They own the trademark ‘White Lives Matter.’ Hear their message to Ye

Ramses Ja and Quinton Ward, hosts of the weekly racial justice radio show Civic Cipher, are the legal owners of the "White Lives Matter" trademark for its use on clothing. They join CNN's Laura Coates and Alisyn Camerota to talk about the controversy of Kanye West wearing a t-shirt with that phrase. #CNN #News


    1. BLM’s fraud and terrorism that appeared = No one cares
      Someone says WLM to expose BLM and balance things out = You praise the censorship.

    2. @Chucks Grace basically sum billion dollar “listener” frm CNN has put this battery in their back & “gave” them the trademark, set them up with lawyers 2 advise them…basically CNN is using these 3 blk faces to push their agenda per usual…this time the is narrative is that blks are against Kanye & WLM same ish different day… they gon always throw a black face on it tho smh…

  1. Ha, genius! Thank you guys & the anonymous donor for your amazing foresight, for pre-empting & unwiring this absurd supremacy land mine before it could be detonated, & bringing much joy & hilarity to all!

    1. @Kim Il Sung The First I’m not surprise that the avg CNN viewer is falling for an obvious marketing stunt

    2. @Belly Dancer Em That isn’t how trademarks work. Maybe you (and these bozos) should read up on that. “Registering” a trademark isn’t just claiming ownership of a phrase, it’s registering a trademark, that you already have legal ownership of, with the United States Patent and Trademark Office. You can legally own a trademark and sue for trademark infringement, without ever registering it. These guys have no legal ownership of that trademark, they simply paid a fee, and applied for the trademark registration. The instant they ever try to sue to someone for trademark infringement, the case will get thrown out, along with their “registered trademark.”

    3. @Kim Il Sung The First 😅 Yeah, they all didn’t reply to me either. Debating these people is almost like fighting kittens.

  2. Black lives matter literally means “black lives matter also/too”! It doesn’t mean black lives matter “exclusively!

    1. @choctaw11z  ironic given your user name that you aren’t offended by how BLM obliterated the discussion of police misconduct and brutality in Native communities. It has also done the same for white communities(these issues align more with class than race, tho Natives are a special case). In my mind BLM has been a huge impediment to police accountability and reform.

    2. BLM has been such an impediment to police reform that after the 2020 protests hundreds of police departments……………….. reformed 🤣

    1. @Unit nippy nips • 105 years ago __________________ lyrical? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 he doesn’t even write his own rhymes!

    2. @Unit nippy nips • 105 years ago __________________ . Sales do not make a musical genius. 😒 Stevie Wonder is a musical genuis. Now way Kayne is in the same league as Stevie Wonder!

  3. Absolutely a great move by the anonymous person to get the trademark and it could not have been put in better hands and in control of Ramses Ja and Quinton Ward. Well done and well conveyed.

    1. @Eduardo Perez except they did and the trademark was granted. looks like you’re the one who have no business having a stupid opinion on it.

    2. @crazirecluse2 basically sum billion dollar “listener” frm CNN has put this battery in their back & “gave” them the trademark, set them up with lawyers 2 advise them…basically CNN is using these 3 blk faces to push their agenda per usual…this time the is narrative is that blks are against Kanye & WLM same ish different day… they gon always throw a black face on it tho smh…

    1. @Belly Dancer Em Thats called reiterating, I don’t need to create personalized messages for every poorly informed viewer in this comment section

    2. Soooo  basically sum billion dollar “listener” frm CNN has put this battery in their back & “gave” them the trademark, set them up with lawyers 2 advise them…basically CNN is using these 3 blk faces to push their agenda per usual…this time the is narrative is that blks are against Kanye & WLM same ish different day… they gon always throw a black face on it tho smh…

  4. 3:22 If someone is walking around dressed like that, with all that other nasty stuff, then what does it matter if they have this one extra thing or not? Even if you prevent them from having an officially-sold shirt with this, they’ll just wear an unofficial one or with another nasty phrase. Realistically, practically, this accomplishes nothing. At most, it’s symbolic, but I doubt that will accomplish much either, people tend not to care about symbolism and do what they want anyway. 🤷

    1. It’s because the hosts are just here to profit off this stunt. If this helps no one, look at who this really helps

    2. @Dark Knight False, they’d only be liable if they used it to make a profit, for example selling merch with that phrase on it. This video and other like it are so misleading. And the fact that y’all are praising this nonsense is mind boggling, literally infringing on people’s freedom of speech simply because you don’t agree with it. Welcome to the beginning of a socialist/communist society.

    3. @Emily Stewart I understand patent law; but they are trying to prevent people from capitalizing on it. Didn’t think I had to go into detail. Clearly you are not a lawyer or you would never assumed that I was supporting this nor would this constitute a infringement on free speech; since that only limits government persecution of it. Not private citizens from consequences from their actions.

  5. This is insanely brilliant. This is where we should all be putting our time and energy. This is how you get stuff done. You don’t ask for society’s permission. You take action, asking NO ONE’S permission to free you from oppression. Big ups, Fellas!

    1. @Russell Snodgrass . You are correct. They mostly certainly can Trademark, White Lives Matter. Someone else already had the Trademark and licensed it to them. So, it is already Trademarked. The people in this thread who are saying otherwise are trolls!

    2. CDubb,
      BLM is under investigation for fraud and tax evasion. All they accomplished was to push the narrative with their own theft that my community can not run a legitimate charity with out criminality 👎🏿👎🏿👎🏿👎🏿

    3. @M B The one who uses it in commerce can trademark it. Not just anyone. Unless these two clowns wanna start selling same T-shirts too. 🤣

  6. It’s not like copyright where they keep it, they have to continuously defend their trademark, and their trademark could be questioned by the office, and probably removed.

    1. @Curt J No. Read about how trademarks work. The trademark will get thrown out the second anyone challenges it in court.

  7. Attention: I have just trademarked every word in the dictionary and every known phrase.
    Anyone who wants to use any word in the dictionary or any known phrase has to get my express written permission or I will sue you into oblivion.

  8. Way to go! I support your cause and I am inspired to get involved. Yea, more people can use this example of diplomacy and how best it may be effective in the battle for equality and ending racism and hatred!

  9. Love what these guys are doing with the opportunity their listener gave them! I will be looking for their work on the different platforms. Much respect! ✌️😎
    #BlueWave🌊 #Democracy

  10. Absolutely brilliant! A few years back on FB, when the WS began chanting that, I mentioned to a poster that BLM should trademark the slogan, in case they try to profit off it. I guess those men read it and followed up. LoL. I so love this! 🤣🤣🤣

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