U.S. Is Lacking A Coherent Plan On Virus, Says Eugene Robinson | Morning Joe | MSNBC

The Washington Post's Eugene Robinson discusses his latest column on the coronavirus, where he writes '[t]hanks to Trump, we have no coherent national plan to survive the pandemic.' Aired on 5/15/2020.
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U.S. Is Lacking A Coherent Plan On Virus, Says Eugene Robinson | Morning Joe | MSNBC


  1. Nothing about this adminitration is coherent. We can’t expect anything like that coming from it.

    1. Ralph MAGA 2020 . Stay home and don’t vote πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘. Are you scared to leave your house you big baby πŸ‘ΆπŸ»?

    2. @Jordan Cazz lol! Your bravery in showing us all your lower standards is something to respect. Keep thinking the way you do, but as of me, I will continue to be part of the majority of Americans that also disagree with you. We will all fix this in November.

  2. Wow…never thought I would hear β€œAmerica a country to be pitied” So sad yet so true. How the mighty have fallen. All because incompetent people voted for an incompetent man-baby.

    1. @dan112020 Trying to talk about international travel to Trump fans is impossible , majority of these bumpkins have never left their trailer park .

    2. @Dave Schultz Trump LOST the popular vote by around three million votes and barely got in through the Electoral College. Now explain the 2018 election results to me. Trump LOST bigly!

  3. McConnell is right about one thing when he says..”I don’t know enough”! The problem is he doesn’t know anything!!!

    1. Mitch is preventing Democrats from diverting money to help Americans, to money that pushes their politcal agenda and rewards cronies.

    2. Old Mitch may well be the ugliest person alive. His face just serves as a reminder of this sad truth.

  4. A walk back. But only to December 2019.

    “WASHINGTON: US health officials on Thursday (Dec 5) reported one new case and one more death from a respiratory illness tied to vaping, taking the total death toll to 48.

    As of Dec 4, 2019, there were 2,291 cases of hospitalised cases reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) from 50 states, the District of Columbia, and two US territories.”

    What happened to these vaping deaths since then? What would post mortems reveal about the presence of a virus? A virus called Covid-19? Or does this reality threaten the interest of a certain narrative?

    1. Yes, and CDC director already admitted at the senate hearing that some deaths from 2019 flu were Covid.
      Vaping? Influenza? We should investigate the cause in order to find cure and prevent it from happening again.

  5. That’s what happens under the Nazi gangster party republicans. Trump and his traitors for prison 2020

  6. That’s because we have an incoherent psychopath for a President. Educate yourselves on psychopaths. Google the PCL-R by Dr. Robert Hare.

  7. I live in a small poor Balkan country of around 3.6 million people. After two months of discipline and behaving, we are quickly opening up with only 31 deaths. We looked up to and had respect but now we pity the big, rich, and all mighty USA. Very disappointing, we overestimated America’s greatness.

    1. Buddy Piper You mirror what the rest of the world has come to believe. I just wish some folks would just get informed of the realities. Let’s hope other countries do not fall for the far right ideologies. The US is a prime example of what happens when people believe in conspiracy theory’s. Laws need to change. Facts do matter.

    2. Buddy then you have the truth the people who created this contrived greatness are the old slave master’s here.
      NOW there in charge and the world can see her for what she really is.
      America has some of the world’s biggest hearted folk on the planet. Had it not been for those people I wouldn’t be here.
      But theirs the other side of that coin, folk who have cut off their nose to spite their face that are running the country, are paying the price of their sacrifices.
      Those who sacrifice the lives of its people for profit. The Nation’s that will do that. The Bible call’s Beast and This Beast here, Trump has literally unvailed it, see it for What it is, a Beast.

    1. But… lied’ing _was_ the mistake. He meant to spin it hard, but his enthusiasm for bullsh*t got the “better” of him and he slid off the track. Now he’s really, really, genuinely sorry, that he got caught.

  8. When times were good ,America did not do what was good instead creating wars and suffering worldwide .Now times are bad , reflect on your own deeds , maybe there’s a way out , good luck .

    1. Just so you know, Americans do not vote on whether or not to “go to war”. The tax paying citizens get no voice in that regard. Those decisions are made by our government. Frankly, the right loves a good war while the left would rather seek out alternate resolutions. Do not lump ALL Americans in with your generalized opinion. There are those who are suffering through no fault of their own and they are not deserving of “punishment”.

    2. Glo Girl By doing good includes building facilities, infrastructures and instituitions to serve American citizens .The healthcare system is in a sorry state , trillions have been spent on wars and weapons .The money squandered if utilized wisely could have transformed the nation to greater heights. Instead , America is stuck with crumbling infrastructures in dire need of repairs .The old system is outdated and reforms across the board are needed to cope with the tech era of the 21st. century .

    3. @Brian Liew …..out of curiousity, Brian, where do you live? I would agree that there are problems in America. *No one single country has it all.* However, the current administration is doing nothing to enhance the lives of it’s citizens. Absolutely nothing. And, they must go so that America can begin to rebuild/repair. Here’s the thing…way too much money is spent on our military; however, I would venture a guess that numerous other nations would seek out our assistance should war break out. As I previously mentioned, the Republicans ensure our military is locked and loaded. Thanks for your _comments._

    4. Glo Girl Thanks for asking , right now I’m back home in Malaysia .I spent twenty years of my life working in the United States , most of it in nyc .Been to more than twenty states from california thru nevada , mostly northern states bordering Canada and also south-eastern part ; Florida and the surrounding states .This is the greatest country in the world and I truly love America more than my own country .It has so much resources both human and natural ; had the ruling elite done their share of duty , America is akin to paradise on earth .Take for instance , Malaysia have universal healthcare for 33 million people for 1 ringgit approx. US 25 cents (a quarter) every time you see a doctor .Medicines and everything else are basically free .Malaysia is only relatively prosperous , even testing and treatment for covid 19 are nominally cheap or free depending in your financial status .After 2 months of lockdown , we’re still holding strong with financial assistance from the government .Nobody is in a state of despair or facing problems of food shortages and stuff.The daily news I get from the States are getting worse each passing day .Thanks again and May God Bless You And America , bye !

  9. Trump does not have any strategy in anything. He is lucky to be in charge of USA, if he is president of India, we will see 30 million cases already.

  10. The Obama admin a created plan after the H1n1 outbreak. Trump just ignored it because he hates Obama

    1. @Elmer Beltshire Someone here forgets who, the Republicans in control of BOTH house then , gutted and PUSHED for Austerity and silly SMALL government-cuts, are you not Elmer? πŸ™ˆπŸ™‰πŸ™ŠπŸ˜Š
      Not saying that Obama was not a half-dumb religious conservative Black Uncle Tom, who didn’t use the office of his Presidency to the maximum for the American People’s interests. He was, and he didn’t! But the ” BLOCK- The-SOCIALIST-NOT-American-Muslim-Obombo”-GOP carries the biggest load of H20 running that flooding American hill of the near past.
      Nevermind, Elmer, denials of reality and blaming others for your errors and crimes is always your fanatic kinds oldest religious game, I know Kiddo! πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜·πŸ€—πŸ˜

      Here you sweet Dumb-Dumb, the real most criminal 86,000+ and counting U.S American deaths-causing White House Music plays right NOW:
      ” FLOOD NY and New Jersey with [ the for with the most pre-existing conditions suffering American #COVID19 patients in particular deadly ] Hydroxychloroquine!”
      ~ The BIG Pharma-invested Trump Mafia!




      Wouldn’t the above now more widely known legal FACTS be a main reason why NY’s #COVID19 related death tolls were /are so outrageously high?

      Carpe Diem NYers! πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜·πŸ€—πŸ˜˜

      Godless Best,
      Projectheureka LLC

    2. @Projectheureka Yep, the Crony Capitalist Republicans are no better than the Corporatist Democrats I agree with you there. Things were gutted in both the Bush and Obama presidencies and stayed at those low levels under Trump. We are batting 1000 for consecutive awful presidents.

    3. @Projectheureka And yeah New Yorkers living shoulder to shoulder, having a slow response, and Mayor De Blasio selling off ventilators to the highest bidder hand nothing to do with the city’s dire situation? It’s time for both parties to start taking responsibility for their actions.

    4. Dear Elmer BeltshireΒ  you propaganda rightwingers do play an.interesting covert censor & delete liberals’ comments on here on YouTube as on.Facebook.and Twitter.
      So it is indeed NOT just James DaMore who was manipulating Google to.abett Trump and other criminal oligarchs
      Its otter amusing since I ALWAYS screen record to be able to prove that said! Thanks for.more such evidences of YOUR kin’ hubris, Elmer. πŸ˜€πŸ˜·πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜

      Projectheureka LLC

    1. It was the democratic Govenors of ny, NJ and PA that put sick Wuhan virus patients into nursing homes where the irs didn’t exist .
      In which way would you like Trump to care about you ? What should Trump have done differently?
      The Trump administration has opened more doors than the past 5 administration’s combined.
      Ask women and minority business owners.

  11. I feel that this needs to be said although it’s a totally different subject, today news channels are banging on and on about Restaurants and how they are making them safe, they are also talking about bars, I accept that I am probably not in the majority but to be totally honest it will be a minimum of 18 months before I purchase anything from these venues. If you go to a bar it’s $6 or $7 a bottle of beer and a reasonably chance of a virus, just go to the supermarket and buy 12 for $15 and eat at home. This sounds like that I have no pity for the people who work in these venues, be assured that I have but not so much when my health is at stake

    1. I agree! It will be a long time before I can bring myself to go out to a restaurant. Probably after we have a vaccine which could be 18-24 months away.

    2. Joe Holton Good for you. Proud of you for that. Many others hopefully would also do that if they were in the same position as you. But still, what does that have to with America was great four years ago ? That is a fair and true comment.

    3. As a chef for 10 years, the restaurant industry is dead until a vaccine is developed. No restaurant will be able to make profit off of 1/3rd capacity, the longer this goes on it will inevitably lead to labor shortages in the industry as people leave the field.

  12. German here and I really, *really* do pity you guys. In the past, I often rolled my eyes at some of your antics, but right now… I just feel sorry. You, at least those of you who aren’t idiots, didn’t deserve this clown as President. For everyone’s sake, I hope you get better…

    1. @Matt C: the Governor’s both Republicans, and Democrats, have better approval ratings than Trump does; they have done their job’s for the most part: it is Laughable that you, can’t see the Forest for the tree’s!

    2. @Marcus Guzman You do realize those polls are just a hand picked fraction of USA right? Only CNN an MSNBC would feed its viewers fake numbers an make it sway the way they want it to

  13. Coincidentally, America as a country to pity is how the Irish media and public alike currently refer to your country and people.

    As for your reaction to the coronavirus, your country *does* have a clear strategy, led by your President: Let COVID-19 Win.

  14. The new American exceptionalism: 40% of Americans taking exception to anything resembling truth.

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