WH economic adviser: Numbers haven’t been this bad since Great Depression

CNN's Jim Acosta reports on President Trump's response to the economic turmoil Americans are facing, as initial unemployment claims reach 30.3 million over the last six weeks. #CNN #News


    1. @uncle Ricky really, idiot???? That’s why they’re all of those sexual abuse cases against Stars, movie stars, rock stars and government officials??? Go stand in a corner, you Russian bot, and just shut up.

    1. Arf Arf Bark Bark VID Dog Training: 👈👏 great name, only wish I thought of it first. Waaaaaaaa my fucking “#karma” (that’ll sure trend).

      I still have sand in my vajay jay, can you help me get it out? Just got back from the beach, I wasn’t a lot to sit on a beach chair. Rumor has it, it secretly contains “Coronavirus”

    1. Exploitation has many guilds in suggestive solicitation… Buyer beware..
      its a natural process in capitalism progressing into communism , the world is destined for destruction without scientific intervention so do not pretend to be intelligent

      In 1918 They used the swine flu to set up the great depression which now they call it Covid 19, the same ones who made the movie predicting the future called Outbreak to convince people such a thing could exist which never did only what the created in their media and a movie there was absolutely no one died from this Corona Virus .. Who would change their name from The British Monarchy to the New World Order and there is pathology to colonization which proves this, they are also the ones who are responsible for all the propaganda what is so great about a depression, why did education use that terminology .. There’s no fear Underdog is here …

    1. rolback those dates have nothing to do with today’s Democratic Party, they morph away from slaves and repugnuts morph into slavey and racist.

    2. @Steven Brown To be fair there have been some great Republican presidents like Lincon and George W. H. Bush. And even though the curent Republican party is full of jerks, there are still a few good people in it, like Mitt Romney.

    3. @J Miller He is referring to the Civil War and the events leading up to it. You see at that time the Democrats were the conservative party and supported slavery, while the newly formed Republican Party and its first president Abram Lincon was the Liberal party (at least what was considered Liberal at that time) who opposed it. Then there was this whole thing in the 1900s where the two parties just kept switching spots with each other until we finally ended up here with the two parties in the exact opposite from where they were during the civil war.

  1. Usually it takes more than 1 term for Republican administrations to destroy the economy. Trump’s unique incompetence is getting that job done more quickly than usual.

    1. Ebros the Chinese communist party doesn’t run America. Putin and the Russians do. If you need to point to causes outside the US for America’s problems you are already admitting your leader is a complete failure.

    2. Ebros
      Go back to economics class.🧐🤨
      Impeached * trump kept lowering the the fed rate during a decent economic year, he left nothing to fall back on in times of crisis. Now here he is.
      Falsely manipulated stock markets eventually will and do crash‼️‼️‼️
      This is worse then the Great Depression.

    3. @Kathy Franklund yeah the economy was doing pretty good. Let’s not make believe a virus that attacked 200 countries happened or anything

    4. @Ebros Trump’s economy was built on a foundation of sand. The tax cuts given to corporations were used to buy back their stocks, thus creating the appearance of huge stock sales, artificially driving the price of the stock up. It’s only a temporary boost, and if a graduate of the Wharton School of Economics like Trump didn’t know that, well that I can’t explain without offending you.

    1. @Janet Airlines So, apparently now you care about a nominee being #metoo ‘d, after not caring about the DOZENS of #metoo cases against Trump over the years? That is called “hypocrisy”. You should learn what that means, because the Republican party is literally the party of hypocrites, as shown by your comment.

    2. @98LowDown Are you aware that America is the worst in the world when it comes to the pandemic? Are you aware that it’s a direct result of Trump’s inaction and constant need to be praised no matter what? His lack of ability to take any level of accountability for anything? Yes, there is a world wide pandemic, but America has 4 times as many cases as any other country, and almost 3 times as many dead? Are you aware that, despite Trump touting the whole “more tests than any other country”, there are more confirmed cases per test in America than almost any other country? Are you aware that no other country has proclaimed a great success, and yet no other country has had it as bad as America? You can use your ignorant “liberal whiners” line all you like, but you neglect the fact that every Trump supporter whines the moment anyone anywhere says anything bad about their cult leader. Yes, CULT leader. Trumpism is the very definition of a cult. At no point do you ever find fault in him, and yet you attack others for doing exactly what he has done and is doing. It’s one thing to call it whining, it’s another when people are dying by the thousands.

    3. I am having such a great time watching his tide pod followers trying to justify his moronic statements. They can insult all they want, the bottom line is they represent this ridiculous excuse for a human and have to live with it with no escape. 😂😂

    4. @Richard Eisenhower I applaud you for attempting to act smart, but you failed on many aspects. First of all, Ricky was claiming that the poison control calls were fake and that it’s a left wing ploy to attack Trump. That means they are NOT a liberal, and they are actually blaming the left for all of this.
      But the main point comes with your attempt to claim that level headed people know the difference between partisanship and just straight facts, immediately after your ignorant partisan comment “liberals on the left want to blame the other side”. First of all, that’s literally what Trump has been doing, trying to blame the other side. From the very beginning of this pandemic Trump has been trying to shift the blame, claiming at one point it was the new hoax from the democrats to try and impeach him, claiming dozens of times it wasn’t a big deal and it would magically go away, and even blaming the World Health Organisation, who stated in late JANUARY that this was a threat and could be passed on via asymptomatic carriers of the virus. Trump’s own intelligence briefings stated it was a threat over a dozen times, and yet he came out and said to the public time and time again it was no big deal and it would magically go away. So, when you mention “just straight facts”, how in God’s name can you attack liberals, when “President” Bone Spurs is out there saying the very opposite of the doctors and scientists standing next to him? “Level headed people know the difference”. That is true, but you appear not to be level headed, as your opinion clearly shows a partisan bias.
      Yes, calls to poison control have been up the past couple of months, but there also was a spike in people asking what types of disinfectants Trump was talking about when he mentioned injection. It is not just that calls were up, it’s the details of the calls that prompted officials and disinfectant companies to release statements telling people NOT to try ingesting or injecting their products. Facts do matter, but EVERY defender of Trump’s ignores a lot of them to reach the conclusions they wanted. Straight facts are NOT what you get from Trump’s administration. Straight facts are the kryptonite to this “President”. … And, for the record, I put “President” in quotations because he may hold the office, but he is no President, he is no leader, and he never will be. This is all just a reality show for Trump, and the sooner you people realise it, the better off the country will be.

    1. ”If Obama had used his magical powers to predict that corona would be possible in 2020, we would not be in this mess. It is all Obama’s fault” -Trump the pig.

  2. We could start a trend in using Trump as a verb. -“Please stop trumping”, as in stop lying. Or “that’s so trumpish”, as being weak and false. It would be a cute way to use the strategies he uses to undermine people.

    1. You know, here in the UK trump has long been slang for fart. e.g. “Did you just trump?”, “Yes I did, that trump was a loud stinky one”

    2. what a great idea! You win interweb award of the day for most clever comment.. how trumptastic of you!

    1. TB J&JB Transport ,Most public schools I’ve ever anywhere from 36 to 40 children in one classroom! How are you going to keep them apart if you don’t put them in the gym oh wait you can only have one graded time going to school for a one hour day. Oh wait we already too stupid because we rank 36th in education

    2. I’m an elementary school teacher, and the idea of spacing desks 6 feet apart is ridiculous! We couldn’t fit all of the kids in the classroom under those guidelines!

    3. Tell them busses won’t be running due to budget constraints. Parents or bicycle or shoe leather express. 6 feet in classrooms will never work. Remote schooling. Cheaper to pay for broadband and a laptop for every kid than what we pay for now. Taxpayer could save a TON of money. I’m tired of paying for everybody’s kids educations anyways.

    1. @Gustav B ya if the United States had economic depression it won’t affect your fairy tale county sure bydy

    2. @Julio Alonso no one cares about america, nothing is produced in your Country that People around the world buy anyways

    3. @Gustav B You don’t understand the financial system that runs the world. All large international banks and government underpin there currency to the US dollar. We don’t produce as much as we used to but we are still the number one consumer for many large companies and countries. Out of curiosity what country are you from?

    1. Econom will turn around dummy. This virus is attacking 200 countries not just us. Stock market at 25k already in 2 months be at 30k

    2. @The Greatest Generation That’s the weakest argument you could have possibly made. You are doing the worst of every first world nation and he’s doing a fantastic job because the entire population isn’t wiped out. You are praising him for being a success by existing while others fix his fuckups. I hope you don’t reproduce. I can’t imagine a person much worse than thinking armed robbery is fine because it could be worse, at least they aren’t a serial killer. That’s such garbage reasoning and is not a valid defence for a child, and especially not for a president. A position that used to be regarded as leader of the free world

    3. @Ned Walport only a dumbass thinks it’s a good idea to have the entire government meet in one room while there is a highly contagious virus spreading including in DC. They can do it digitally. Also if the conditions they were working in were unsafe or do not allow for protection from such a contagious virus, then only a dumbass would think it’s a good idea to do that. That’s how you increase spread, not stop it. Your prcious liberties include the right to life and that takes precedence. And guess what, they aren’t just your rights, everyone has those rights. You have the right to be ignorant and uneducated, but going to a nice dinner at a restaurant is not a right. It’s a luxury. The rights of others to reasonable protection of their lives and safety in the workplace are more important than your entitled desire for the convenience of clogging your arteries at IHOP

    1. We are on track to lose more in one year than all wars since WWI if they don’t get serious about testing and tracking and forcibly quarentine carriers and spreaders if need be.

    1. I’ve had a few try.. they are bringing up this sexual assault charge.. of course we know they sweep the fact that dickwad donnie has been accused of sexually assaulting over 20 some odd women right under the rug. I’m really tired of their normalizing his behavior.

    2. Well you know…Taras mom called into a substandard talk show and Tara never told any friends she was penetrated but you know…we gotta take her serious because…#metoo. You know…where charges by adults on behavior of other adults aren’t filed but we gotta believe. Children who later claim wrongs is one thing. Adults? Follow the law or STFU.

    3. Get Real Who’s “they?” Surely not the media because as it stands now Trump has been asked more about Biden’s sexual assault allegations than Joe Biden himself.

      I don’t believe Biden’s accuser personally, but how exposed is the mainstream media and their Democratic overlords/friends on this issue? Less than 2yrs ago it was “believe all women,” now it’s just believe Joe Biden because we don’t like Trump…

      Less than 2yrs ago the biggest story as promoted by the dishonest media was the baseless Kavanaugh accusations, and now that we have a Democratic Presidential candidate being more credibly accused of sexual assault they haven’t even asked Biden about it once since these accusations dropped over a month ago! How can people still have any faith in these so called objective institutions and not see them for what they are? Nuttin’ but double standard Democratic party operatives.

  3. Did anyone else inhale sharply and shout “OMG” when Trump said he was in charge of developing the vaccine!? USA is doomed!

    1. Do you he will put on lab coat play scientist. Oh what’s this oops. Derrrr i like have a duhh. See what happens if we put this in the microwave derrr.

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