Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has made freedom his calling card, but some conservatives have become skeptical of how liberally the Republican leader is using government power to impose his will. #CNN #News
Some in GOP worry DeSantis has overstepped against ‘wokeness’

I do wonder how long “woke” is going to work for every single GOP talking point
@Matthew Chick Don’t know why you’re not getting it, there isn’t an ‘everything’ woke, it’s one thing. One. You’re using it in some alternate definition. You can’t make up new definitions for words and expect people to know wtf you’re talking about.
@grant smith Teachers are suppose to teach the children the importance of the pledge of allegiance. But most teachers these days feel like you and hate the country!
Climate change is just a generic term for a changing climate. A once in 500 year storm just proves IT’S HAPPENED BEFORE! And before our industrial age! The climate has always changed. Always will. Solar flares have more effect on climate than humans do.
No Republicans never concluded Russia colluded with Trump. NEVER! That’s a libtard lie that has never been proven! Mueller was just helping James Comey hide the evidence that Hillary and the FBI were trying to set-up Trump to make him look guilty by creating a fake dossier to spy on Trump. There’s many whistle blowers about to come out and testify to Congress about it. Twitter also revealed how Anti-Trump they were at the request of the corrupt FBI l.
@Stacey Cramer I get sick & tired of clueless republicans asking me that, it’s not enough that they took away a woman’s right to her own body, but now they want to monitor girls cycles in school, what happens if she’s late, does she get charged, those Liberty tramps in schools are stripping the rights of kids of color & trans, making sure nothing offends their straight white child, burning books, making up racist dog whistles like CRT which is NOT taught in any grade school. Stripping black history will not hide the truth, People of color are been stripped of their voting rights, republicans in Oklahoma were bragging about how they suppressed the black vote in 2022, republicans are going backwards, they embrace filthy Nazis & support a genocidal Russian coward who slaughters children.
@Stacey Cramer
How does a teacher explain to a 7 year old child what a pledge of allegiance is, when it’s about concepts that a child doesn’t even understand.
If an adult makes it freely, then fair enough
To enforce it on children, is simply indocrination.
How do you know what the majority of teachers think, maybe you are speaking a bit of myth with that one
Yes, a one in 500 year event may have happened before.
But not anually
And not new records of severity, annually.
If you don’t notice the unusual nature of fatal wold fires in mid winter, then maybe you should pay closer attention to what’s happening outside your computer room.
The republican majority senate did find evidence of Russian collusion, which you could find proof of easy enough.
Of course it wasn’t made known on Fox entertainment, by Hannity or Carlson though, it wouid destroy their narrative
@Stacey Cramer
Also, our discussion is on indocrination of children.
You notice how 7 year olds can’t enter into a legally binding contract?
Because you need to be able to understand something before you can make a responsible decision
No other democratic nation requires children to make a pledge of allegiance.
You know who does though?
Mainland China and North Korea both do that
They do different $#!+, what they say. I don’t really believe what they say anymore. Never.
@Robert Plant Ron De Sanctimonious using Venezuelan refugees as Xenophobic racist polical pons was very hateful and exploitive also.
@Robert Plant Republikkklans politicize everything scapegoat hate everybody but solve absolutely nothing.
Are you speaking about all politicians or just the Red ones ??? I would agree if you are speaking about all.
@Dedrick Lucious DeLyingass
And now you understand never vote for a Republican irregardless of who they are.
Nothing says “we are grooming children” quite like trotting them out and using them as political props. It’s horrifying to see children being traumatized in real time.
@tishwitch theres an article from the nypost about it when you type in kids taken to drag shows. You knownits happening. You’re playing ignorant and most likely are a p3d0 yourself. There’s endless videos online where kids are at inappropriate drag shows. GMA did a segment where a 12 year old kid named Desmond is amazing was starring at a drag show with grown men tipping his money for dancing. You know kids are being exposed to too much, you just like it and playing ignorant
@LotsOfFun Desantis wants his version of blk history taught in Florida. There are reports when Desantis taught about the civil war at The Darlington School in Florida he MISREPRESENTED the reasons why the war took place.
@LotsOfFun 1. why?
2. where are there drag queens in what public schools?
3. what are they doing that’s so wrong HMMM?
note well fascist. your OPINIONS, or BELIEFS aren’t facts, how you live is up to you, seems no one ever taught you to keep your nose out of other peoples business you control freak.
These people think they can pass of Nazi propaganda as normal
“ we’re just protecting kids” stuff look at that picture guy has all white kids up there while he’s signing Into law a bill that stops something for other kids. That’s classic 1930’s nazi crap it just is.
@SLJShortt 🤣 he isn’t just blurting random things out go look up Sam Brinton…🤣 it must hurt real bad being so dumb
Says alot about the type of people who can get into “Ivy” league schools.
How is social security considered an entitlement when we pay into it? That’s my money.
@Nome Easton well you can float a spy balloon over the entire country so they are failing even at that
So far now two people have misunderstood what the word “entitlement” means. They seem to think that it means a handout which the recipient has done nothing to earn. But that is the exact opposite of the meaning of the term.
Entitlement means something to which you are entitled, it belongs to you, you’ve earned it.
@1 cleanshot
Social Security IS voluntary. You don’t have to pay into it. Just don’t get a job. Sponge off your parents/family, or live on the streets and panhandle.
But if you choose to get an actual job, paying into Social Security is a necessary component of that.
@P. SS is not an investment it is insurance and there when need it, or you reach an age to collect you’ll get back in your wonder years republicans only want the money collected out of your pay check to give to the top 1% and the money collected out of your check will never stop coming out that’s why republicans want to rob you of a better future
It is not about “popularity”…..it’s about survival for a large proportion of the retired and elderly, who only have these programs to rely on.
Exactly. I don’t know who in the mainstream media got the word “popular” but they need to replace it. There is zero other income for most seniors esp those who worked in the low-wage workforce for decades.
#SocialSecurity was proposed by Labor Secretary Frances Perkins, who was inspired to help seniors, during discussions with other FDR administration officials who attended Mass with her. It comes from Christian conviction that the poor come first in the Kingdom of God and that Kingdom starts here and now.
@Smokin’Politics I tend to agree with republicans on a few things wokeness, the border and WHEN they backed the blue (they no longer do).
These issues are microscopic in comparison though for what maga stands for like out right fascism and secession. In fact the calls for secession are growing louder now, you’re traitors.
@Smokin’Politicswhat , the truth , history and reality ?
@Smokin’Politics THe right are rewriting history books and banning library books. They want armed guards in schools and arrest teachers who don’t comply to their “rules”. This offends me to the core of my being. We will fight you at every turn. You do not have right to tell people what is “correct”
@Smokin’Politics Do you honestly believe that foolishness. Tell God about it, because Man can’t help you. ♥
Well it was not a choice to pay in, the government has taken it out of every payment sine I have been working. The question is what have they done with the money? You want to do away with the program, then treat it like a store credit card, pay every cent back out x 26% interest rate, from payment one.
He sounds like a dictator who is making his narrow point of view the rule of law. Scary.
We do not FEEL like we earned social security, we KNOW we earned it! 🤬
@Smokin’Politics I paid into SS for over 70 years. So yeah I earned it. Also have 401 and pension. Wasn’t stupid. I paid taxes probably longer than you’ve been alive. SS is supposed to be an insurance to have when your older . Retirement age can be increased to 70 . Also employers can encourage their employees to invest in other savings. I really can’t see any politician in republican party that has any intelligence. All I see is racism , bigotry and selfishness.
@Colleen Porter you got conned buddy… there’s no more money left to give.. you were dupped… bamboozled… hoodwinked… you gave up your money… the politicians spent it out their arsecheeks… and now there is nothing for us anymore… 31 TRILLION in debt… that’s what you’ve earned… your garbage.
@Smokin’Politics theft? every pay check you received in your working life takes a certain amount of money to be in the social security and medicare for when you become old. Is that what you mean by theft? Tell that to the old ladies who live (barely) on that SS they paid into for years, or their husband did, and depend on it for their very existence. I do not see it as theft to take care of fellow Americans If you are so rich you don’t need it, well goodie for you. I hope you spend your excess wisely in helping others.
@carla carnegie I invest my own money because I’m not an idiot who trusts someone else to do it for me like you do… I make 1000%+ trading because I understand economics and the psychology of the masses… it’s not that difficult.
@Smokin’Politics america pays the least amount of taxes than any other first world developed nation
Considering the amount of elderly in his own state I wonder how that went over with them.
They are his koolaid drinking voters.
the age distribution is fairly even at around 20% for 5 age groups between 5yrs to 65+yrs……..
The elderly in Florida are nothing but red hat MAGA Trump cult members who only watch Fox News Russian propaganda so they have zero clue about reality.
DeSantis said nothing about stopping SS. That was Nikki Haley, and it’s been discussed by both parties for 30 years or more.
“You have what you have in some districts because of work policies.”
DeSantis is going to have to do better than that on his messaging nationally if he wants the White House. I don’t even know what the hell that is supposed to mean.
Every sentence spoken by DeSantis; a noun, a verb and “woke”.
Every DeSantis speech now: “A noun, a verb and wokeness!”
@S T how does it feel to follow a man that hates Disney?
Eggs are $7 a dozen energy rates are the highest ever homeless in every city and they are sending tax payer money 💰 to Ukraine & NOT A DOLLAR TO HELP THE PEOPLE WHO’S MONEY IT IS!!! WE SHOULD ALL BE SPEAKING 🔊 OUT💯 POST ON YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA WE ALL SHOULD BE ON THE SAME PAGE ON THIS ONE SIMPLE ✅️
And they can’t nail down a definition of “woke”, ask a 1000 maga goofs, get 100,000 answers…. 99% of the time it’s whatever the Fox dumb 3 said the night before
@Damone Johnson
Don’t dare mention baked good prices, 75% of the worlds wheat comes from Ukraine, not that other democracies matter, you clowns willing torch our own without realizing it🖕🏻
Let’s be real Florida is a place where people go for their end days, to me it’s a morbid place where people are want to close their eyes and relive their past happiness but the rest of the country wakes up vibrant and excited about tomorrow
De Santis is the definition of “Woke”. I love how he uses the word “woke” as an undefined marker of something no one wants, leaving you to define its meaning in any derogatory sense you choose.
His own “wokeness” is encompassed in the ignorance he shows in human and evolutionary sexuality, American slavery history, educational goals, abortion and pandemic health. I think De Santis is the definition of “woke”. He holds unsubstantiated beliefs and views on all the above areas with no evidence or valid arguments produced to support those views. Every viewpoint is based upon logical fallacies. By not presenting logical arguments, he is treating Floridians as imbeciles. De Santis is dishonest. He needs to be accountable.
The way he’s going, FL colleges might lose accreditation.
Harping on wokeness is easy. It shows that DeSantis has a pretty small bag of solutions.
Reminds me of that movie ‘Pleasantville’ lol. You can’t succeed in this world when living in a bubble. Director Gary Ross said that this movie is about the fact that personal repression gives rise to larger political oppression… That when we’re afraid of certain things in ourselves or we’re afraid of change, we project those fears on to other things, and a lot of very ugly social situations can develop.
Ron DeSantis is hands down the greatest Governor in America and you know it
He might be popular in Florida, but that’s because a lot of terrible people live in Florida because it is a bastion for those people. Outside of Florida, with the extreme difference in the number of terrible people, he is extremely unpopular.
It’s not possible to “overstep” against wokeness.