Chris Hayes: Why Republicans Must Rebuke Trump’s Big Lie | All In | MSNBC

“If people like Jim Jordan really want to help, they can go on Fox News and tell people there was no election fraud, that this was a free and fair vote. And their side lost,” says Chris Hayes. Aired on 01/14/2021.
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Chris Hayes delivers the biggest news and political stories of the day with a commitment to in-depth reporting that consistently seeks to hold the nation's leaders accountable for their actions. Drawing from his background as a reporter, Hayes at times reports directly from the scene of a news event as it occurs to provide a firsthand account, digging deep and speaking with people who represent different points of view. Hayes brings the nation's officials, legislators, policymakers, and local activists to the table to address key issues affecting communities across America.

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#ElectionFraud #JimJordan #MSNBC

Chris Hayes: Why Republicans Must Rebuke Trump's Big Lie | All In | MSNBC


  1. A nasty boil needs to be drained – just putting a dressing over it will only necessitate a larger surgery in the future.

  2. If McConnel hopes to salvage the GOP he will have to get behind expulsion of those members of Congress who continue to commit seditious acts.

    1. @Dee Ilaria Fernandez – Sedition is TRUMP!
      Sedition is MAGA Republicans perpetuating the LIE that BIDEN did not win!
      Deal with it!

    2. @Deborah Rasmussen without all the lies and manipulations, i think it should have been more around 30 millions

  3. Truth ?. Not in their vocabulary . Only things that matter are power and money . Truth does not guarantee that ……

    1. @Captin Undies NO IT CAN’T…
      55 INJURED.LEO
      2 DEAD.LEO

    2. @Silent Wisdom MAGA 😭😭😭😭😭😭 & LIES

    3. @Captin Undies Not true. It’s a false equivalency. This kind of argument is a key part of the propaganda arsenal because it’s easy to muddy the waters by pointing fingers and trying to deflect blame to someone else. “I’m not guilty because they are guilting of something else.” But on a lighter note, if you want anyone to take you seriously you might want to consider changing your handle!

    1. Or democrats can man up and tell people that they LIED…. because despite what they want to believe VOTER FRAUD HAPPENS EVERY YEAR…. also, they finally unclassified the russian documents…. FBI LIED… DEMOCRATS LIED…. AGAIN….. JUST LIKE THIS TIME….

    2. @Grand Wonder Russian documents have be declassified…. DEMOCRATS LIED LIED LIED….. FBI LIED….. WHEN WILL YOU LIBERALS LEARN? YOU ARE ON THE WRONG SIDE…

    3. @Licia Williams So when democrats DESTROY COUNTLESS STATUES BECAUSE THEY HATE CONFEDERATES, isn’t that called INSURRECTION? Still waiting for them to go to prison for attack buildings.

    1. @Mercator Jubio I am speaking of my experience and perception in America. For example: I could give 2 cents about the Capitol building or the people in there! Since Nov 7th 1800 the people in there have been passing laws to strangle me. I do realize this is the greatest country and would not change that. I was born poor. But racism is no longer black peoples biggest problem. It is personal responsibility. There are not enough racists in this country to stop me from my goals. It is a non factor. But race hustlers have deceived my people and I am bitter about it.

    2. @psycobleach46 tullis I do not like either party. A vote for Trump was the biggest middle finger people could give to the Elite politicians on both sides. They are playing an elite high level game of good cop, bad cop on the American people. While they keep us rabble roused and blaming each other for our problems. They are living their best life on taxpayer money. Private planes, limos, fine restaurants, inside deals for money, taking lobbyist bribes. They are elite gangs at the highest level Red against blue. Crips and Bloods. I despise them both. Blacks have especially suffered.

    3. @Tony T true blacks have suffered greatly, and some on both sides are bad apples, but does not mean all of them are, you have to use your best judgement as to who is the better person and right now Biden is, and even Hillary would have been better than trump, Plus I don’t care how much money they make as long as they do their best to help America. Not everything you may want done can be done from Capitol Hill but your own state legislature

  4. Don’t show Navarro’s face, he should be on the list along with Guiliani, Cruz, Hawley, Gaetz, McCarthy and others

    1. Or democrats can man up and tell people that they LIED…. because despite what they want to believe VOTER FRAUD HAPPENS EVERY YEAR…. also, they finally unclassified the russian documents…. FBI LIED… DEMOCRATS LIED…. AGAIN….. JUST LIKE THIS TIME….

  5. The American people should be able to file a lawsuit against Peter Navarro for lying to us about the results of the election!

    1. They can’t leave, they’ll just have to accept, pick the lesser out of whatever they choose who’s, not destroy and burn the country to death

    1. Or democrats can man up and tell people that they LIED…. because despite what they want to believe VOTER FRAUD HAPPENS EVERY YEAR…. also, they finally unclassified the russian documents…. FBI LIED… DEMOCRATS LIED…. AGAIN….. JUST LIKE THIS TIME….

    2. @psycobleach46 tullis Like the russian documents? Will democrats admit to it in the future? Because we all know democrats will bury evidence …. ITS IS AS COMMON AS THE SUN RISING…. when have they not tried to bury evidence? The ballots are not all there…. so which ones were recounted?

    1. @Dee Ilaria Fernandez even when they’ll show proof that trump’s administration is absolutly disgusting, you’ll keep be on their side, cause it’s clear you’re too poorly informed and too deeply brainwashed to understand and accept facts, useless to argue with people like you

    1. @Dee Ilaria Fernandez the polls were clear, and Trump was worried. He tried to influence the postal service before the election, remember? No matter how outraged you feel, the facts are clear. Trump lost the popular vote in 2016. He lost by even more in 2020, when many Republicans turned against him, AND many younger people were able to vote. It’s not a mystery or a surprise. You’re just angry that this election, your candidates lost. You’re hoping to win by violence.

    2. @Dee Ilaria Fernandez trump lost, even if HE cheated like a pig. even with all his cheats and manipulations is not even able to win and you still defend this pathetic guy

  6. Excuse me, but to tell the people that their election was rigged, when it wasn’t, is treasonous. It is an attack on the democracy.

    1. They are ultimately telling a majority of American citizens that what THEY voted for doesn’t matter. It’s telling Americans that the democratic process doesn’t matter.

    2. @Masha Spikego you do know that’s how democracies work right? The person who got more votes and more Electoral College votes wins. There will always be a group that aren’t happy about the outcome, but that’s just how it goes.

    3. @Robin 89 they feel like they are priviledged. Special. Like rich boy trump. Who has had no accountability his entire life. Same one who was disgusted by the very supporters doing his bidding because they appeared so “low class” . 😅😅😆😆😅🤣😅😆😅😅🤣🤣🤣
      Yeah and…… said he was marching to the capital with them too!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣Then went and got in his limo.. sucks to be so gullible!!!! Hook line and sinker. A true cult mentality.

    1. before Jan 6, Trump gathered all the R—senators meeting, they were bullying American and trying to throw away our votes.. traitors!!

  7. We have to find a way to hold elected public officials accountable for misinformation and propaganda from people like Peter Navarro who are suspected of treasonous behavior.

  8. There is no “turning the page” for this country UNTIL this Seditious President, ALL who aided and abetted him, and those who they incited into attacking a U.S. Federal Building are held legally accountable.
    It’s as simple and true as that.

  9. The Rethuglicans have taken a page from Hitler’s top henchman, Goebbels: “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”— Joseph Goebbels.

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