Five former Memphis Police Department officers pleaded not guilty at their arraignment on criminal charges connected to the January death of Tyre Nichols, whose brutal beating after a police traffic stop was seen on video. #CNN #News
5 former police officers charged in Tyre Nichols’ death plead not guilty

Crazy… We all saw you murder Tyre.. This is disgusting
@T McKenny do a Google surge…it has been known from the start…
@Honkin’ Joe i did read it on cnn so yes…they did report on it.
@Miki van Duyn
Oh ..well maybe *tmckenny* will believe it if the almighty CNN reported on it…
It’s actually a pretty important fact here and it’s pretty effin heinous.
Yes The Defund the police movement helped weed out the good. And this is what we ended up with ☝️
@Miki van Duyn ok I did google it. Just to find out it’s a falsehood. Someone made up a story and ya’ll are just spreading rumors. Maybe you people should learn to Google. Perhaps part of your problem is you did a Google Surge instead of a Google search.
Not guilty? They all must be high and delusional. The footage said it all.
Yes The Defund the police movement helped weed out the good. And this is what we ended up with ☝️
@T. R. Campbell They failed they’re most important duty to serve and protect.
Seems like they were high on something at the initial stop, when beating and after beating him. Pull some hair from all of them for drug tests.
Klang. Klans men posing as black.
Eye for an Eye. Punishment fitting the brutality, malice and pure hatred involved in the crime. Life + 50 for each one, and another 50 for the mouthy one spouting off after the Beating, trying to get everyone’s story ‘straight’.
In fact, each of them should be subjected to the same violence they perpetuated on Nichols. Tooth for a Tooth.
Well said! I concur
@D F First you have to tell me what he did wrong in the first place, who has the right to arrest me when I did nothing wrong, how is he resisting ?? He did nothing and tried to run to the safety of his moms house, these guys are going to spend a lot of time in jail, EVERYTHING is on video, I would have hit them in the face too if they were trying to arrest me for nothing, cops are not gods and can’t do whatever the F they want
@Robert Ray Democrat policies don’t work, that’s what.
@Just Me his car was boxed in like a pursuit ensued. And he resisted arrest for 20 minutes. I dont know what crime he committed, but his family won’t release the autopsy or toxicology report. He was probably driving dangerously and then fled the police, then ran, then resisted.
@D F Stop lying and victim blaming Troll!
This is disgusting these people actually believe what they did was right .
@Mary Pack If they really believed what they did was wrong they would have plead guilty because now this is only going to make people more angry and people to call on a higher sentence rightly so . The smartest thing to do was say guilty now what very few supporters they had are gone .
They did what they were trained to do.
@Idi Amin they most certainly did not…
@Roe Jogan Read it again. Your comprehension skills need improvement.
It’s even more disgusting that in many similar cases, their superiors, the police-departments, and the police-unions stand behind them and agree what they did was right. It’s even _more_ disgusting when prosecutors and judges and councilmen and mayors say the same thing. The whole damn system is corrupt! 🤦 Three different 1970s Al Pacino movies seem oddly and depressingly salient these days.
Faces hidden like cowards.
They are cowards.
Their faces have been posted all over the internet and news websites before the trial. Part of the all black SCORPION unit of Memphis.
My thoughts exactly.
A not guilty plea gives the courts even more ammunition to put these bastards behind bars since they don’t want to take accountability. We saw the video. Good luck to the lawyers trying to defend this BS.
@Metal Gear your pos
@Ashlynn cooney Idk. PoS do NOT act w/ Respect towards Police. They act like Tyre acted which is why they Fail to Survive routine encounters. All while the General Public always Survives w/o any Conflict whatsoever. Your version of PoS is upside down and backwards. Dont ya think?
@Snap Dragon Name ONE person whom COMPLIED and LOST their LIFE via the hands of the Police. NAME THEM….
@Snap Dragon Tyre initiated his convo w/ Police via mocking them. Then talking down to them barking orders at them. Failed to allow them to Cuff him then he RAN. Yeah real HIGH CLASS individual on Display
@D F they’ve already incriminated themselves, if you watched and listened the videos of his murder.
The reason these individuals are pleading not guilty is because that will give them one more year of freedom. They know they are guilty and will be imprisoned for a long time.
@D F what is wrong with you?
Yes The Defund the police movement helped weed out the good. And this is what we ended up with ☝️
I guarantee you they will all be acquitted. It’s easier to convict the president of the United states than a cop in America.
@XXX the fact people are liking your comment just highlights mob mentality. We don’t know if all of them are guiltyof the same crimes. How can someone trying to subdue a resisting perp be judged the same as someone who used excessive force?
8 years tops
The nerve! Wow? No remorse on taking an innocent man’s life! The narcissism and delusion! And it’s not a training issue, it’s a mental issue. A psychiatric exam needs to be part of the hiring process. Shame on these murderers and shame on their parents/family who raised these murderers.
@Ralph Mack not for everything. Rights need to be protected
@Roe Jogan say that to the man who was out numbered and beat to death. Was his rights protected?? Yes or no??
@Ralph Mack no. Of course not
A little power corrupts many a human. People just go nuts. Very alarming. Maybe the police need some type of an electric jolt monitor on their chests or wrists that can sense when their heart rates are too high? Give them jolts until they have calmed down. And maybe when the jolt/alarm device goes off 911 automatic alarm goes off to a police division?
@Ralph Mack are you saying that since Tyre’s rights weren’t protected that other people’s rights shouldn’t be protected?
They have to wonder. How the hell, we ended up on this side of the law!!! Even standing in the courtroom before a judge. This is insane!!!
@T. R. Campbell they are all going to prison. No probation here. The national outrage over this case demands prison time. These ex cop murderers will be lucky if they get 15 years each even on a plea deal. The second degree murder charge alone carries a mandatory minimum of 15yrs.
It’s called Karma, my friend.
@suzanne peters ,
It’s pretty simple, they committed murder.
Nah, they know exactly how they ended up here. They’re just wondering how their corrupt superiors, prosecutors, judges, council-members, and mayors didn’t cover for them, and how the footage wasn’t “accidentally lost”.
Complete lack of remorse, completely devoid of the respect of another human’s basic rights. They are cold blooded murderers nothing more nothing less.
They’d fit right in with the Republican party.
@Illustraful You mean the Democrat party aka the party of the KKKlan
They should be sent to prison, but not to solitary, to gen-pop. 😒
@jim lewis How’s Ashli Babbitt, redneck?
It’s remarkable to me how people think they can get away with a crime when it’s on video. Even more how a attorney can defend against a video.
@D F They saw the crime being committed but they didn’t report it. They should get same punishment.
@lisa maree Accary fair enough.
Dirty cops no longer care about witnesses or cameras or evidence because they know prosecutors and judges are just as dirty. It’s rare for them to do something so bad that manages to make the mass-media and get enough attention that they can’t just sweep it under the rug. But that doesn’t stop them from hoping and trying. 😒
@D F Didn’t see anyone bothered aboout his welfare, these weren’t police officers they were THUGS.
They can cover their evil faces with masks, but the eyes show their guilt!😡#JusticeForTyre
Killers wear masks…..
The one douch bag murderer who took a picture stands there with his hands in his pocket.
Watching that video was absolutely heartbreaking I cried my husband even cried and was so horrified by what he watched these officers do to this young man that didn’t even deserve any of it had no reason to pull him over and from the minute they got out of the car they were out of control and aggressive for absolutely no reason
I hope they were given drug tests. The officers seemed very amped up. Just like people on drugs. And because none of them seemed to be able to control their out of control emotions.
@Mary Pack Good point… We can only hope that’s been covered
Amazing that they have the sheer nerve to plead not guilty, shame on them. Also amazed to see they all have no problems with wearing masks to cover their faces. For the past 3years no one wanted to wear them and police were usually high on that list. Now they are pleading guilty, Tyre’s mum will have to listen to all the gory details in the court. I am shocked these so called men want to put her through that pain again after already inflicting the worst pain a mother could feel, the murder of her son. I wish strength to Tyre’s mum while she goes through this ordeal. ❤
@B Jvu Not sure what you find so funny.
I agree. These mf’s don’t give a damn about COVID. Didn’t wear a mask when they were beating Tyre. They are wearing a mask in hopes people don’t recognize them.
@B Jvu wtf is so funny
They’re heartless. How they could enter “not guilty” pleas may end up working against them, though.
All of them need to be under arrest and fight this case from behind bars.
I agree
Any lawyer will tell you to plead not guilty. Now the burden falls on the state to prove beyond a reasonable doubt. The overwhelming proof they have though is pretty damning.
yup probably move blame to emt for not doing their job right
Lot of balls to plead not guilty while we watched the video and seen how y’all beat that man for nothing he wasn’t even a threat he was scared of y’all I’m white and I’ve had two incidents of getting harassed by officers it happens a lot and people don’t even hear about it. Prayers for that family ❤🙏🏻
As a Black woman, who’s known too many black lives lost to police officers, I say this to you please stay safe I don’t want no lives lost to the hands of the police no matter the race,age or gender or sexual preferences taking a life, any violence of any kind by any authority is wrong! And those assaults to anyone by police needs to be shared. BECUASE BLACK LIVES MATTER GROUPS are exposing these officers this Police culture protecting even bad cops needs to stop period!
@Monique Stuckey-Kirkham Wayyyyyyyyy more black lives will be lost to other blacks, this weekend in South Chicago
“Beat” is the understatement of the century. That one cop repeatedly kicked him in the face as hard as he could like he was playing a gladiator in Game of Thrones, trying to crush his skull. Even if Nichols had been armed and tried to attack them, once he was down and out, there was no excuse for any kind of force, let alone something like that.
The most unbelievable thing here is that these murder-accused animals are out on bail.
I remember 21 years ago going into the academy with MPD we were told to look next to you, one of you might not make it meaning killed in the line. Never ever did something like this was mentioned or heard of. This is heartbreaking 💔 rip tyre
This is such a heartbreaking, the very ones we are suppose to trust with our lives are killer cops like this, I hope there is Justice for Tyre Nicoles and condolences to his family and justice for all the other families that has been mistreated by this task force…