U.S. Could Become Center Of Global Outbreak, Says WHO | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Officials at the World Health Organization have now said America could become the epicenter of the pandemic in the near future. Joe Scarborough explains why the president needs to act now. Aired on 3/25/2020.
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U.S. Could Become Center Of Global Outbreak, Says WHO | Morning Joe | MSNBC


  1. Some people are so reckless and arrogant they set other people’s lives in danger .Trump is one of them

    1. @Dam DEVA . The dnc is right behind him. Holding the primary on last Tuesday proved they only cared about blocking Bernie..

  2. Americans have a culture of arrogance, and now we have a “president” who personifies that attitude. It CAN happen to us.

    1. Petunia Luna The USA is leading with most cases but do have the lowest total deaths than Italy, China and other countries that’s up there with most cases by a lot though

    2. We have a WWE President and Trump is throughly playing the same character as he did when he was a frontman for professional wrestling. He hasn’t risen to the office and isn’t capable of leading the nation.

    3. @JAC MAN yes you Americans are…..”Americans are the best” all day long…blah blah blah…..Trump is America, he is what you americans think they are…have fun you world saviors!

  3. Trump is a senior citizen. If he gets Covid-19, he should not get a ventilator. It should go to someone much younger.

    1. @thewanderandhiscomp why don’t you go ask trump for a job, you seem to be on the dumb level 🤯

    2. @thewanderandhiscomp and I do know how to read. your broad use of the word “Americans” would lead anyone to believe your talking about the u.s as a whole… where if you had said a “percentage of Americans” you would have been at least somewhat correct in not misleading anyone… you see, great doctors live everywhere in the world some with better specialized fields… in alot of these situations the families seeking health care outside of the u.s are looking for a specific care alot of drugs used in these other countries are not fda approved. People don’t go to these other countries for basic care… gotta know the difference.

    3. @Prizm 280 Oh good job…..reprising a favorite liberal slur. You must prefer that slur over “nazi” LOL. It has lost its meaning tho…so sad….too bad. You’re a leftist putz and a clod.

    1. This pair seems to dwell in constant hate.
      They may be the dumb and dumber from that perspective.

  4. Look, as a greek citizen who has seen my nation’s GDP go down more than 1/3 the past decade, I’ve seen my personal and my family’s income go down by 50%, I’m telling you. Health and human lives are the most precious thing we have. Economies will bounce back. People can survive hardship. But many will NOT survive this virus.

    I gotta be honest, it’s breaking my heart that some governments are actually debating which is more important. They were elected to protect you. A nation IS first and foremost its people. This is a tragedy unfolding before our eyes. Do something, act before it’s too late.

    1. Yeah i agree, They can’t let this monster massacre them like this…if they want to live they need to fight back or else the devastation will be unimaginable

    2. You are right brother. The problem is that capitalist economics have destroyed the fabric of our nations. You are seeing it happening before your eyes in the US. The Italians are united. The Spaniards are united. The US? The US is no longer a nation. It’s an insurance company with an army to protect it. Simple as that.

    3. Would you let your family go hungry because you were too frightened to get on the highway during rush hour and go to work?

      Democrats blame the violence and crime in the black community on poverty do you agree?

  5. ouh. wrong title. let me help:
    “U.S. WILL Become Center Of Global Outbreak.”
    there you go, have that one for free.

    1. If that is not what WHO has said, it’s not what they can use as title. Even if I agree, there is lesser and lesser doubt about it every day with voices like Trump, Shapiro and Governor Patrick spouting this “we have to save the economy before we save people” nonsense… What would 1 million dead out of 325 million citizens mean for the economy? With many of them being the bread earner for a family (it will not always stay a “mostly above 65 killer” and with a previous heart attack or diabetes you’re a risk patient even at 40 or 50, which includes many dads and moms)?

      You would think that a born New Yorker that always said how much he loved the city would have more empathy for this catastrophic outbreak, but no… it’s money first as usual with HIM.

    2. @Ugly German Truths whoever looked at those numbers did choose their wording wrong. and believe you me, not all ugly truths are german. cuomo put it best when he said: “where we are now, you will be in 4 weeks.”

  6. This country LOCKED minority kids in cages, now the virus has you locked in yours😉karma has plans for this American “system”. Hold on tight.

    1. Yea like racist American policemen who murder blacks uncontested. Dont you see, it I’d throw end of the world as you perceive it. This is the revelations 1/3 of people are said to die. Race has everything to do with this.

    2. You all are not seeing the big picture, there is a bio chemist in Australia who has found a vaccine, but no government wants to support him because they want this to wipe out a large population of people to thin the herd. They already have a cure, watch the rich people who get the virus recover with mild symptoms, and watch the average person be put on ventilators, and have difficulty getting better, and maybe not even make it because of underlining health conditions. Just watch who makes it, and you will begin to see the big picture.

    3. I was thinking that too. Bad part is, we’re all stuck in here with the deplorables that encouraged this to happen.

  7. “Could become”? Too damned late for that, it already is. We aren’t even testing people below the age of 50. We don’t have ~50,000 cases, we have ~100-150,000.

    1. No.experts are saying 10 times more than what we know…..that means 600 000 Americans probably have it……

    2. Dr,Fauci,he said right after Trump, we can only make decisions week by week!! italy is now in decline, they have still over 400 dead.p day put it seems they have reach the peak, after 1 1/2 months on full lockdown!! and Trump will reopen on easter, until then we won’t even reach the peak! my opinion, we should remove him, he cant handle this situation, let Dr.Fauci,his team and FEMA handle the crisis!! Trump has no problem, when the US collapse, he can flee to israel, he is considered a hero there

    3. If you go get tested you are exposing yourself to it…anyone that believes China has 1.43 billion people and had 3800 deaths is a fool. They lied big time. It’s gonna be bad.

    1. @Thomas Jennings Sucks to be you then, should’ve save your paper route money🤣. You probably don’t know what that is, go figure.

  8. When storm has passed and the count of those who passed is high if Trump calls himself a wartime president then he needs to be brought up on wartime crimes.

    1. Trump, we doing very well, yes, we will surpass all and be on the first place in the Worlwide list with infected and deads

    2. JL
      Trump will need to be tried for crimes against humanity. Trump is treating this like it’s the impeachment; not a real crisis.

  9. “Mr. Tangerine man is a basket case with some hare brained ideas”. This might be the quote of the day.

  10. Some people are going to leave a mark on this world, while others will leave a stain. E. Roosevelt.

  11. “America First” is soon to have an eerie echo, when the USA tops the league table on the Johns Hopkins web dashboard.

    1. Dr,Fauci,he said right after Trump, we can only make decisions week by week!! italy is now in decline, they have still over 400 dead.p day put it seems they have reach the peak, after 1 1/2 months on full lockdown!! and Trump will reopen on easter, until then we won’t even reach the peak! we should remove him, he cant handle this situation, let Dr.Fauci,his team and FEMA handle the crisis!! Trump has no problem, when the US collapse, he can flee to israel, he is considered a hero there

  12. “It can’t be bargained with. It can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.” – The Terminator (1984)

    1. @Joe Frazier’s Left Hook Trump: This isn’t even my final form.. Watch as I merge to become one with Covit 19!!

    2. @JV uhh.. kinda the point of my comment there bud.. its a rhetorical question, the answer is obvious. Stay safe everyone.

    3. I heard Joe wears lingerie and chains himself to the ceiling every evening while the blondie wife…what’s her name..whips him!

    1. They are self-deluding about Trump. They long for all he says to be true but don’t seem to mind when it is proved false.

  13. “It’s a media hoax”, Trump*
    “We’ve go it under control”, Trump*
    “It will just disappear”, Trump*
    “I want everyone in church at Easter”, also Trump*

    1. Trump said America could begin a stepped reopening hopefully around Easter. MSNBC should not just lie about what he said.

    2. D Storm and the guy who literally knows next to nothing shouldn’t be giving his thoughts and predictions on when any of this will take place

    3. What?! Sorry I couldn’t read this with all the normal black profanity music the police won’t do anything about. I’m getting a mask with headphones

    4. I can see you get all your information from MSNBC…i guess if you’re looking for lies and doctored video of Trump you should continue watching…

    1. Trump is such a jerk, he’s not a shipping clerk, he says. Dang, he has a responsibility to help the states during this crisis. This is his job, dang. He needs to stop playing games. This is not a reality TV show.

  14. They laughed at Noah for years while he was building the Ark. Then when the rain started, everyone was clambering to get in.

    1. It also states there will be a great tribulation that will occur. And will not have occur again. Matt 24: 21.

    2. @Jim Haney umm no it would have to float when the rath of god came with water as tall as the skies you would need a ship buddie. Normal boats really ya right

    3. @wood worker lmao. This guy, if he was back then hed have a canoe with a lunch able thinking hed just wait it out lol

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