1. I told the police that I wasn’t “taking” those piles of cash from the bank, rather I was “preserving” them.

    1. The intent is inherent in the crime itself! It’s called, “STRICT LIABILITY”! Intent only applies to the degree of punishment! Manslaughter, is murder with diminished exposure for penalties!

    2. @Kristin L Ford Good thing people are driving electric cars! It’s going to save the environment! Surprised sleepy joe hasn’t told everyone if they drive electric cars it will fill up our reservoir’s. Do you think all the electric owners feel good going to the ski slopes with their environment saving cars. Maybe they don’t know the slopes are pushing 8,000 gallons per minute just to make a little fluff for the snowflakes to slide on.

  2. Trump: The dog ate my homework.
    When that excuse didn’t work: It was Obama’s dog and I was set up.
    When that excuse didn’t work: It was my right to let my dog eat the homework. Once I finished it I deemed it an A+ and so had no reason to keep it.
    When that excuse didn’t work: The FBI switched my dog for another dog that looked like mine and they purposely didn’t feed it so that it would be so hungry to actually eat my homework.
    After all of that, Trump’s supporters also chimed in: But what about Hunter Biden’s laptop?

    1. @Travis B Trump should put his documents on Hunter Biden’s laptop….that’s the only way the FBI would investigate Hunter Biden.

    1. I think he was hoping Biden will let him stay on if he protested fiercelyso he didn’t bother to start packing early.

    1. @Ricky Goodman Almost seems like the list of laws he *hasn’t* violated is shorter than the list he has.

    1. @Sheri Evans A manager can apparently live on the premises, so, from what I read, donnie made himself the manager 🤣Wonder if he also decommissioned the heliport and decreased the size of the flag/flagpole, as he was also supposed to do. Maybe his neighbours won’t rock the boat because they’re scared of the trumpies..

    2. There was nothing illegal about the phone call, there is nothing wrong with the President having TS papers, the president has a TS security clearance, you don’t, and never will.

    1. Carl Icahn was going to do our deals. Icahn wanted nothing to do with him. Like gov’t business is like real estate deals.

  3. It’s amazing how an impulsive man child can put out a talking point and smart adult will just continue the talking points without verifying the validity of the talking point

    1. @NCLUSA what does Biden have to do with this conversation? If Trump wouldn’t have taken the boxes or tried to preserve them he wouldn’t be in this mess. Pretty simple. Don’t take what’s not yours, especially when your no longer President.

  4. for a long time, and maybe still to this day, I can’t compute what happened on 9/11. When I see video of it, it just looks unbelievable and impossible. It looks like a movie not like real life. That’s how I feel about Donald J Trump. It’s just wow. I’m in awe of it. But what’s more amazing is that even though the elite know what needs to be done to solve this (reverse the wealth gap) they insist on continuing to do thing the way they always have even as we spiral into fascism and civil war

    You fools

    1. @☁POPULATION-_-420🌿 I cant stand trump but damn he is too old. We need a guy like buttliege, paul that talks like he has some sense.

  5. They act like this is the FBIs first rodeo. I’m sure what they did is all on video and meticulously recorded the items seized.

    1. @Matthew He’s finally going down. Been criming since early 80s. Read House of Trump, House of Putin by Craig Unger

  6. “Preserve them” Rudy sounds like Trump was doing the government a favor. Or maybe he thought Trump was making Jam. Rudy is embarrassing himself at this point.

    1. Rudy should have retired years ago, with his reputation intact. But no, he has to keep devolving…he is just embarrassing himself, and can’t seem to stop. Stawp Rudy!

  7. The idea that Mar-a-Lago is “roughly” as secure as the White House is like saying I’m “roughly” as rich as Elon Musk

    1. @Don Sims the DoJ will indict when they are good and ready and not a moment before. they certainly don’t need to operate on your schedule or trump’s schedule 😂


  8. When I was working for the state of Texas, we had a saying,”If it isn’t written down then it didn’t happen”.
    And no, we weren’t allowed to take client files home. If the client at some point wanted a document out of his file, he couldn’t have it because it was state property. Just saying something happened wasn’t enough. You needed documentation. And written authorization.

    1. @Nonya Bizness am guessing it was in nursing coz if it wasn’t documented then it wasn’t done, so people will do documentations on a task that was not actually done, like wound care, etc etc

    2. @Lilly’s Corner oh goodness, that sounds terrible! no no, it was cna stuff like doing daily ‘learning’ tasks with seriously developmentally disabled adults. stuff like asking them to put a piece in a large puzzle- every day, day in and day out, same puzzle piece and they were unable every day. seemed demeaning for them to me, but i did it. also stuff like wiping a handrail.

    1. Same tired playbook: throw excuses like spaghetti against the wall, see what sticks (i.e., what Faux, OAN, etc., try to run with), tweet and retweet/repeat and repeat the lie.

  9. TS/SCI information is not protected by being in a basement room the housekeeping staff uses to store cleaning supplies. These are among teh most sensitive, carefully controlled documents our nation has. I spent most of my time in the Air Force dealing with TS and SCI materials. I’d be in jail for what happened here.

  10. When caught stealing, and saying “These (stolen items) are MINE!” That doesn’t mean you’re innocent it means you’re a THIEF. – Glenn Kirschner

    1. A former president thinking it ok to keep highly classified information at his Country Club.
      There is a reason for each marking on classified material and the level classified.

  11. I can’t imagine they didn’t yank his clearance the DAY he left office. Merely having those documents would be illegal. Plus, by the way, the current president has the authority to reclassify them immediately.

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