1. Wow! Mother Nature Mother’s Day!

  2. Alaska is still a gorgeous place even with these events. The hillside was bound to come down sooner or later.

  3. It’s a good thing that everybody’s 2nd or 3rd transportation is a Boat or Float Plane.
    It’s the coast of Alaska.
    Landslides are not uncommon in EarthQuake zones.
    Add to the fact the overhang was a Slide Waiting on a Work Crew. It’s Spring, Break the Cabin Fever.

  4. Apparently one person wasn’t impressed!? Lady in the left foreground barely moves a muscle while a mountain starts collapsing a few yards from her nose🤓😬

  5. I can see the landslide from my front porch. Hope no one is trying to get to the delivery room. The are screwed! (literally!) Hahaahaa. Tip your servers.

  6. In Alaska, you learn to roll with the punches Mother Nature gives you and adapt to the changing situation. Just stepping outside your home to go to the outhouse you need to carry a gun for protection against wild animals basically all year round.

    1. I go to the bathroom a few times a night, so I’m sure I’d fire a warning shot each time I have to take a dump.

  7. Thank goodness for the people who still take horizontal video. 1 second of just rotating a phone makes a huge playback difference!

  8. It’s so surprising to hear all these news networks talk about something in America for once this might be one video out of 30 every day

  9. The size of the landslide is not as unusual as the distance from the people who experienced it first hand.

  10. Had AK been subject to increased rainfall? People who choose to live in remote areas must shoulder the burden if something like this happens. They really should expect this sort of thing given what happened to the Coquihalla hey this past fall/winter.

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