SUV plows through cafe window in Texas, captured on YouTuber’s podcast | USA TODAY

Houston police said the Chevrolet Tahoe had run a red light, and struck a Ford Escape before crashing into the Tout Suite cafe.

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#caughtoncamera #SUV #texas


  1. Homeless people are the true heroes of our time.

    Homeless people are not to be blamed for crime and this is why. You can become homeless for many reasons including flood, fire, earthquakes and world epidemics. You can also become homeless because the company you work for moves to another state. Once you become homeless you have to fend for yourself against drug dealers, murderers, and bullies. In some states you get criminalized for homelessness (Tennessee and New York) and can be sent to a mental hospital or prison for committing a Homeless felony (homeless camping). Homeless people are also tortured beyond belief. The law denies them sleep and the human right to empty their bowels which is not under human control. Over time it results in the worst self-esteem problems you can imagine. Your body and feelings start blaming who you are for living and smelling like human waste. The Constitution does not protect homeless people against the ills of society, greed can go free homelessness cannot. To be hated in the law when you have done nothing wrong not only kills God it is a psychological tombstone that destroys natural feelings with mother nature. Dying without hope and being tortured while alive is what makes homelessness the heroes of our time. Homeless people are the true victims of a society that puts money over God. Even in slavery people will take care of their possessions. Nobody owns homelessness except for a belief system that says people can go expendable believing that greed is good and should stay protected at all costs. Even churches are in on the act buying airplanes with the money they make selling the spirit of Jesus.

    PS. I don’t care what anybody says, I think our system of checks and balances (norms and mores) has gone queer in Mother Nature’s Spirit living a life that is over $300 trillion in debt. Astronomers have determined that our universe is only 13.7 billion years old. Today reality is being held hostage by a handful of people who have already accepted a queerness in their thinking….The megarich are now claiming they own the money to the world because they have more of it. Their logic is $300 trillion in debt. Maybe they should go looking for a Jesus who believes truth is a reality checker in life and not the one that loves living on Billionaires Row in their own alternative facts of death.

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