1. That’s fair Anderson, but why was the room full of Trump supporters? Why not a balanced audience?

    1. Because liberals act like children as soon as you mention Trump. They wanted a peaceful event. 😂

    2. Because to you a balanced audience means an audience of people that will never vote for Trump, which would be a collosal waste of everyone’s time.

  2. There’s a huge spectrum of things we can do that is somewhere in between ignoring him, and a televised Trump rally.

    1. I agree this was about polarization and I’m disappointed with CNN. Hopefully the independents are as disgusted as democrats

    1. It was a rally on national TV on prime time . What was CNN thinking ?
      Today I decided not to watch them anymore they want to be the new Fox.

  3. He needs to be fact checked in real time. Period. He needs to be heard, true, but not unopposed. He walked all over his host.

  4. This isn’t about silos or echo chambers. Those of us who disapprove of this ratings grab ARE paying attention. This is about giving a man an additional platform (he already has a few) to create a dangerous situation. Ridiculous.

    1. Omg orange man so dangerous he say covid come from china so dangerous and Scawyy😢😢😢😢

  5. We’re paying attention. Paying attention to who uses his image twenty times a day as their thumbnail. Attention to who gives him an open platform. We are so fed-up with the open mics in front of him. You put them there.

  6. The moderator did a crap job, he needs someone to ridicule his insanity, call out his BS, and treat him like the child he is. Don’t just give him a national stage with a room full of his supporters and allow him to keep speaking his lies. You need a moderator that won’t allow themselves to be interrupted and one that is firm with the facts. Otherwise why the hell are they even there.

  7. Keep giving him attention. That’s how he got elected the first time: He would say something ridiculous and the media pandered to his every whim. He couldn’t have done it without you.

  8. We are nearly as upset with you as we are with him. You gave him a custom platform with no ability to challenge him in a meaningful way and you gave him the audience to laugh and deride and make fun of decent people. He is despicable and you are an embarrassment.. And for you to now claim that the reason we’re upset is because we aren’t paying attention is an insult. We are upset with him because he is horrible and we are upset with you because you tailor-made the perfect platform from which he could spew his bile and his disgusting rhetoric. We know he didn’t go away but the rest of us are not giving him airtime. Let alone perfect airtime tailor made to give him every advantage. That’s why we are upset. And now to pretend that the only reason were upset is because we had our heads in the sand and didn’t realize that he was still around Is beyond insulting.

    1. Totally agree. Everything I think and feel. He’s gaslighting and trying to put the blame on us. I am not ignorant, it’s insulting.

    1. He don’t need platform half of the country loves him and watch him elsewhere, Trump schooled moderator! The moderator is there to ask questions and not to push their opinion. CNN is so one sided.

    1. It almost made things worse, didn’t it? Justifying what they did in giving Trump a rally!

    2. I agree with Anderson,this town hall is going to motivate people even more to vote against Trump .Trump barely won in 2016 ,every election after that was a vote against Trump rather than for the Democrat.Biden didn’t have to do much, but allowed Trump to self implode.

  9. At what point do people who work at CNN resign because they realize they’re sacrificing their journalistic principles for a corporate bottom line?

    1. I’ve lost all respect for Anderson and I’ve loved him for years. He does NOT need the income from this job and could very easily resign. It would be brave and would make a statement. The fact that he’s defending CNN speaks volumes and is beyond disappointing. I expected much better and apparently, I’ve misjudged him entirely. 😔

  10. I don’t care so much that you let him on. I mind that you all were so ill prepared to fact check him. You put Ms. Collins in a position to fail. You should have anticipated he’d trot out his greatest hits and been prepared to hit back. He used you.

  11. My criticism of the town hall was that it wasn’t a blend of those who support him and those who don’t. He needed to be asked hard questions about his behavior and his politics. Apparently, it isn’t easy to stop his obnoxious behavior. He should never be given a platform where is isn’t fact checked to his face!

  12. “the people in that audience are your family, friends, neighbors…”

    This is how preschool teachers speak to quarrelsome students during a Time Out. Gives you an insight into just how belligerent its viewership truly is.

  13. To cite Jake Tapper: “That was a hot mess, inside a dumpster fire, inside a train wreck.”

    1. Just as he must have known it would be! Jake Tappert’s feigned outrage is no better than Collins’ or Cooper’s performances.

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