Trump Doesn’t Shy Away From Racist Tropes In Interview | Morning Joe | MSNBC

The Morning Joe panel continues its discussion on the president's Monday evening interview, calling his remarks on low-income people moving into suburbs 'racist.' Aired on 9/1/2020.
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Trump Doesn't Shy Away From Racist Tropes In Interview | Morning Joe | MSNBC


    1. @Slappywag Waggings Republican Enthusiasm : Reviving the American Dream. Republican Ideas : More freedom (economy,education…). Republican Project : AMERICA FIRST. Democrat platform : Let’s whine about slavery and General Custer atrocities. Let’s loot small businesses to punish them for not taking part in BLM protests. How can anyone in his right mind vote democrat just baffles me!

    2. This is the essence of projection. Absolutely every claim they make with regard to our coming Biden/Harris administration is a direct reflection of the actions they are actually working toward.

    1. And people still follow him. What does that say about those people? I’m sure if he told someone in an interview that people should jump off the Grand Canyon cliffs, just because, they’d line up to do so. There’s an ignorant person taught every day from a parent or peer, unfortunately they are to stupid to see it so them selves so they ride along with it as if it was life threatening.

    2. here are some details….jacob is a career criminal with an active sexual assault warrant that refused to comply with orders and fought the officers after being tazed twice, calmly walked to his car door and reached for a weapon the whole time resisting arrest. ohh i almost forgot, he violated a restraining order and stole the keys of one of his victims

    3. @Paul Wilson WHO BRINGS A KNIFE TO A GUN FIGHT???
      He’s got multiple police officers around him who are obviously armed, and he’s thinking “I gotta get a knife to arm myself”??? That make any sense to you???

      Oh, and check out this article:

      The knife thing is inconclusive right now. But thanks for bringing up his criminal history to warrant police execution – not like we have a criminal justice system or anything. I guess you don’t care about “innocent until proven guilty” eh?

  1. Talks like a 8 year old telling tall tales on the playground to impress his friends. He is totally unhinged!
    God help us!

  2. β€œPeople who are in the dark shadows” even Laura Ingraham had to roll her eyes at that one. This is a very dangerous individual

    1. Trump went to Kenosha and like a Boss shut down the Violence, These mayors that won’t let the National Guard come to their city and clean them up are trump Haters, People of all races are tired of the lawlessness, and turning on the Liberals. Talk about a political party using Black folks for their gain, knows no boundries More and More Trump is picking up Black Voters, if he get 15% of the Black vote democrats are done, i think he will get 20%

    2. jumbo shrimp I live near kenosha, how exactly did he β€œshut down the violence like a boss”, genius? He showed up in air force one and the violence just stopped? Walk me through it, how did HE shut down the violence? You’re a fool and you know nothing of which you speak

    3. jumbo shrimp walk me through it, how did TRUMP stop any rioting in Kenosha? What did HE do exactly? Did they all run and hide when they saw air force one coming?

    1. Dark Shadows was a great soap opera in the 70s it’s all too scary that the Trump administration has characters that are so similar.

  3. The worst thing about Trumps presidency isn’t what we learned about him! It’s what we’ve learned about our family and friends. So Sad

  4. I swear to god, this guy has just lost it. He’s just saying whatever crazy crap pops into his addled brain at any moment

    1. I never said I own stocks smh..
      NO I am not rich. I get by because I’ve worked my entire life. I’m retired now. I do own my home though.

    2. @420somewhere The faked Covid deaths Trump tweeted have been removed from Twitter because it’s spreading fake numbers fool.

    3. @420somewhere It is about Buddy Holly ect..
      I just listened to a parody of American Pie by the founding singers on YouTube it was hilarious. I especally like the song “We are the Worst” by the Founding Singers. Listen to them…lolol….

    1. Let me guess: πŸ€”… your white.. old… live in the boonies… and you’re scared?! Oh and you most likely have never (in your entire life )have had a real fight in your life?!

  5. “people you haven’t heard of”. Translation, I really don’t know because I’m lying but it makes me sound like I know

    1. @jon doe prove it… Everyone doesn’t tell the same lie. But you foolish supporters believe anything. Its sheep feeding time at Fox catch out!

    2. @LIFEis Good69 Really? Remember Russia Russia Russia?? How many times has Maddow promised he’d be in cuffs? How about the Charlotte lie? Remember “very fine people”? If you get the entire transcript, he explicitly denounced white supremacists and anarchists, the extreme of both sides, making a lie of every claim he supported racists. Biden repeated that lie just last week and not a single media, except a few on Fox, called him out.

      Not enough? How about the lie that he said “inject bleach”? He never said that nor did he imply it, it’s a lie that keeps getting repeated by MSDNC, CNN, NBC, ABC, and the rest.

      How about the lie that he never took Covid seriously? He took it more serious than any democrat, than his own CDC, and more serious than the WHO. At the time Trump banned travel from China, Pelosi was inviting people to the parade in Chinatown, Cuomo was bragging that NY was tough and would handle it better than anyone else, Deblasio was telling people to get out and shop. NYT and WaPo were running stories about the flu being worse.

      It was, and is, a lie every time Trump is blamed for the virus.

      Remember when Trump said his phones were tapped? He was mocked, and called a liar. Turned out he was right and it was far worse. The FBI doctored evidence to get a warrant to spy on his campaign. Clinesmith plead guilty to the crime.

      How about “peaceful protesters”? The guy who got kicked in the head, was that peaceful? The buildings burned, were those peaceful cookouts?

      There’s enough evidence that msdnc lies to write a book series, now what are Trump’s crimes? Put up or shut up.

    3. @LIFEis Good69 If you never watch Fox and others you’re unprepared for the answers to these questions. CNN and msdnc don’t give you the facts. guess that’s why you’ve nothing further to say.

    4. Everything he said is true all you got to do with Trump as wait a week after he says something then it becomes true but for that whole week we get to hear you left he’s telling us how he lied again all his so-called lies always turn out to be true in the end just remember that

  6. Choking a human being has NOTHING to do with “choking” in a golf game! This man is completely INSANE. He must be removed before he takes us all down with him.

  7. “i will bring law and order. biden won’t.”

    WILL bring?

    captain chaos has no idea he is the current SITTING PRESIDENT.

  8. That “person” was Trump, the “certain city” was DC and the “black-suited thugs” were his own Secret Service detail. The man is nuts.

    1. Yes, and he’s always sounded that way…and 40% of the country thinks it’s great. This is the beginning of the end.

  9. When Fox “news” can’t save Trump from himself you know the republicans have a serious mental illness problem.

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