CNN's Erin Burnett speaks with Ukrainian soldier Roman Trokhymets about his experience fighting against Russians near Bakhmut. #CNN #News
What a sniper saw fighting Russian soldiers in key city

CNN's Erin Burnett speaks with Ukrainian soldier Roman Trokhymets about his experience fighting against Russians near Bakhmut. #CNN #News
Extremely brave yet thoughtful young man. I hope he lives to see his country freed and to rejoin his family and live a long and fruitful life
@Иван Мартыненко Russian Bot.
Lord please watch over this young man and all those still fighting…and the civilians stuck in the warzone…stay strong Roman and keep fighting the good fight for your freedom and countryman.
adults should not believe in pretend friends.
@cynic150 Of course he is but their fate will still be according to their actions, including Roman. : )
@Ion-SHIVs There is a god, but he is invisible, so they say. I think that God = cause and effect in all our lives.
Imagine your local realtor picking up an assault weapon & battling for their homeland, that’s both heartbreaking & inspirational
I am sorry to say but from my point of view your response is ignorant and or arrogant. Or you just don’t know what is truly going on. It is about time to wake up, learn and protect yourself and your family.
@Red man A serious case of Ignorance or projection.
@Mr.Scootini Oh wow……. I am called a troll very often…. But my man….. I can learn from you.
Lmfao 🤣
This video of this young soldier deserves an award because is overwhelming to see the young man who suppose to be working for his wife and kids future but fighting in front line for Ukraine to defending the country instead. Good wishes bro, be safe wherever you are and God be with you and all Ukrainians.
@Fanta Cissé Yes, its same here, I’m good as well, thanks
@Hamadoun Arby You too
@noyopacific Hmmmmm how we do not think about some questions we ask, ok
I will love to see my family if i survive in future battles. Solid young man fighting for his country. It brought tears from my eyes
Thank you very much !😀
nice to hear from you.
brought me tears too… I’m his sister, hope to see him soon)
I had a Good day My Dear and how about you ?
Thank you very much !😀
This guy is gold! He’s articulate in English, and in the thick of this battle. If he survives, he’ll be sought after by every news agency in the world.
I had a Good day My Dear and how about you ?
Thank you very much !😀
LOL this^ is what the bots have resorted to🤣🤖
@remerson4 …although these bots are very polite, unlike the vatniks!
I don’t have a good feeling about his survival
But he is a stand up guy.
What a lovely well mannered man. An honour to have watched this interview of him and to have caught his video’s. His video’s are so important. A sincere and genuine man, a hero. 💙💪🇺🇦 🇨🇦💝🍁
I had a Good day My Dear and how about you ?
Thank you very much !😀
nice to hear from you.
It was nice to deal with you
What a hero. Remarkable attitude considering what he faces on a daily basis. Pray he gets through this mess and has a wonderful life with his family.
I had a Good day My Dear and how about you ?
Thank you very much !😀
nice to hear from you.
Interesting that he was a realtor (real estate agent) before the war. Perhaps he could have helped Putin with some of his furnishings.
So pleased that you have interviewed Roman. He is such a brave young man, like so many soldiers in the Ukrainian army. Slava Ukraini 💪🇺🇦💪🇺🇦💪🇬🇧
Slava Russia 🇷🇺
A year has passed, 97% of Russian forces are in Ukraine 🇺🇦 They are winning as much as dear leader says.😂
@Ctrl – Del hahaha yeah they are pushing in 2 main locations.. and not very far… 116 and 23 remained.. exactly…
@15 Hours ago came here to see what a hero looks like… spineless human
@Cybersecurity Declassified Slava Russia 🇷🇺
I know Roman personally from Kyiv. He is one of the most nicest and most modest person I met in Kyiv. I can see the inner scares the young men will have for their entire life. I hope this nightmare ends soon and he and all the young soldiers will go back home to their families.
@John Dor I’m sure there are. Make sure you find the right people who will actually give it to them.
@slavik k mm.. would be nice if someone could at least steer me there. I know Artur YouTuber did a fundraiser event where they were able to purchase a car that helped them with the war effort but that is over.
Yeah, right. I know him also.
I’m not the most religious guy, but I suddenly felt compelled to wish for divine intervention for this young man. Lord please look out for this courageous hero.
@I agree Yea. But talking about ending the war and claiming there is a lack of brains to end it….this has to come with an enlightening explanation of who started it and who can end it.
Capitulation into autocracy is NOT a valid reason to stop war.
@Proud Liberal Yea he is hero, but when he surrenders he is smaller than spider balls.
@I will tell you the truth When the enemy executes prisoners, people will keep fighting them rather than surrender.
Conversely, when you treat prisoners well, the enemy will be more inclined to consider surrender as a viable option.
Therefore, I don’t think he is going to surrender. Because Wagner, the lawless army of conscripted convicts has demonstrated that they will publicize their executions on social media.
So that make YOU smaller than spider balls for not figuring this much out.
@Arran Chace If you are referring to Tinpot Pootin and the Ruzzians being defeated, then I am w/u 1000%. Slava Ukraini!!! 🇺🇦
He is simultaneously a soldier (a brave one) and a war reporter. He’s such a nice guy.
Seeing his photos from before the war really made the stakes seem so much higher. Not just because of the life he’s left behind, but because of the lives he’s fighting for. I hope he gets to return home and live that life again.
it is not like he had a choice.
well said!
what a strong person. I thought the question she asked about killing the enemy was a bit much, but he answered in an eloquent, powerful, and very thoughtful way. I wish I had half his courage. Not knowing when or if you will ever see your toddler again would be my undoing. His spouse is a lucky person.
Exactly I’m glad I’m not the only one, she is talking and looking like she’s always about to laugh. She says “in your hand to hand combat, I heard you’re a sniper” like just because he’s not close to the fighting he doesn’t play a vital role. But she didn’t expect him to correct her. Idk she just seems like she doesn’t care that these men are dying. Then she asks when he will see his family again like tf does she think? Whoever telling her to ask these questions are dog water.
@Hello Vicki it is a valid question, you’re right. It just seemed tacky and a bit cringeworthy. like a bit of an over reach for a good tv bit.
@becky selfridge You people are braving this guy little bit to much, up to the point where I started to worry for him. I would suggest him and all of those who are fighting in Bakhmut to live out now before the Russian tanks roll over their bodies.
@I will tell you the truth You mean there’s still some tanks left? I think I heard a story that russia is emptying even museums right now to get a few t-62s rolling😂
True brave man fighting for his family, friends, and the survival of his country . # Ukraine
I’m so glad that guy survived. I’ve seen some videos posted from him in the trenches before Bakmut was surrounded. I feared he wouldn’t make it out of there. I really hope he can survive this war. He’s a brave soldier
Not surrounded yet, but dang near close.
@Long Forgotten Let’s hope that never happens… 🇺🇦🙏
What’s the name of his channel?
@Persephone it’s going to happen and it’s nothing they can do about it 😂, they should have left a long time ago.
A great kid defending his country. All respect to him.
I survived similar war in Bosnia 1992-1995 and know war. You become immune to everything and dont think if you survive or die you just do what you need to do. @Roman, god bless you my brother and all of Ukraine! Slava Ukraine! i wish we would grow balls already and intervene!! Slava Ukraine!!!! ❤🇺🇸🇺🇦🇧🇦🇺🇳❤
You are a Hero Roman🙏🇺🇸🫂🇺🇦🙏
From one ex soldier to a young hero.
God bless you.
I was always scared when I was shot at.
But I did what I was trained too.
Slava Ukraini 🤺
I love Roman Trokhymets! I have been following him on instagram and youtube since the war started in Ukraine. He isn’t affraid to get personal and show emotions. His vlogs on the front in trenches are heartbreaking. You can really feel the horror and fears with him. I pray for him that he will continue to stay alive and soon come home to his beloved family.🙏🏼 May the moon and stars light up your way and mother earth keep you safe. Slava Ukraini!// Love and light from Sweden 🙏🏼🇸🇪❤️🇺🇦💪🏼🌻