CNN's Sara Sidner speaks with a man who heckled White supremacists during their march in Washington, DC. #CNN #News
A cyclist came upon a White supremacist march. Here’s what he did next

CNN's Sara Sidner speaks with a man who heckled White supremacists during their march in Washington, DC. #CNN #News
I love this guy
He is yelling at the FBI
@Brian Martinez ssshhh! CNN might hear you. 🤣🤣🤣😎🤡🤮
He is original and wonderful!
You love overtly stupid people that heckle movements from several yards away with a police presence?
At least raise your standards for heroes.
That group is so de-evolved that even Darwin is saying “I give up”
Bought and paid for by the taxpayer
Yeah, when Darwin realized, half of America is obese. Like the guy yelling at the group of protesters. Yes, I would imagine he would say “I give up” they are dying of diabetes anyway.
@Franklin Which one of the clone warrior lineup were you? So everyone knows …
It’s funny how none of them would wear masks during a pandemic. Interesting
Thats because they are cops
You are so right I didn’t catch that!
That man is a fucking legend!!!
Go pick a grape
Wow! Only total cowards would hide my comments from my other account
I’m in tears. This guy knows what’s up. 😂
🙂 “Reclaim your virginity” for the win. 🙂
The only thing that’s up is his cholesterol. And I doubt he even knows that.
“Reclaim your virginity”😂😂😂
We know you are jealous, that you can’t lose yours. So….
@Franklin Go lay down somewhere.
@AteNachos Was that supposed to mean anything? 😳
@Franklin jealous of what exactly? Ugly cargo pants and neckbeards? Naw I’m good bro I’m cut out for the klan life
Cargo pants are out!!! Love it!
If you they are so devoted and proud, why wear a mask to hide your identity?
It’s all part of the plan. It would be extremely embarrassing for all those feds to get outed and then have to explain what the hell they are doing putting on theater
We need more Americans like this gentleman. Those ignorant racist thugs need to be silenced!
How do you silence them? They are real people. They have a right to spread their opinions.
you won’t stop racism
@Franklin So which one is you? Are the guy giving the speech but was so nervous couldn’t remember the words?
No. We don’t need more obesity
Since they want to remain anonymous, just throw a bunch of random names at them. Like “Bob, your mom wants you home.” You are bound to get one right.
Patriot Front should be sent to Guantanamo Bay immediately! 😂😂😂 They won’t.
Those people are the equivalent to processed white cheese.
Hilarious…. you’re SOOO funny.
This man is a genius
Actually he’s dying of diabetes from making terrible decisions. That doesn’t make him a “genius”. Get a grip on reality.
@Franklin cope.
Beautiful and brave!
The humour and bravery of this individual is only outdone by the cowardice of the marchers. How funny is it that all of a sudden they have no problem wearing masks? If you’re so proud of your “history” – show your face.
Our government dollars hard at work
“Your pants don’t match” and “Reclaim your virginity” had me LMAO hard.😂
I laugh until I almost choke. That man is funny as hell.
Good thing the police were there to protect him.
S-tier heckler! You’re braver than me, sir.
S-Tier??? This bozo didn’t even grade.
I freaking love this man!!!❤
For what? Being the biggest doofus on CNN
Lol fed’s getting trolled by a guy on cycle😂
“Before the battle of the fist comes the battle of the mind.” Shifu, Kung Fu Panda.