is based in science, it is based one modeling using distribution and offset from previous pandemics to give us the most educated predictions we can. I would go so far to say, that you have no reliable data that can stand up to scrutiny. I am going to guess most of it comes from that idiot the always wrong alex jones and some poorly strung together conspiracy videos. Dr. Carl Sagan came up with what is called his “baloney detection kit” and that would be how anyone should should validate anything from other competing points of view and including their their own point of view – it requires that the evaluations be completely neutral and every theory given the same credibility at the start. ….. good luck with your conspiracy theory fantasy but I know it wont survive Sagan’s tests.

  1. Bingo – so, open up the states with some reasonable social distancing policies (Sweden), while encouraging those most at risk to take any additional safety measures that follow sound guidelines.

    1. and according to trump’s own “virus” team, the death numbers are extremely inflated

    1. @NPC Sixfivefivethreesix Then you fucking MORON you are risking the lives of you family!!!!

      NIMBY= “nobody’s ignorant mind but yours,” would take offense at learning something.

    3. @Bovine One
      Here’s some perspective:
      A year is 12 months
      50, 000 in April alone = over half a million in one year.. but since the death rate so far has grown exponentially , we could see 2 million deaths before herd immunity kicks in.

    4. RJCHOICE – The doubling period has slowed considerably. At at first we were seeing the number of deaths double every week. Now they’re doubling at a rate of 6 weeks. And 6 weeks from now it will be 12 weeks. So no, we won’t see half a million a year from now.

    1. Benjamin Navarro – that won’t work. People have stopped watching CNN and their ratings are consistently achieving record lows but they’re still on. Re-runs of 60 year old Yogi Bear cartoons are scoring higher innthe ratings than CNN.

    2. Yet libtard media is the one dying you ignorant losers.
      I bet you freaks don’t even know that Greg gutfeild just pulled 1 million more views in late night talk than Steven colbert and 3 times more than Jimmy Kimmel.
      You betas are losing on every front.

  2. We will not know where we’re at until we start testing a helluv a lot more than we are now.

    1. @Logic B4Religion 😂😂😂😂. That graph is NOT per capita. We’re 9th in the world with the most deaths per capita. 1. BELGIUM
      2. UK
      3. FRANCE
      AND SO ON
      9. USA

    2. @SouthSide Chicago you do know that’s punishable by law right? To put a fake diagnosis on a death certificate? I don’t know why all these nurse’s and Dr’s are saying their places of employment are committing federal crimes. Why the hell aren’t they turning them over to their states attorney general?

    1. This idiot should just look at the death toll in European countries (particularly Sweden and the Netherlands, where they tried to work smart and protect the vulnerable population) to see what would happen

    2. max smart I’m jealous. I would move to Australia or Canada in a heartbeat. And not because of the payments. But because they believe in taking care of the people in their country.

    3. @Me Crazy La La _”You only need to realize truth, Neo. There is no virus. The only one bending… is you.”_

  3. As long as there is a dishonest mainstream media (with an agenda), I will be voting
    against them in every single election for the remainder of my life.

    1. What is the agenda, when 180 countries are dealing with this virus. Are you serious? Keep blaming the media for something that they had nothing to do with.

    2. After a comet narrowly misses the earth, the relieved people of Springfield burned down and destroyed the observatory so something like this will never happen again.

    3. TheCraftsman Exactly! Fox is nothing but mouthpiece for Trump and a disgrace. Well said 👌👍

  4. Numbers? Can’t trust any of the numbers this corrupt banana nation puts out,more likely China’s is more accurate

    1. Your right, China is some kinda hero that we never knew we needed. Can’t wait for Dems. To take over, or should I say trying as we speak. Please open your mind to what they are doing.☹️

  5. On September 11th, 2001 the whole nation’s attention was with 3,000 souls.

    During covid-19, the whole nation’s attention is with one empty soul.

    Only a malignant narcissist can pull that off.

  6. Already disliked just before he said “don’t misunderstand”. Hasn’t this guy learned his lesson back when he was preaching he would keep behaving as if no virus existed? Do we have to deal with the spurious babble of the likes of Ioannidis now? Did I hear you vaguely mentioning that his methodology is criticized? Do you mean he first wrote articles revealing his bias, predicting 10.000 deaths and then performed research where he chose subjects through targeted facebook ads and private e-mails revealing the purpose of the research was to know “when we can get back to work”, managing to obtain a very balanced sample, primarily of people who participated precisely because they felt sick and wanted to know if they had the virus? Or the fact that they used an antibody test where the false positives alone can account for his amazing findings? Right, great research. If he’s correct, and we overestimated deaths that much, this means that the real prevalence of covid in NY must be between 85 and 125% of the population lol. I know, Trumpists and neoliberal fanatics cannot give up saying this virus is like a flu and we’re making a big deal, but at least be honest: Why don’t you say what you really think? That a few hundreds of thousands of people dying for the economy does not sound that bad to you. I know, that much honesty isn’t good for you, it might be a bit hard to give a scientific tint to your ideological obsessions though when the coffins are piling up in plain view.
    God, this guy’s views and conceit, unfailingly horrible.

    1. Right on, buddy! No one should ever have to die, EVER!!! No even if you’re 83 with diabetes, hypertension and dementia!

    2. Paul Blackburn I know right?!?! My grandpa should so already be dead!!

      American lives aren’t inherently cheap. It’s a valuation that’s made through the priorities of leadership and a trillion stupid comments on the Internet.

    3. @Daisy Unchained Exactly! It’s all tRump’s fault, of course. If Hillary had been elected we would already have a cure for cancer just like Biden has promised us when he’s elected. We need leaders that believe in SCIENCE!! and put people over profits!


  8. Other recent data suggests a new model showing media mouthpieces hanging from lightposts

  9. Are there different strains of covid 19? Maybe the cruise ship was just infected with a relatively benign strain.

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