Southern Florida Opened Too Quickly, Says Miami Gardens Mayor | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Oliver Gilbert III, Mayor of Miami Gardens, discusses Florida's coronavirus infection rate, Miami as nearing the new virus hot spot and why he says the southern part of the state opened 'too quickly'. Aired on 7/15/2020.
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Southern Florida Opened Too Quickly, Says Miami Gardens Mayor | Morning Joe | MSNBC


  1. Have you ever heard a single one of the trumpublican clowns take responsibility for their mistakes?
    Of course you havent. This party does not take responsibility for anything. They only take your money and lives.

    1. @Crystal Giddens The virus doesn’t know any difference of who it attacks,or don’t you know that?…Nooo,you don’t .

  2. My mom got the virus she says if she dies, Her blood will be in Trump’s hands. Please for christ’s sake Vote Him Out

    1. @Wiebe Stuive and you think that’s a good idea? Why not instead telling him, he has a disgusting language? As I called you Ignorant, cause that was what came to my mind when I read your words. And looking at the lovely things in music you care for, I could not place your words with the beautyful music.

    2. @Kirsten Grau I tried, but he is beyond redemption. He posts his hateful comments all over Youtube and he does so for a long time. If I can make it less pleasant for him to post such a comment, I wont’t stop. I’m a pretty tolerant guy, but I’m intolerant towards intolerance.

    3. @Wiebe Stuive We speak the same language, Wiebe. I understand you. But I feel that – when I discover it – when a person is beyond educational reach,I wish them a nice life. But sometimes, I get the feeling you have. Stay Safe, Wiebe Stuive <3 Love from Denmark

  3. It’s sad but the deaths have just started down there, now the numbers will mount, please wear a mask !

    1. @Tyeler Nowell This troll’s personas do have an enormous problem, and that’s aside from fearful homophobia.

    2. @P H oh I know. Every chance I get I mock him for being ridiculous as should be done. We have no place for people stuck on stupid and frankly old ideas.

    3. And goggles too. The virus can get your through the eyes because your eyes are connect to your throat via ducts.

    4. @William H Billy’s back! Ummmmm…are you suggesting that you will get sick from your own germs?

    1. @Jo Zippy that does’nt make another bad equal 1good. But it seem to me, that you HAVE to blame others. But I’ve never heard a pRESIDENT like the one who’s now glued to a chair in the oval room, so indescribably stupid to listen to. I would like to ask you. Do you use the same words about your friends, co-workers,disabled people, neighbors or others like we hear from your leader? Would you let your children, grandchildren use the same disgusting language? How will you think, if others used the disgusting language to you? Where were you, when – as you tell me – theer was tampand crime and murders in cities run by democrats for decades? Did you go protest? or did you do nothing?

    2. @Don Williams You do know, Trump was aware of the virus months before and did nothing for American’s. He’s had every chance to enact the wars act to help Americans and businesses fighting this virus, BUT REFUSES TO DO SO. Even today he and his administration are criticizing Dr. Fauci who knows MUCH more then they do, yet you want to defend this man who’s killing people. Wow.

    1. @Paolo Curradini As I clearly already asked, quote what I “missed.” Instead all you say is “read the paper.” I read the abstract which clearly states: – *Many actions, such as closing schools and restricting populations to their homes, impose large and visible costs on society, “but their benefits cannot be directly observed..”* So you expect folks to read an entire paper that states upfront it cannot confirm its “presumptions” and even at that it still needs to be peer reviewed? Either quote directly what I missed or *MUZZLE UP YOU!*

    2. @Paolo Curradini the paper does not say “we determined or we concluded or we verified or we know etc.” All it says is “we expect…” That is NOT even scientific. Kinda like the north pole being melted by the year 2000. Guess what? Didn’t happen!

    3. @Crystal Giddens The paper says: “We find that anti-contagion policies have significantly and substantially slowed this growth. Some policies have different impacts on different populations, but we obtain consistent evidence that the policy packages now deployed are achieving large, beneficial, and measurable health outcomes.” And that’s just the abstract (summary), the full PDF has all the details, while methods and sources are available separately. This paper has been peer reviewed and published in one of the most prestigious scientific journals of the planet. Sure sounds more credible to me than a random person throwing out unsourced facts and silly videos on YouTube, but hey, everyone is free to judge for him or herself and decide who to believe.

    4. @Crystal Giddens right after “but their benefits cannot be directly observed” it says “and are currently understood only through process-based simulations”, the paper then explains how they collected the data and processed it… you may not be able to understand the scientific language, in that case, ask a neutral person with a minimal amount of background to help you out (even just a high school science teacher)… for instance, you seem to think that “estimate” means “guess”, this is not at all the case, their conclusions are estimates in a mathematical sense only, not logically speaking…. “we estimate” is the same as “we therefore conclude” in this context

    5. ​@Crystal Giddens No public policy ever leads to directly observable results. Why do nations provide things like police departments, schools or hospitals, even though we can not directly observe their societal benefits? Because they are deemed useful based on all sorts of calculations and statistics. The same kind of analysis has to be applied to pandemic mitigation policies. You can basically ever only observe results directly in the confines of a lab or under the simplest of conditions. As soon as there is some complexity involved, we have to employ indirect methods of observation.

  4. Trump’s political base is comprised of a mutant form of humanity that is as ignorant as Trump himself.

    1. It will be on the asshat in office’s bloody hands–….And we WILL! Hope your mother gets better and recovers! #staysafe

    2. @Jo Zippy Destroying statues is far better than Trump’s crusade to destroy humanity, Zippy.

    3. Ah yes Species Trumplodyte Moronicus Idioticus(ding), a most crude and unsophisticated creature that when not sharing their single unified brain cell to believe in any old bollocks like to spend it times painting ochre pictures on it’s walls and slinging it’s poop about. It is thought than one day the Trumplodytes will learn the secret of fire if they just keep banging them rocks together.

    4. Trump has commuted or pardoned about 16.

      Obama gave about 1,700 pardons. The most of any US President. And many to violent criminals who are back in prison again. Or to those who stole state secrets.

    5. @Grace Evans
      Yeah but who were given pardons, did Obama give a pardon to a war criminal like Trumpenstein’s orange monster for example? Also did he every sack anyone of the investigators investigating him? I seem to recall multiple investigations into Obama, funny it almost seems like a difference in standards at play.

  5. Trump has failed Americans in so many ways this will go down in the history books, and ppl will shake their heads in shock.

    1. @Crystal Giddens could you inlighten us with these articles and informations please? ( you just name Dr. Fauci, but not the Nobel Prize-winner) I would also like you to name – just some – of the THOUSANDS of doctors?

    2. Yousavedbro Heaven Bound You don’t know Jesus…and sadly you won’t be going in the direction you think after death.

    3. @Matt Thompson Black Lives Matter showed up in a “Democrat City” and “Peacefully shot a baby” (Using a silencer?)
      Can you please pass along some documentation? I missed this story. It’s been a busy week. Thanks.

  6. A least he’s being honest about opening to fast. You can’t get Trump to admit to anything.

    1. Perhaps it was the BLM protesters and the mobs destroying statues. Blame the vandals and the mobs for the spread.

    2. @Darrell Williams Perhaps it was the BLM protesters and the mobs destroying statues. Blame the vandals and the mobs for the spread.

    3. @Jo Zippy they are not i charge of the WH. Get real, and get wise.. It sometimes helps reading a book I’ve heard

  7. New Zealand is clean and open, because they have a Prime Minister Who cares about her people and has the Balls to attack this head on and HONESTLY.

    1. vincent james : I live in NZ and while we are an island nation we did have hundreds of international flights a week plus many cruise ships etc. The decision was made to pretty much halt the lot for initially a month but extended if needed. The message was communicated well and politicians from all sides were onboard. Sure, there were and have been criticisms, and who knows what will happen now that we have a new normal? Personally I think there have been too many mixed messages in the US and political preferences have overridden any possibility of the ‘go hard…go early’ scenario we had here.

    2. @Jo Zippy there were BLM protests all over the world, but none of those countries saw an increase in cases

    3. @Dean Romanado So there were protests in Beijing? In Cairo? No, just a few protests in London and a day or two in Berlin. What happens with mass immigration.

  8. Kids with asthma seems to be much more likely in these days than it was for their parents. Given how this virus impacts lungs, I seriously doubt it is a “minimal” risk.

    1. @Don Williams
      There weren’t millions of deaths because some countries acted quickly, but this is early days, the US death toll is rising, it already has 25% of the deaths in the world, we have Africa yet to be fully hit, Mexico is ruled by a Trump clone and their death toll is rising. Texas and Florida have had to close down again.
      You can be as sceptical as you like but this pandemic is real, and the US governments response has been wholly inadequate.

    2. @Wordavee1 and as has been proven for months now those effected by this are the elderly and weak immune system. No different than during the Flu season, which runs from Nov till end of March. Now during this Fakedemic those same deaths during flu season is going into the Wuhan deaths. If the Media and others would actually report on ONLY COVID DEATHS the numbers would be minimal. And again a question asked over and over, WHY, if this is so deadly as quacks like are on MSNBC or CNN say, then why are their not a few MILLION dead worldwide? You can’t say..OH MASK.. Because not 1 single country had every single person wearing a mask for several weeks to STOP the virus.

    3. @Don Williams China. Everyone has been wearing a mask for months. You can be fined and arrested if you are out in public without a mask. You are bared entry in to shops and public transport without a mask.

  9. How is a teacher going to teach if they spend most of there time telling children to put their mask back on?

    1. @Brionna D It would be easy to reopen school if they tested everyone and knew who had this Trump virus right

    2. Trump is trying to use this Trump virus to take money from our public schools and give it to private Bible beater schools and for profit schools
      Betsy Devoss people

    1. There’s one Russian agent who’s done a great job in dividing this nation, and his name is trump

    2. Betty Anne Wilkinson you are so right. I’ve been doing that. If we all report and ignore they will be dead in the water.

  10. A governor who resisted attempts to close and then hastened to reopen=death to many Floridians.
    Blood on his hands and of course on Trump.

    1. The CDC head, Dr. Robert Redfield said the reason for spike is directly correlated to the numbers of Northerners who travelled south over Memorial Day weekend. Northerners from places like NY heavily COVID infected.

      Two weeks later the spike in the south occurred.

  11. Under these conditions, schools will just be babysitting not teaching. When teachers, bus drivers, support staff all get sick, then what? Instead of 30 kids, 60 kids in a room? Yeah that’ll work. #VOTEBLUE

    1. Good point! Im a teacher here in Houston currently at home recovering from Covid 19. I am an otherwise healthy, fit man with no underlying health conditions. However, this virus made me very sick. Going back on campus for face to face instruction makes me nervous, and people think its all a joke or hoax. Trust me, its not!!

  12. Desantis takes orders from the president, neither of them have any medical experience and should be arrested for giving advise.

    1. Jo Zippy Desantis fired the person that we pay to give us truthful numbers. Listen he said he would protect Florida kids from school shootings, but wants to open schools which would result in more deaths than all school shootings to this day.

  13. Florida- under the thumb of DESANTIS- an American Hillbillie, Science illiterate, and Climate Denialists- rendered
    enfeebled by the culture of the trump cult.

    1. That’s Florida man for ya, previous cave man evolutions moved their societies forward but for some reason Florida man has devolved into idiocy and is known for it’s self destructive behaviour patterns.

    2. Sorry Trumpers, The Donald is now and always has been a failure at everything he has done. 6 bankruptcies is not the sign of a good leader and over 130,000. deaths makes him a competent mass murderer but a failure to protect the people of this country.

  14. Has not anyone heard of how covid attacks children?? that their bodies swell and in worse case they can’t breath?? this is not about politics, its about lives

    1. @Jo Zippy Yeah Zippy, it started there. What a bizarre statement. If/when Texas or Florida or Arizona approach those numbers…what does that say? The numbers are going down in New York but rising, quickly, in those other states….who saw it coming and denied it or just could not or would not hold the line until things cleared up. They have blood on their hands.

    2. @Kevin D. Herlihy No, Cuomo has blood on his hands. Democrats have blood on their hands. Their nusing home policies have caused thousands of deaths. You conviently left California out of the cases with numbers up-I wonder why. Ha ha-it’s all politics.

    3. @Kevin D. Herlihy And 32,000 died in NY-Florida with a similar popultation has no where near that number, Texas has even a greater population. Stop being a shill for the democrats. Democrats have completely run Chicago, Atlanta, Baltimore, Minneapolis for generations. How they doing? Haha.

    4. Democrats have run Baltimore, Chicago, Minneapolis, Atlanta, etc. for generations. How’s that going? Haha.

  15. The whole U.S.A. opened too early due to Trump worried about the election..then the puppet DeSantis wimped out n opened way too early obviously ..look around…

    1. He rolled the dice during Spring Break when the coastal towns screamed about the money they would be losing.

      Snake eyes.

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