Category: Television Jamaica Latest News update

The Sign of the Cross

By Gabriel Christian Esq.

Christians revere the cross as an instrument of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. The cross is also a symbol of sacred fire and of the sun, a representation of lightening and a symbol of the Aryan civilization. The Cross had tremendous significance to ancient Egyptians and to members of the early Christian church. According to the Jewish encyclopaedia, the marking of a cross upon the forehead and the chest was regarded as a talisman against the powers of demons.

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Victory for Dominica’s Independence Forces

Victory for Dominica’s Independence Forces

Defeat is not an Option
A Confidential Note on Dominica’s Status – Summer 2007


This report is written for one purpose: the victory of the national development project for Dominica as led by the independence forces arrayed under the banner of the Dominica Labour Party. It is required that we reconnect to the lofty goals of the founders of the party who led a mass movement for national dignity, social and economic progress for the common man from the period 1955 and onwards.

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Dominicans, take your country back!

Dear Sir:

Dominica is a very beautiful country. It shares many similarities with my homeland, St Vincent, plus that little extra that makes it so unique; lush mountain forests, dramatic coastline, photographic landscapes, fertile soil and sea, an abundance of rivers and most of all, lovely people and a nice Creole flair to its culture. It saddens me though, to follow the developments which seem to be transforming this natural paradise to a hell hole of destruction at the hands of a few irresponsible, greedy and disgusting politicians. But why should anyone be surprised?

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Thank You SVG

Dear Sir: The referendum of November 25th is now behind us. As was evident by the results, Vincentians expressed their dissatisfaction through one of the best ways in a democracy – the casting of a vote. We spoke loud and clear, our message was strong and decisive. The dissatisfaction after all the contempt and insults were bundled into a single mark on Referendum day. It was our defining moment and I am happy that God answered our prayers.

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By Debbie A. Douglas
Like most enlightened Dominicans, I would much rather engage in serious debate re: electoral reform and the preservation of our democracy, than reading silly attacks on Gabriel Christian by Anthony Astaphan – A noted defender of the corrupt practices of the Dominica Labour Party.  Tony’s reputation of being a noted attorney is now reduced to that of being a puny intellectual and a self serving supporter of Skeritt – so sad but so true.

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My Answer to Gabriel Christian

attorney_anthony_astaphan_241707309_lnd_thumb.jpgI have read Gabriel‘s epistle. It is yet another emotion attack devoid completely of fact or any objective evidential basis. It was always my understanding that corruption had to be established by fact and evidence, not emotion or fiction.

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attorney_anthony_astaphan_241707309.jpgMy first and second reaction to Mr. Baron’s rather emotional statement was one of astonishment. Mr. Baron writes or had written for him a statement of several paragraphs on his remarkable achievements and fights and of derisive allegations of corruption but writes  one single paragraph setting out the 3 or 4 allegations upon which he relies. Allegations mind you, not facts or evidence.

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Caribbean research & statistical officers enhance data collection and analysis skills at CTO worksho


~ 20 senior officers CTO member countries  participate in five-day workshop organised by the region’s tourism development agency ~


            BRIDGETOWN, Barbados (Dec 7, 2009) – A five-day workshop aimed at helping member countries of the Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO) strengthen their capacity to collect and analyse tourism data opens here today.

The 7-11 December workshop will augment the technical abilities of CTO members in their quest to expand and diversify their tourism research and data pool, said Winfield Griffith, CTO’s director of research and information technology.

The workshop will focus on executing and managing tourism surveys;  processing and presenting data from the surveys; scientific analysis and use of tourism surveys and other data in private and public research and planning ; and use of modern technology in tourism research and data dissemination.

“It is important that we advance the research programme in the Caribbean in a consistent and coordinated manner to ensure that the economic and social contribution and impacts of tourism are measured accurately,” said Mr. Griffith.

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