Bolsonaro tests positive for Covid-19 after downplaying virus

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has tested positive for coronavirus after months of flouting social distancing guidelines. More than 65,000 people have died of the virus in Brazil, according to the country's health ministry. CNN's Bill Weir reports.

#CNN #News


    1. @Osmosis Jones Your lack of education is much easier to catch. How’s that manual labor job working out for you?

    2. He will cough about a hundred times and be OK. While you chickenshits still act like it’s guarenteed death and we need to destroy the planet to stop it.

    1. 24 States have Democratic Governors
      26 States have Republican Governors
      Out of 132,568 Covid related deaths:
      •94,700 deaths occurred in states with Democratic governors
      •If you add Mass. (GOP Gov but major city where deaths occurred has a Dem mayor) — that total jumps to 102,883 Covid deaths.
      If you do the math, thats almost 80% of all Covid-19 related deaths are responsible under Democratic ran states! That is a fact.

    1. @club4ghz
      Trump has made China mad if you have not been watching

      Its Biden that China wants in the white house. Just like it wanted Clinton

      You are A COMPLETE IDIOT

    2. @Gargola18 Yeah that’s why they gave those huge tax cuts to the wealthiest people in our country. Oh wait that was Trump and every other Republican president we’ve ever had!

    1. @Chris Martin Yeah, tell that to Nick Cordero, who had his leg amputated and suffered for 95 days before finally dying from Covid19. He was 41. It’s just a runny nose that clots your blood and kills your organs, rots your lungs away. That’s right wing science for you. That’s why all the red states are infested with it now. We were following our right wing pundits who told us to act like the virus didn’t exist and it would go away.

    2. @Puddles 59 Corona Virus is scary, it’s just that the USA is such a messed place where shootings are quite common and sometimes glorified.

    1. Yet they’re all still alive. It’s almost as if you can catch it and it will make you a bit poorly, but other than that you’re gonna be fine.

    2. @CherBear did I say at anytime that it would be great seeing Mr Trump in a thong did I DID I

      OK I might have said it once or twice, hey at least I don’t call Mr Trump a moronic imbecile, darn you got me again

    3. John Freedman I’ll believe when she can at least speak English after living here since 1992. By the way she’s a college drop out as well.

  1. If he’s only a little sick it’s irrelevant. Because without being deathly ill he’ll still call it a little flu

    1. @Time to get huge! I hope this is just a josh, because I don’t know of any cold that is causing children to drop of blood clots in the lungs.

    2. @Dan Wipper And how do you know?
      I’ve been saying for years that there needs to be a general knowledge test to vote.
      If you can’t write a sourced essay, display a general grammatic, scientific, and political aptitude, you have no place participating in activities that affect anyone outside of yourself.

    3. @dave riddlelin You’re right on one count: Death toll is low [in countries with competent leadership]

    4. @J Hallin There are over 3million infecteds now in the US. Using the US fatality rate of 4%, that’ll be another 120,000 added to the current 133,000 death toll. And the coronavirus is still infecting new victims exponentially. By the end of the year, we’ll have about 400,000 death toll.
      And those that didn’t die doesn’t mean they weren’t hospitalized and received treatment. A good percentage of that remaining 96% who survived the coronavirus have and will be hospitalized. The US will go bankrupt, the people, the hospitals the government. To those who keeps on minimizing it, this coronavirus is no joke.

  2. Even if Trump is tested positive, do you really think the White House and the GOP will tell the truth?

    1. If I was Covid19 I would stay away from Trump.Never know what you’ll catch.We already know he’s full of Stupidity and bullshit.

    2. @X XxX Sure replace one nutcase with another nutcase,no thanks.The United States would go from a criminal and a hooker to a lousy singer and a stripper.None of whom are qualified to be the President or first lady.

    3. Vital Signs bro, that was before the internet, tv, national news media. Plus never say Roosevelt and Trump in the same sentence. Trump shows his weakness everyday regardless!

    4. At this point, I really don’t think that the Republican Party will Care if Trump tests positive for coronavirus. They might even throw a party.🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳

    1. Actually he’s much much stupider. Cause whatever stupidity the one here says or does, he copy it.

    2. thegags haha that’s is hilarious. Texas and Florida are two of the most populated areas! You are so silly

    3. Peace Frog haha that’s is hilarious. Texas and Florida are two of the most populated areas! You are so silly

    1. Rick Ton 80% of people don’t get sick when they have Covid 19 . I understand you have just learnt to use the word ignorant so I’ll let you have your fun. If he doesn’t get sick then he will say I told you so .

    2. @StS9LBJ23 “Uno es espanol”
      Brazil speaks portuguese so by that logic it would be:
      “Uma carta Reverter de UNO”

  3. The worst part is: this might be a stunt to promote hydroxychloroquine to force a nationwide reopening. The more I think about it, more I realize how convenient this is for him, at this moment.

    1. Yeah, sadly. Worse, if Trump was really in trouble, the rich oligarchy would quickly be able to patch up their useful toy and send him back in to further serve Putin.

    2. @Dark Tenki it takes high IQ people like me to wake up low IQ people like you and show you the bias.

    3. @Maurício Rodrigues i was being sarcastic and obviously was satire, its like where do these people come up with this misinformation? They’re probably getting their news from twitter feeds ?

    4. @Maurício Rodrigues believe it or not social media is an active war zone other countries are taking advantage of to spread hate even more. All it takes it one Tweet and millions of bots to make the herd go where they want. “They” meaning the people who wanna see America burn while the sheep they control are blind and deceived.

  4. Do we really believe he has Covid?
    Or is he just saying it to be like “hey look I got Covid and I’m perfectly fine”

    1. @winesap2 Democrat New Jersey has the highest Kung Flu death rate in America…

    2. @winesap2 You were wrong about 3,000,000 Americans dying from Kung Flu. You were wrong about “Russian Collusion”, you were wrong about impeachment and removal. I can’t think of one Left wing claim that turned out to be true. Can you?

    3. @winesap2 I think you’re suffering from TDS. It’s a form of mass mania much like primitive cultures who sacrifice people to appease false gods.

    4. @Shutting Libtards down with logic. Hahaha. Your username is hilarious. right wingers have no such thing as logic. all they have is talking points that they never question.

      There’s something called the passage of time. The highest states now will be overtaken by the red states, guaranteed. New York and New Jersey were among the first states to get the virus and locking down an entire state was unprecedented, but that’s what they had to do to stop the spread. All these red states that have spiking cases only had about 4 months to prepare and avoid what they already knew would happen, but instead they chose to act like it wouldn’t happen to them…what, because they are special? Because it’s hot there? Or just because they are lazy and think that opinion is more valid than science. Yes that’s why they are spiking now.
      I’ve been watching this page for weeks and have seen all these red states moving up the ranks. They’ll keep doing it because they all have incompetent leaders, lazy right wingers, and they are outbreaking worse than New York was.

    5. @Shutting Libtards down with logic. That would be because you’re an ignorant right winger with a 2nd grade education level, so it’s not surprising you wouldn’t understand facts.

      Name one left wing fact that you think is baseless.

  5. The day the headlines read: “Trump tests positve for Coronavirus” I will pop open a bottle of champaign and celebrate. Like poetic justice to all the people that he killed.

    1. Not hard to imagine tRump the tRaitor being wheeled from the ICU at the Whitehouse to the showers at the Big House. 😂 🤣

  6. It’s ok, he’ll listen to his friend Trump and inject some Lysol. He’ll be just fine, I’m sure!!

    1. @Jonas Miller Don’t need any of it, you’ll live if you do nothing, it just goes away, unless you’re 80, sick, or fat.

    1. @Cold Beer ” it isn’t hat bad, it’s just a virus. I had it 6 months ago.”
      Take an Fe1 and other lung function tests, you may be in for an unpleasant surprise.

    2. Yep. Trump’s handlers won’t let him die from Corona, he’s got a whole world to subvert and corrupt away from us.

    3. Symptoms that you can see. People who had sars and were asymptomatic had long term lung damage years later.

    1. Because this virus isn’t that bad.
      You idiots are letting the media scare you by counting people already on the verge of death.

    2. of course he will because
      we live in an evil world created by an evil god
      ruled by evil men

    1. That´s so silly. Not true. Look at American football , it´s a very stupid game and they win money and fame….yeah that´s a stupid prize you´re right.

    2. @andy tran One can only hope. I feel truly evil for saying that, but what else would convince him that COVID is not a joke, conspiracy, regular flu, etc., etc.?

    1. But would get the pandemic over with. And save the Trump economy before they have mail in ballots.
      Why so governor Cuomo contrary to common sense bared nursing homes from turning away people already infected.
      And Texas hospitals are always over crowded from people crossing the border just for the medical care and service

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