USPS Chief: We’re capable of delivering ballots on time

USPS Postmaster General Louis DeJoy testifies before the House Oversight Committee, in which he says the Postal Service is fully capable and committed to delivering election ballots securely and on time.

#CNN #News


    1. 🤦‍♂️ . . . Who doesn’t know that DeJoy was specifically appointed to RIG THE ELECTIONS!? It’s not even a possibility that the GOP could, “win.” What we fear is if they get away with RIGGING THEM! Track your votes, America. Defend the Republic!

    2. @Ash Roskell
      Where is he going to get the money for mail-in ballots? Not from Trump. And you better believe that Republicans are ready to any bullshit by Democrats and their vote by mail. We will do a recount comparing the voter and the number of votes mailed in.

  1. “…the Postal Service doesn’t support the bill…” Sorry, but Louis Dejoy isn’t the Postal Service. He’s the guy trying to destroy it.

    1. Dejoy is the HEAD OF THE

  2. People are literally dying because they aren’t getting their medications. He should be held accountable. His decisions have CONSEQUENCES!



    3. On a scale of 1 being complete failure Obama to perfect 10 dominant Trump…where do you rate Biden ?

    4. @TrumpRulesYou_ DealWithIt obama biden administration sent millions of dollars to the germ warfare lab in China where the virus was released . The obama administration confiscated guns in USA and delivered them to the drug cartel in Mexico . Easy to fact check cause operation fast break not classy cause Bush started it and Obama kept it going . Bush obama same snake . Bush obama snake 0 . Should both be in prison for war crimes and crimes against humanity

    1. Latinos were Thriving under Trump Before Covid hit
      46% in Latino Business Growth
      Biden is the real Racist and liar
      He isn’t Fit to be President
      Obama and Biden Handled the Swine Flu Pandemic Horribly
      Millions of people would have died if the Swine Flu was as bad as Covid

    2. Build the wall to keep out disease ridden criminal infiltrators from s hole countries. PROBLEM SOLVED

  3. I don’t trust him dejoy is going to interfere with the ballots when they reach USPS,he needs to be fired straight away

    1. I have to ask. How is DeJoy going to pull that off? He’s 1 man, and I promise there is more than 1 Post Office. Maybe he’s going to jump into a copy machine and then mail himself to every Post Office, or some other equally stupid conspiracy. In order for him to pull something on a National scale it would involve thousands of assistants. If the plan was to thwart the election he would have waited until his plans would have an affect on the actual election. Not in June after he got hired.

    2. Who doesn’t know that DeJoy was specifically appointed to RIG THE ELECTIONS!? It’s not even a possibility that the GOP could, “win.” What we fear is if they get away with RIGGING THEM! Track your votes, America. Defend the Republic!


    1. @Cookie Monster Trump is still criminally liable for campaign finance violations for paying off Stormy and McDougal. Those are two separate crimes. The Mueller report states there is evidence relevant to the elements of campaign finance crimes.

    2. TrumpVirus-19 😂 If Biden was in, there would be 500,000 deaths or more! Some of you people are just plain idiots. 🤣

  4. He is not credible. He lied to the Senate in the first hearing. They showed a document that shows a decline in USPS delivery of on time by almost 10%. He denied to the Senate under Oath. A Trump rich donor and is knee capping the USPS during a pandemic and coming election. I call for his resignation. Lying under Oath is a crime.

    1. @Hernandez Logan I have freedom of speech. I saw both hearings and I am speaking truth to the powers that be. You are no one to school me or take my freedom of speech. I say bot.

  5. Does anyone actually trust them at this point? If I were you Americans I would be very scared and worried right now.

    1. Build the wall to keep out disease ridden criminal infiltrators from s hole countries. PROBLEM SOLVED

    2. On a scale of 1 being complete failure Obama to perfect 10 dominant Trump…where do you rate Biden ?

    3. @TrumpRulesYou_ DealWithIt I agree. Not only is he a radicalized lefttard, be he is obviously mentally unfit for the office.

    1. @thowe624 only a small portion of our country served in the military…Trump was destined to be elected President and is beloved by half the country for saving us from Empty Promises Obama

    2. @TrumpRulesYou_ DealWithIt LOL! Says the guy that believes Windmills cause cancer, Mars is part of the moon, the guy who wanted to buy Greenland, and “YO semite”!!!

    3. @thowe624 you mean the guy who suports Police Officers endlessly…you are clearly a nasty liberal and the reason Trump was elected

    4. @thowe624 Democrats are ENDLESSLY racist towards white people…Trump supports minorities far more than Democrats ever have

  6. Louis DeJoy is just another woefully unqualified neophyte who was handpicked by Trump specifically for his low moral standards, and his servile nature.
    If he’s not careful, he will follow in the same perp-walking footsteps as Trump’s other former sycophants who are now convicted felons. And that list keeps getting longer.

    1. What does he care, donnie boy will pardon him for lying today to congress just like Roger Stone did when he lied to congress.

    1. @Luong Truong I’m trying to get the Libs to realize what a waste of time voting by mail is going to be. I already know they will not go stand in line because the MSM and Demcrats have made them fear the boogieMan virus. If they realize that they are wasting their time with vote by mail, they will just forget about it. How would you feel if a Lib ended his comment to you with “Trust me”? You gotta learn to see sarcasm.

    2. Sara Pulford he is so desperate and not confident in himself that his looking for absurd stories.

  7. Of course he is lying, and I expect him to be the next trump associate going to jail. Seems like that never ends

    1. He’s equivocating, most likely.

      “I did not order.. .” but what he didn’t say, is what he did order. And how that order lead to that action being taken.

    2. James Dickerson > when you say these are facts, i believe you – because its soo convincing … everybody can make a video and tell a story, scientific proof is needed – she not even tells her qualification

    3. You loonie boys forgot Trump doesnt want mail in voting…. your so anti trump you don’t even see you agree with him….. just sad

    4. TripleAstyle1 A No one agrees with him. Mail in voting is an essential service and right. Especially during a pandemic. He is trying to disenfranchise millions of Americans so he can cheat to win. Again. No idiot. We don’t agree with him

    1. Cliff Medina I’m getting tired of teaching history to you nut fucks.
      In the early 1960’s there was a bill called “The Civil Rights Act” , which you would hate, it gives Blacks the right to vote. Unquestionably.

      It was signed into law by a southern democrat president. In those days you are correct, the Democrats were the home of the KKK.

      You can imagine how pissed off they were when their southern democrat president signed a law that gave n-words the unquestionable right to vote.

      They left the democrat party by the droves.

      Guess where they went?

      Ever heard of “the southern strategy”?

      It was Richard Nixon’s election plan. He got all those “good people” to join the Republican Party and now YOU belong to the KKK party.

      Are you clear on your own history now?

      I’m correct to because I was alive then. I am older than the friggin hills and I know what the history of America is and what you are ignorant of.

      Correct yourself. Please?

    2. Johnny Joe They can’t get away with corruption like they did in the olden days! Not all Americans watch Fox News and Conservative radio all day: there’s foxes among the sheeple. Officials will be watched and held accountable.

    3. @Steve’s Guitars I do not care about nobody being a democratic KKK I am not living in the 1821 I’m living in 2020 and I’m not living in fear so whatever someone want to be that’s a decision I do not have to live with this on my heart or in my soul this comment was not to you it was to the other person that you made a comment to cliff somebody jmw

    4. I’m a registered Democrat. I’m going to change to independent and vote for Trump.
      The Democrats have gone full Communist!

  8. I think this pandemic has taught people the importance of multiple streams of income unfortunately having a job doesn’t mean security. So l really appreciate your transparency and giving people a Fighting chance during these troubling times

    1. Without the help of Mr Jackson l would still been in abject poverty struggling with life , that’s the best testimony gotten so far after years of great loss here on YouTube ,l do thank him and am grateful and recommend him for those out there who’re confused about forex too or make very low profit

    2. I’ll love to start up a Forex investment, have heard a lot about Forex and Mr Jackson, please how can he be reached ?

    3. You didn’t watch the hearing the other day…..his plan is to lay off workers, go after retirement funds, reduce mail to be mailed 2x per week instead of Mon-Sat. He’s just another rat…..hope you don’t expect any mail or to mail something out soon. I’ve had several packages sitting in Chicago Hub for over 3 months. They keep sending me a servery….I’m going to fill it out alright and they may not like what I have to say. And I feel bad for all the folks that rely on them for their medications…….November can’t get here quick enough.

    1. @Pam Deshane not American myself, but Pam it’d be so great to see you foam at the mouth when Drumpf loses the election. Why do you still believe and follow that clown. After all he has and hasn’t done.

    2. Who doesn’t know that DeJoy was specifically appointed to RIG THE ELECTIONS!? It’s not even a possibility that the GOP could, “win.” What we fear is if they get away with RIGGING THEM! Track your votes, America. Defend the Republic!

  9. Another conman talking out the side of his head. You can still see his lies with the sound turned off.

    1. @Jason E yeah nice fake news. the employees already said that it was dejoys orders to cut overtime and no one else.

    2. @Jason E he also stated he has allready been in his position for 70 days now. All of these things have taken place after he came into his position. I can say I’m a dinosaur doesnt that mean you believe me?

  10. Postmaster General Louis DeJoy: “I am committed to lying and deceiving the American public about my corruption!”

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