1. Adam Schiff, there ARE those of us who are incredibly happy to have someone like you out there fighting for us as hard as you have been. Thank you. Nothing but respect.

    1. Mandy Rivers Design
      Unfortunately he never mentioned the actual articles of impeachment. Very strong speech that was clearly not intended to change the minds of any senator, it was instead intended for you. Adam Schiff, with the help of CNN hopes to divide this country even further and stoke the flames of your hatred for this President. Trump never obstructed Congress he merely had a disagreement with the House Democrats that the House Democrats did not want to allow the courts to resolve, could it be they blocked the Charles Kupperman case because they knew the president was right? Why would they risk going to the courts when you are so gullible.
      Obstruction of congress and abuse of power were the two charges. The not only did not prove either, they themselves are guilty of abuse of power which is why the have fought so hard to keep the courts from reviewing the House impeachment inquiry.

    2. @Steve Miller trump has lied more than 16 000 times and counting brainwashed gullible trumpys love it after all their moto is ignorance is bliss

    3. The present and the future applaudes you sir. The Honorable Adam Schiff. Yes am happy you’re on the party whom I support. You have joined the throngs of History of Honorable men and women stood up because right does matter here and it was the right thing to do….🙏👋👋👋

  2. Wow! Brilliant speech!
    Adam Schiff! You have my utmost respect! Vote Blue!! No matter who!! Paint the names of those weak Republican Senators on the fallen Trump wall on the Mexican border!

    1. Yes, it’s definitely a coup attempt. And the same Semite supremacists that ran the Russian coup of 1917 are trying to run a coup in America. Even some of the names are the same. The Russian Bolsheviks were financed by Semite American bankers Jacob Schiff and Max Warburg. 70% of the Bolshevik leadership were Semites, just as most of the Trump coup attempt is Semite led. After the Bolsheviks successful coup they destroyed Russia and the rest of the Soviet Union, murdered 50 million Christian civilians, robbed the country of its moveable wealth and shipped it back to those same Semite supremacist bankers that had financed them.

    2. 😼 I just wanted to say this.

      The Illuminati or deep state, whatever u might call the group, can buy another member Donal Trump in any party. How to avoid this u ask 👉 The next president should not hide the existence of 👽 alien beings, should not say bad things about them and should say they have been in our solar system since 2012

    3. @miragexl007 Honestly WHO have we got a man sucks ladies fingers and loves little boys sitting on his lap,socialist 80 year old far left socialist and a proven liar Mrs Sitting Bull who beat Trump in the lying field.

  3. I also love the part where Shiff says “…you never know until you are confronted with, you my friends are confronted with it”
    Good job Shiff-thank you for showing how a professional acts like a professional and not like a spoiled 5 year old having a tantrum.

    1. Can anyone tell me the benefit Russia has gotten from the US?
      Russia’s pipeline from Germany was halted by Trump, don’t think Germany doesn’t do its own deals on the side of the EU, they are King, Hitler wanted a European Union but never succeeded.

    2. OG213LA Exactly. Mueller used 18 lawyers and 50 FBI agents and stated that he could not find evidence of Trump/Russia collusion. But these idiot only listen to Bolshevik news and they told them that Mueller had proof. I think it’s time some media people went to prison for intentionally misleading the public.

    3. @Spearhand, nonsense. I am lucky to be retired and able to watch the entire trial and hearings before that. Mr. Schiff is speaking for democracy and the Constitution. I will not be swayed by out of context quotes. Further, I watch them all, NBC, CNN, FOX, ABC, PBS, many independent media such as TYT, The Majority Report, Beau of the Fifth Column and Ring of Fire. Even further, I watch Al Jezeera witch I used to watch when I lived and worked in Saudi Arabia for ARAMCO and can now get on YouTube. Mr. Schiff stands against the original idea of the Electoral College which was that the decision of the people cannot be trusted.

    4. *+mainecrab* Proof of what? the Mueller report never actually proved that Trump did anything criminal.

    1. OG213LA Do you not hold your President more accountable? Last time that I checked, Biden isn’t our Commander-in-Chief.

    2. 😼 I just wanted to say this.

      The Illuminati or deep state, whatever u might call the group, can buy another member Donal Trump in any party. How to avoid this u ask 👉 The next president should not hide the existence of 👽 alien beings, should not say bad things about them and should say they have been in our solar system since 2012

    1. 😼 I just wanted to say this.

      The Illuminati or deep state, whatever u might call the group, can buy another member Donal Trump in any party. How to avoid this u ask 👉 The next president should not hide the existence of 👽 alien beings, should not say bad things about them and should say they have been in our solar system since 2012.

    2. Peter Purnell
      The people of Australia are welcome to him. At what point in that theatrical performance did he mention either of the 2 articles of impeachment? At what point today did any of the house managers mention the articles of impeachment?

    3. Daniel Glencross He speaks for me and my family and most of my friends. I am an Aussie and I can assure you more people here agree with Peter and realize Daniel is definitely in the minority here. You do get some people who see weakness like trump’s, as a strength in their eyes. That says a great deal about their own character and morality.

  4. The GOP despises Schiff because he has more integrity and wisdom then all of them put together. He will go down in history as a fighter for democracy, unlike those other scumbags.

  5. You Sir are Quintessential to this Republic . Thank you for articulating what we think .
    There is much grace to find in this divide .
    We are in the wood, as Einstein thought that Matter was very messy , and Marble is beautiful .
    He died trying to find the T.O.E.
    He could not believed God played dice.
    We are in process in this space and time it is like a mob’s game and cover up.
    But you Schiff , master orator help us to envision the City we are suppose to be striving for.
    And this gives me Hope.
    Thank You

  6. I seriously almost teared up! Certainly one of the best speeches I ever heard! Adam Schiff is going down in history

    1. @Bill Johnson these are the trash that follow Trump writing comments. Go back to the hills and get an education.

    2. @Bill Johnson Well to prison certainly for participating in ‘soft’ coup attempt by the Pre-Trump Deep State

    3. @John Valdivieso I am aware that his followers do not work in any job of substance. You are all idiots and insane. Good Luck with the re election.

  7. Mr. Schiff exposed the truth and I am so proud of him and his team.
    The Republican are going to go in history as the most corrupt party in history

    1. Could you be a bigger moron? This is the same Adam Schiff that promised you for three years that he had proof of Trump/Russia collusion. You are incapable of learning.

    2. @vsaluki R You are incapable of critical thinking. You horses asses know how to group think. It has been proven dump and his followers are traitors, that YOU binky.

    3. @hung well Hey DICKHEAD the Russian delusion has been debunked DICKHEAD
      Wikileaks exposed Hillary’s emails not Russia or Trump.

    4. @bantayan island life 40 plus Democrats did not get jailed in the last month nor even year. Nor even ten years. Complete lie.

  8. This speech will go down in history when we look back with clearer eyes at what was happening to our democracy.

  9. well said Adam Schiff. thank you. Dear God, please allow the GOP to do the right thing. we need this country to become unified again. Amen.

  10. Wow! This has to go down with the Gettysburg Address as one of the most important speeches of American history. Is there a way to download this for future reference?

    1. Sadly very true. We no longer are strong enough as a people to make a real fight for good unless it gives us a mansion or new sneakers

    2. We may have lost
      the battle but
      we can Win the War!
      Don’t give up
      Remember, there are
      Senate re elections
      in November.
      Call Senators
      202 224-3121
      Let them know
      they work for us.

  11. Stunned. I always thought Schiff was a lightweight leftist tool.That was a strong unpartisan speech about our country, our forefathers, and the future of our way of life. A+ Schiff.

  12. Adam Schiff Would Be A Great President!! It’s Time We Take Our Country Back!!

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