A young volunteer soldier, Akula, who signed up for the war at the beginning of the Russian invasion is now dealing with one of the repercussions of war: post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). He spoke to CNN's David McKenzie about his time on the front lines and how it has affected his mental health. #CNN #News
Ukrainian soldier shares video diary from time at front lines

“War does not determine who is right, only who is left”
Literally as well.
Sometimes you have to fight for what’s yours, it’s better to die on your feet, then to live on your knees
@EL CHICANO Es lo que dijo Emiliano Zapata 💪🏽🌵🇲🇽 Prefiero morir de pie que vivir de rodillas”. «Si quieres ser ave, vuela, si quieres ser gusano, arrástrate, pero no grites cuando te aplasten». «Quiero morir siendo esclavo de los principios no de los hombres
Who taught u that?
Bless this young soldier and all other Ukrainians. Bless you heroes!
@SE Morgan it does tho. Just look at how we treat Russia vs Ukraine. It’s all about business & policies. Too bad Personally don’t approve of our government & state officials leading from senators to governors. It’s really all theatre. Meanwhile we can’t pass state laws that could benefit our economy lower national debt etc. pharma requires & donates to keep laws in place to stop expansion Of laws. Like federally we allow states to write laws & depends on the law you want to contest federal courts won’t even hear your case because it infringes so called many career fields. Or could damage buying power of chemicals to make drugs because people find other ways of healing. It’s the only reason why we still allow drug sales on tv. In many countries it’s banned. Too bad we call ourselves a democracy when in reality it isn’t. Basic fact. I do love many other parts of the world over the U.S.. more personal freedoms of choice. & including less acknowledgement of us laws.
The story of every combat veteran.
Slava Ukraini
Semper Fi
Slava Military Industrial Complex
It’s very scary, intense, and indescribable, when wooden darts and small shards are flying about at the speed of sound. I know how he feels, as I suffer effects of PTSD from Vietnam, so long ago. So many senseless deaths . . . ‘all the young dudes’. Sad.
Thank you for your service!
Thank you for your service and your honesty. My father served with you in Vietnam.
Marine veteran.
Semper Fi
I hear you Brother in Arms, I have a friend who went to Nam and even though he came home, got married, had 3 children he raised well, held a great job and accomplished great things, he still suffers from PTSD to this day. I sincerely hope that you come to terms with this and carry on, at least you returned alive. I know many who RIP. Thank you for your Service.
🇺🇸🤝🇺🇦 God bless all ukrainians😢, we will stand with you help you to this is over. We pray for these brave civilians like this young men for their safety bravery and sanity. God bless ukraine. Slava ukraina 🇺🇦
Glory to Ukrainians and Russians who are fighting against the Zelensky regime!
You are just virtue signaling or else you would be over there.
I feel sorry for those young men.
take that energy and repurpose it for prayers. Really good prayers.
@天月🌚 keep earning your rubles bot
Can we all agree that this is a fine young man and not a “birthing person”?
Wtf are you talking about?
Wtf is that?
“Birthing person” as born again in a religious sense or as a man giving birth to a baby while being interviewed? Getting traumatized may make some decide to become a born again christian or whatever, but being traumatized is not a religious choice, it’s a medical condition. If you wanted to say: “Let’s all agree that this a fine young man and not a saint” then keep it simple and say just that.
@Sungamton I think he was just being a troll
😭 🙏🇺🇦 💛
Not everyone is cut out for the Military, even in a Peace time situation. I was born, bred, and served in the military. For me it was a walk in the park. However I saw persons volunteer who later regretted the decision. So it is easy to imagine a person with no knowledge or military experience whatsoever, trained and sent directly to the battlefield. It is not a sign of weakness, war is hard even for the most devoted soldiers. I certainly hope that this young man can reintegrate into society and pursue his aspirations. I certainly hope and pray that the war in Ukraine end…
Thank you for your service
My opinion is that the situation with Ukraine is progressing in such a way that the war in Ukraine will end only if the United States is destroyed.
I’ve never been more proud to be 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦 please stay safe you wonderful warriors we pray for you all.🙏🙏🙏
U IS a bot
I hope mental health care is available to all soldiers
Yes, Ukraine has wonderful mental health care and rehab centres ….. also a great veterans administration. 😂 🤡
” Who else but us…” what a statement… God bless this guy and all that stem the tide.
if you listened correctly , it was “Who else if not us”
So young and brave young man..glory to this brave heroes of Ukraine…so proud of this brave defenders of Ukraine 🇺🇦🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️
Good update, a real life situation from this brave Ukraine soldiers on frontline defending mother land for freedom.
@Fletcher взяли Киев за три дня? болото))
@Yurii L all of nato sending you weapons and money for a year and still no result. laughing stock
@Fletcher no result? Ahahahahahaha
Ukraine Strong 💪 🇺🇦
I met many WWII combat soldiers and many suffered from PTSD for many years including my father who fought against the German Army in Italy and in France. I believe the mental trauma is more difficult to deal with than physical disabilities, but most veterans move on and live normal lives. I have been injured and suffered many illnesses throughout my life and have some experience with PTSD. I hope the war ends soon and soldiers can be treated for their disabilities. The WWII veterans never had treatment for PTSD until many decades after the war and most did not want to go to veteran administration hospitals including my father for any treatment.
We lose something like 33 vets a day to suicide. It’s so important to get them the resources they need. Their support groups, VFWs, other family and friends are critical.
“The Ukrainian army is Well-prepared and offers worthy resistance.” “Our task is not Bakhmut itself, but the destruction of the Ukrainian army and the reduction of its combat potential, which has an extremely positive effect on other areas, which is why this operation was dubbed the ‘Bakhmut meat grinder’.” — Yevgeny Prigozhin, the founder of Russia’s Wagner group.
You are a brave man thank you
I hope all the soldiers in the rest facility recoup and regain their strength Readying themselves for that eventual return to the front and all its violent horrors The world has witnessed the amazing courage of the Ukrainian Military ordinary working folk doing extraordinary things to protect their homeland Slava Ukraine
🇺🇸🇺🇦 God bless all ukrainians, we will stand with you help you to this is over. We pray for these brave civilians like this young men for their safety bravery and sanity. God bless ukraine. Slava ukraina 🇺🇦 ❤ GOD Bless Everyone