CNN Chief Law Enforcement and Intelligence Analyst, John Miller, discusses the meticulous steps taken to apprehend the 21-year-old air guardsman accused of leaking Pentagon documents and sheds light on the possible ways he could have gained access to such sensitive information. #CNN #News
This is how authorities were able to identify the Pentagon leak suspect

Prayers for that Momma. All her hard work…
Kids do the darndest things these days.
It doesn’t matter what’s going on in the world. The main problem is that slavery has never left and still here in a different way by us being born with a number go to school to learn to be a slave in a good way and force to work in order to make a living for the rest of our life only for most of it to take most of it out our check to make us keep working til the day you pass away. If that’s not human slavery/prostitution/human trafficking,I don’t know what is lol. Until we all come together and say enough is enough with human slavery and do something about it,get back to school/work slave!
Well, like they say, go big or go home I guess he went big but he’s not going home
So there are thousands of young persons having access to these documents? Not a very assuring thought.
It doesn’t matter what’s going on in the world. The main problem is that slavery has never left and still here in a different way by us being born with a number go to school to learn to be a slave in a good way and force to work in order to make a living for the rest of our life only for most of it to take most of it out our check to make us keep working til the day you pass away. If that’s not human slavery/prostitution/human trafficking,I don’t know what is lol. Until we all come together and say enough is enough with human slavery and do something about it,get back to school/work slave!
Good job.🤣How long did it take them to catch him?🤣The whole world knows now.
NIH quote: “The brain finishes developing and maturing in the mid-to-late 20s. The part of the brain behind the forehead, called the prefrontal cortex, is one of the last parts to mature. This area is responsible for skills like planning, prioritizing, and making good decisions.”
If this is true it would seem like a good idea to not let anyone under that age ever have access to such information.
agreed. there is a reason insurance on a vehicle is unaffordable under 25.
It doesn’t matter what’s going on in the world. The main problem is that slavery has never left and still here in a different way by us being born with a number go to school to learn to be a slave in a good way and force to work in order to make a living for the rest of our life only for most of it to take most of it out our check to make us keep working til the day you pass away. If that’s not human slavery/prostitution/human trafficking,I don’t know what is lol. Until we all come together and say enough is enough with human slavery and do something about it,get back to school/work slave!
@HelloUnedjucatedSnowflakes a person can work all day baking loaves of bread just to take home enough money to buy a slice.
I wonder how developed the brain is when it fights in a war and dies? or when it decides to join the SEALS and successfully completes the training or, how it reacts to finally begins to operate the most sophisticated nuclear propulsion engine on a US Navy ship. Most of the Military are young like the guy who leaked docs I dont think you understand military training.
Another thing that called my attention about Teixeira is that apparently he doesn’t know his own roots. The Post said that there was a video of him in a shooting range where he spilled some epithets about black and jews. So, mini history lesson here. There are a lot of Portuguese people living in Mass and Rhode Island and they come from The Azores.
The Portuguese that colonized the Azores Island (Blue Islands) in the middle of The Atlantic about 1,400 Km West from Lisbon came from the Algarve and Alentejo regions of Portugal. As the name of those regions indicate most words in Spanish and Portuguese that start with an “A” or “Al” are from Arabic origin. The North Africans conquered the Iberian Peninsula in the VIII century and remained there until 1492 when they were expelled by the Spanish Queen and King. Not sure if they ever left Portugal.
The Arabs mixed with the local population in those 800 years. Think about the US, as a country we’re only over 200 years old the people mingle and breed. The Irish with the Italians, someone else with Cubans and Mexican, or Vietnamese, etc… the population is not 100% homogeneous as some would like it to be.
So, the chances that he has African blood are pretty good. After 1420 there were other populations from the North of France, Flanders, Arabs, Jews, and Genoveses that colonized those 9 islands as well. Just because he’s fair skin doesn’t mean that he is Arian or Caucasian. Therefore, it is embarrassing to see young people being racist toward their own people out of blatant ignorance. Your roots go deeper than your skin color today.
Thank you for posting that. Very informative and something we all need to think about.
Speaking of Rhode Island and those darn “Portuguese”, Wasn’t Newport a main port for the trans Atlantic Slave Trade? Isn’t the Nations oldest Synagogue also in Newport?
sounds like you believe everything you hear………..
Tell that to Kanye West PLEASE 😂😂😂
Since he took the docs as a member of the military can he be tried by Court Martial. If so, are the criminal penalties different?
this guy is 21 years old… not even old enough to have a Bachelor’s degree and barely old enough to order a drink at a bar. blows my mind he was given such sweeping access to sensitive information.
The information was too important just some truth that goes against the narrative
rubbish……..most of them in the military are that age and they go off to war, fight, and die, they can handle a security clearance at that level. You should probably understand our military more.
I worked security in an organization and agree these network guys and system administrators have wide-spread access, which they need. What is lacking, is the ability to encrypt items on the system. Not just documents, but all items. For the most part, system people have no need to see the content, only the item packet. For that matter, password access is also widely available to these guys. These are mainly guys who have large egos. Policing themselves would be unthinkable. It’s not surprising he’s young and involved in a gamer group. What surprises me are the system controls are so lax he was able to leave the building with documents stuffed in his pockets. If he’s doing it, there have to be others for more lucrative reasons. They’re probably on hold now, hunkered down.
Wow, finally someone speaks truth. There’s only one way to incur a cost on any kind of information (thus, being able to protect it), and it’s with cryptography. It’s surprising that we live in the information age, and cryptography is not as ubiquitous as it should be..especially throughout gov’t.
You could probably even use public/private key encryption from like 50 years ago. Like, how hard it is to require people to retain a private key to decrypt information they want to read, and track the data they checked-out by counting how many times the user’s public key had to be used to send them something. Society has had solutions (and even implementations) to these problems for a long time or (at least since ’99). We just need people to be aware and use it.
With regards to it mainly being people who exercise their large egos, I don’t think that’s always the case. Of course, asking someone to police themselves can’t work without knowing their value system..and nobody wants privileges taken away from them as you say, but in general many systems are broken because of their complexity, and as such they evolved from their original design due to the requirements of its users and their need for simplicity. Trust and basic risk mitigation is something we all should be familiar with, and should be considered when designing controls that make up a system.
If the media likes what is being leaked, it focuses on the contents of the leak. If the media doesn’t like what is being leaked, then they focus on the leaker.
When I was in the Marines, I had a high level clearance as an Analyst. Only way to access high level data was in a secured vault that intel personnel worked in. There was basically no way to get that data out from the closed network. You’re being watched the whole time. And if you were brave enough to sneak in a flash drive, say bye bye to your clearance and career. 😂
Meticulous?? The classified info had been on the web for a month!
Ridiculous that young trooper in the national guard has access to sensitive much less top secret documents. What is next County sheriff’s being given access? Poor judgment at the highest levels in the military.
When I was a young programmer, working for a bank, we had to check out modules, in order to change the code. You had to write external and internal specifications, and in those specifications, note which modules you’d need access to. Whenever you checked out a module, you had to note the SR# or TR# (service request or trouble report), and the external specs needed to state a need for that module, and have been approved. As I was working in Realtime programming, I could only access assembly language modules. Programmers, writing COBOL, were not allowed access to our modules. Sure, we all had specific security clearances, but we also had to demonstrate a need for each module. Of course, there was all sorts of regression testing, before we could check the modified module back in. But, the main thing was, access was specific to need. Even the security guys were not allowed to touch our code, because they were not qualified to understand assembly language. When I was working on communication protocol changes, I could only access the input and output modules, of other departments. If this guy was only maintaining IT, why was he given access to areas that didn’t have written trouble reports?
As a systems programmer I had access to ALL of the corporations data and systems throughout my career. As an IT professional there is a code of ethics (as there is in many professions – accounting – finance – etc). Unfortunately, some individuals are not ethical and do bad things for various reasons. This person was one of those people. We have MANY examples of such people throughout our government and judicial system. There are ethical people in this world, but I have seen time and time again throughout my life that many are not. Sad. If he is guilty I hope he does major time for his crimes.
Some of the leaked data originated from six weeks ago. That’s pretty damned contemporaneous.
It’s sad that this kid’s life is over before it has even started.
I think this kid should be given 2 choices: One is to be charged and court-martialed right now; and probably sentenced to a VERY long prison term – essentially life. The other choice is to defer his charges and have him join the Ukrainian foreign legion as an infantryman himself – until the war’s conclusion – after which time his charges could be reconsidered or even dropped – depending on the quality of his service to the Ukrainians. Perhaps he could redeem himself that way in the service of the people he has carelessly screwed over so badly. It should at least be an option
When these things happen nobody’s going to know until it happens no matter how good they are screened and what not unless they highly secure information from those departments. They trusted him as they do many others but now is a time to change things.
Here we go again where everyone know everything and somehow everyone is right!