CNN anchor Becky Anderson asked tennis star Novak Djokovic if he regrets not getting the Covid-19 vaccine. The 22-time Grand Slam winner is not allowed to travel to the US because of his decision not to be vaccinated against Covid-19.#CNN #News #shorts
CNN host asks Djokovic if he regrets not getting Covid-19 vaccine

Good for standing up and not backing down like a weak man would do. This is bravery.
@himster22 explain the science you believed?
Doing dumb things holds you back too. And having no regrets about doing something stupid can also be a sign of lack of insight into your own behaviour.
I don’t think it’s stupid to question the integrity and good will of our leaders. Are you part of the ones who believe that everything the government is saying is truth ?
He chose wisely
Lol. 😂
Time for another Fauci ouchi 😂
He contradicted himself
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes 😂
Lmao, pretty sure he is winning as he is still playing tennis and doesn’t have to worry about future side effects.. like myocarditis that is currently happening to the vaxxed and we aren’t even 4 years out yet.. oof, it’s gonna get rough for some people
Hes no sheep 🐑 he doesn’t follow what others do I respect that
Party of law and order 😂
man I wish I heard that years earlier regrets hold us back present is the way to go but a lil of future helps
Good for you Djokovic. Vaccine is not needed. Hold your stance. God bless you.
Good for Novak to stick to his principles.
Man doesn’t have to worry about side effects.. that’s called winning🙌.. FJB
In other words, he can’t learn from mistakes.
No, he made no mistake. He didn’t fall for the other big lie, the shot.
What mistake?
It’s time you got a booster jab of Fauci Ouchi 😂
Not taking a risk to try and help others is cowardly in my view. Like seeing someone trapped in a burning car and walking by so you don’t get burned.
He stood for what he believed in…Take note.
Take note, he had his a$$ kicked out of my country.
@facite non victimarum you need to take a stand in your beliefs.. it’s not always about money.
@facite non victimarum sadly.
Anybody that did not get vaccinated by choice has intelligence.
People who are to young to remember the results of past plagues…
Go to an old cemetery and see how many children died in the same years as each plague pasted through…
Djokovic is not just a great Tennis Player! He is a Great Person!
Everyone has regrets.
One can choose to not get it but to lie & tell ppl u got it means consequences
He has access to multiple doctors on call who could give him benefits/advice about the vaccine
That never happened. The only one lying is YOU, ironically.
I regret not going to college and now I’m paying the consequences 😒
@Supernova we is in 2023 stop thinking u need an education to have a good life
All u need to do is Go read a book
@Alexis tellez . Remember your clueless comment the next time you see a doctor. Ask for a doctor without a college degree.
I regret going to school and having loans and now I’m paying for it literally
God bless this man ! Standing for his beliefs, whatever the consequences it has on his career, that’s having a consious and sound mind. 👍
I refused to get any Covid injections and I have no regrets, I only feel sorry for those who did.