Author and Gatestone Institute Senior Fellow, Gordon Chang, discusses why he believes Russia and China may be involved in the objects shot down over North America. #CNN #News
China expert on where unidentified objects came from

Author and Gatestone Institute Senior Fellow, Gordon Chang, discusses why he believes Russia and China may be involved in the objects shot down over North America. #CNN #News
Because the objects are smaller than the balloons does not mean they are less insidious. Most of us remember when we were carrying suitcases as cell phones, now we have smaller more effective smartphones. In telecommunications and well as chemistry, we cannot determine the potency of an object/substance by its size. That said, I believe those objects are drones sending data to a satellite, just like the balloon. About 90% of the balloon is helium. I am surprised that our intelligence agencies don’t understand that a communication device has improved fidelity the closer its transmitter or receiver is to the source. Why we haven’t explored space above 60k feet when testing hypersonic propulsion systems is beyond comprehension. Trusting China with all our intellectual property is detrimental to our National Security. When Obama wanted to bring manufacturing back to the US, the Republicans fought tooth and nail because we do not want a strong neighbor to the south, like Mexico. It’s all coming home to roost. Three-thirds of our pharmaceuticals are produced in China and India without sound quality control. And here we are wondering what is in our airspace without pointing to our greedy corporate culture which must pay dividends to a few.
Trump brought back manufacturing jobs, but that’s besides the point.
The elephant in the room is we have a weak feeble incompetent corrupt man in the WH which has gotten tens of millions of dollars from China….as well as Russia and Ukraine. He is compromised and now we see how emboldened both adversaries have become…. taking advantage of the guy who had to hide in the basement during the campaign.
Who in their right mind thought that was a wise decision….to give someone a job who was incapable of interviewing for it????
@Elizabeth Stanley LMAO! Unemployment was at 8% when Trump left office and he has a lot of ties to China and Russia. In fact, he paid more taxes to China than he did to the US. And Steve Bannon was arrested on a Chinese Billionaires boat.
@SLJShortt If the wannabe dictators (Democrat governors) didn’t keep their fascist states lockdown for 2 years… unemployment would have been much lower.
Trump can’t be blamed for their poor governing. It’s why people have been fleeing to free red states in droves.
Trump has no ties to Russia or China other than he opened businesses there.
Biden has made a fortune with them, which is why they are NOW emboldened.
Where is your head?
@Elizabeth Stanley Trump was the one that ordered the lockdown. Oh, and the longest Covid lockdown in the world was in Australia and it lasted 9 months so I don’t know where the hell you’re getting 2 years from. And it’s GOP governors like DeSantis that are banning books and restricting freedoms. But, you’re clearly delusional and probably still waiting for JFK Jr. to come back from the dead or something so I won’t bother trying to convince you.
But fair warning…the earth isn’t flat.
@SLJShortt Yes, Trump ordered the lockdown to not overwhelm hospitals. He wanted to open back up by Easter, but covid had to be politicized as the left had nothing to use against him. No new wars, peace in the middle east, defeated the ISIS caliphate, made us energy independent, controlled our borders and we had low inflation and low gas prices.
It’s a fact that there has been an exodus from locked down blue states to free red states.
DeSantis just banned books that are inappropriate for small children… which of course makes sense.
The teachers union did not want to go back to work…. keeping kids out of school for almost two years which keeps parents from going back to work….hence the high employment rate when Trump left office. And fake news can rely on people like you to blame Trump for something he had no control over.
Stop letting fake news take advantage of you.
They lost credibility for a reason!
They were a dynamic duo.
The rationale behind the engagement of purportedly knowledgeable individuals to offer conjecture without furnishing convincing proof regarding the recent events’ source or intention remains ambiguous. Nevertheless, those with even a rudimentary comprehension of the situation may deduce that we are edging closer to a full-blown armed conflict. Despite this, we remain steadfastly committed to supporting Ukraine, regardless of the potential outcome. There exists a distinct possibility that the United States and its allies could potentially become embroiled in a confrontation with Russia, with China in close pursuit. Notably, high-level talks are slated to occur this week between Russia and China. The US Secretary of State, Blinken, declined a visit to China in light of the Ballon incursion. The trust deficit between the US and its subsequent adversaries has now escalated to the brink of crisis.
We are closer to a global conflict than at any time I can remember in my time, including the Cold War with the USSR. Involving the Axis Powers (Russia, China, Iran, North Korea) against the west and their globalist dream.
Well, what do you expect to happen if the leader of the free world is weak feeble incompetent and compromised due to his corrupt business dealings with said adversaries?
We are basically leaderless as Biden is in mental decline and clearly incapable of calling the shots.
We’ve been giving China technology and knowledge for decades, and they’ve been giving us cheap flipflops and t-shirts… this why we have this frickin’ problem, and it’s both the republican and democrat presidents of today and the past. We need to stop babying them.
The Canadian Defense Minister said they had identified the object. She also said it was cylindrical looking. Where’s the video?
Why hasn’t any high-res video been released for any of the four downed balloons.
This is another WMD scam for that’s been manufactured to cover-up the US’s sabotaging of the Nord Stream pipelines.
How about the train derail in Ohio spill vinyl chloride chemical polluting our air? Anyone worry instead 50cent Chang balloon?
@J S
Same here in America.
@J S I’m in government and we all know that 5 is the right answer.
Gordon Chang , the China expert….The Collapse of China 2000 – 2023, we are still waiting🤣🤣🤣
Why Gordan Chang is everywhere… He talk about business and now he talk about balloon?? Seem like all you need to be is “China expert” then you can talk about anything… 😂😂😂
why is cnn bringing gordon chang? He’s usually on Fox and too hawkish and far-right to be credible.
Expert? He said China already collapsed thousand times😅 LOL!
I was hoping this guy’s “I can tell ya where you got that balloon” answer was going to be like when I was in New Orleans, and he told me where I got my shoes.
You fell for that? haha.. Don’t sweat it.. I get taken every time I go to the Big Easy. Its all part of the fun.
@Jaime Martin Kidding. I was coming from Chicago. The only person I would pay to talk to me about my own shoes would be Scarlet Johansson. (Who, I hope and suspect, probably isn’t even a guy.)
Defo not a Ballon wind or weather expert. They make this stuff up and think we are stupid.
But hey! No mean tweets! That’s what was so important to all you geniuses.
An “expert” who has continuously been forecasting China’s economic downfall since the 1990s. We are still waiting. He is so ridiculous. At least, he is making money from his interviews.
“Sounds good to the ear but disastrous to the country”
Well that’s unsettling
If we end up going down this insane pathway and become embroiled in a war with both Russia and China, then I hope the military draft is reinstated (Vietnam War) and all of the MSM news commentators (women included) are quickly trained and sent to the front lines to risk their lives fighting in another one of America’s illegally manufactured wars. Unfortunately, that won’t happen. (prior U.S. Naval Officer/pilot ’71- ’78)
As an European, I am more interested in who blew up the Nord Stream pipelines, which are 100% owned by Europeans — not by any country outside of Europe!
As an Asian in the Philippines, I am more interested in about the Nord Stream pipelines aswell. It just causes more hardship to more people there. I dont know why this guy Gordon Chang is thinking that people of Russia and China would want war. I believe even citizens of US does not think wanting to go into a war. These are all hype up by this guy and the media making people think we are going into a war. I see this guy has a booked out, no wonder he is hyping things up.
@Condell Ong America wants another proxy war, Taiwan. They r provoking China like they did to Russia. Why? they cannot solve any internal problem. war is the best too to redirect internal tension to external.
European were sold by your politicians. now, you are under American control. congratulations.😜
CIA, US Navy, according to Pulitzer Prize reporter Seymour Hersh.
I identified as an Asian when I ate some Chinese food the other day.
This will turn out to be a high school kids project or some sort of stunt by the students. I really like this information
Remember this fool wrote a book claiming that China would collapse by 2011 and then moved the date to 2012… Also, not talking to your enemy is so much worse for international relationships, it is better to disagree and talk about it than for each to do their own thing without interacting with the others.
Americans can do our part. Whenever we go to the big box stores to purchase items we need to look for the ‘made in label.’. If we see a label that says, “made in China.”, put the item back on the shelf and do not buy it. If millions of American shoppers refused to buy items made in China, this will harm the Chinese economic system. Americans can fight back, do not buy products made in China.
There’s so many experts in the comments I’m excited to see them tell us the “truth” 🤣
Love these china experts, the guy probably never step his foot in the country lol I really like this information