Vice presidents don’t have authority to reject state electoral votes, says former Pence attorney

Greg Jacob, the former counsel to former Vice President Mike Pence, gave a detailed answer on why the Constitution did not give Pence the authority to reject state electoral votes during testimony to the January 6 committee. #january6 #CNN #News


  1. Mr. Jacob is absolutely correct, & so is Former VP Pence. NO ONE MAN CAN DECIDE WHO THE PRESIDENT IS!!!

  2. This lawyer explained so well this topic of authority that even the teenytiny brain of a fish could understand, how come trump and his minions could not get it? I KNOW THE ANSWER BECAUSE OF TRUMP’S GREED THAT THEY REFUSE TO UNDERSTAND…

    1. @Jillian Copeland and what about the hundred of lawyer that seid exactly what I just seid in the days before the 6th

    2. @HippoDino Reserve I’m not the one that brought it up and not even close to the ones that keep bringing it up. FBI,DOJ, secret service ,DHS , DC police how menny investigation are there going to be saying the same thing because any of you guys git it

  3. Insane. If VP could do this, Trump never would have been president. Why even vote if the party in the Whitehouse just picks the next person. It’s beyond ridiculous Trump pushed for Pence to do this.

    1. @D G Never forget Helsinki 2018 🍊🤡🥒😮🇷🇺 on the world’s stage and all the simps. cherred begged and cried for more 🍊🤡

  4. Pence: “I can’t wait to get to heaven to meet the framers!”
    Trump: “Well, I can help you with that…” 😈

  5. Trump: “But I wanna be a winner, not a loser! Isn’t there someone who will just give me the presidency without actually earning it? Come on fellas, I just need 11780 more votes!” 🍊🤡

    1. @Mike Sweet deflection bro. Still doesn’t change the fact that Trump lost and is forever a loser. What a joke.

    2. @Mike and yet there’s probably not a damn thing you can explain that he could have done differently

  6. “Pence? I’ve never heard of him till now if I’m being completely honest. May have met him briefly before but I don’t remember, no. I meet lots of people everyday frankly.”

    1. @Susan Reed unfortunately, every single American needs to be watching coverage of these hearings to know the truth behind what happened on 1/6. Or suffer the same consequences of your great-grandmother’s homeland.

  7. In Trump’s case, He was the Authority. But He sure wasn’t the Authority when it came to 1/6. Instead of taking control, He took control of the TV remote control… Thank God for the VP He took Charge, while Trump enjoyed the Bloody.. show.

  8. As one of EU Judges I’m proud to be part of the same law culture. I applaud such deep statement.

  9. I am absolutely stunned that American citizens don’t seem to be bothered by what happened on January 6th. This was the most shameful behaviour of a political party in American history. Seeing that people are not appalled at what they are hearing shows me that this great democratic experiment has failed. I have never been so disappointed with my country. !

    1. Yeah. There are processes and procedures. Sometimes it comes to an incorrect conclusion (ie 2000) but the *process* still continues (ie Bush was POTUS). Some people just don’t like the results and think they can skip processes and just take power because they really, really want it.
      The GOP has really been willing to toss aside everything in order to remain in power. That doesn’t lead to a good destination 🙁

  10. I’m so glad there intelligent people in America as demonstrated in this video. I have not the slightest interest in ‘politics, l/R’ but I do have interest in precedence & the maintainance of that until overuled through the democratic process.

    1. u might wanna start paying attention more as a wake up call to realize how we came super close to american democracy collasping

  11. Great analysis by Greg Jacob. Pence’s words were clearly conveying what he stated and what he concluded on the Constitution. “No one person could choose or select the POTUS, and the authority to select the POTUS belongs to the American people only.” This is it. No one is above the law, above the constitution, and the POTUS title is not belonging to one person who wants it.

  12. If Pence only had the backbone to testify this hearing would be slam dunk and over with. He should be proud to stand up for what he did on January 6th.

    1. If the tell all books authors that came out of this administration would of come out before they got a book deal it’s guaranteed this wouldn’t be happening

    2. It would be very good if, in addition to his collaborators, Pence gave his statement live and direct. I hope you take that into account, it’s the ideal.

  13. This gentlemen gave a great history lesson for those uneducated individuals who still don’t understand, I’m so grateful that Pence truly honored his oath.

    1. Very good lesson that these gentlemen gave, about Pence he did what he had to do for democracy although I would like him to be able to personally give his statement.

  14. He’s so eloquent and detailed that it’s truly a pleasure to listen to him explain into pieces the whole thing. Awesome job Mr. Jacob

  15. I also tend toward lionizing Pence, but he did his job and honored his oath – yes, under tremendous pressure and risk. Doing your job shouldn’t be heroic under normal circumstances, but these were not normal circumstances.

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