Drug Touted By Trump Is Linked To increase Risk Of Death In Virus Patients | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Hydroxychloroquine, the antimalarial drug touted by President Trump, is linked to increased risk of death in coronavirus patients, a study of 96,000 hospitalized coronavirus patients on six continents found, according to new reporting. Aired on 05/22/2020.
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Drug Touted By Trump Is Linked To increase Risk Of Death In Virus Patients | Morning Joe | MSNBC


    1. @dave fos You seem to be under the impression that everyone in the world happens to be an American. Believe me, you are not the only ones in the world, no matter what you have been taught as children.
      I hope this helps you work out your mistaken views on my political leanings.
      Have a nice day!

    2. @Hells Bells Well the truth finally comes out. You are not a US citizen but seem to have some very profound opinions about OUR PRESIDENT and OUR SYSTEM of GOVERNANCE. Since your remarks are very offensive to OUR PRESIDENT and OUR way of life just butt out. What ever country u live in pay more attention to that place and not OURS . Apparently u have AMERICAN ENVY SYNDROME. GET OVER IT.!!!!!!!!!!!

    3. @dave fos The reason I follow American news is because my fiance and his family are over there in the Mid-West.
      He is a USAF Vietnam Vet. He lost his father a couple of years ago, leaving his mother of 87years old a widow. I love these people more than I can say and I do not want anything to happen to them.
      Your President has not done all he could for any of you, whether you be Blue, Red or Purple with Orange spots.
      I do not envy America, it is where we had planned to spend our retirement.
      I am in the United Kingdom and we didn’t move fast enough on the virus either but we have made improvements since our Knob of a PM caught it by shaking hands with patients in hospitals.
      I pray for your country and my own. I want us to survive and to be able to live how we used. I would prefer we were able to keep politics out of this health crisis but it seems the US hasn’t been able to, sadly.
      God bless. Helen in the UK (4000 miles away from the man I love)

    1. @eddrum100 The drug is used to treat malaria and lupus. It has been shown to cause Covid patients to die. It is not a proper treatment for Covid.

    1. @Barry Sutton
      Hold your nose???wtf is up with the current potus???..orange man good👍👍👍…you hold whatever you want as you think of Biden..

  1. If he’s truly taking this drug, please stop talking about it we might get the actual result millions want.

    1. Apparently he’s stopped now. It was just a “two week cycle” whatever that means 🙄

    1. @Ross Carson LOL Trump lies that’s the whole point. But thus far he hasn’t managed to get the doctor to actually lie – just be very deceptive and _imply) that Trump had been taking it. But the doctor never at any point stated that he prescribed it or that Trump had been taking it. Of course that’s not to say that the doctor wouldn’t take that final step were the craven media to actually press him upon the point.

    2. @NoneOfYour Beeswax You’re still on this??? Slow day?
      Anyway, whatever. Like I stated earlier, trump said he’s been taking it, and that he’s been taking it for 2 weeks now. In fact I just heard on the PBS Newshour that he’s now considering no longer taking it, and since it’s been 2 wks already, the end of the standard 2-wk course for HCQ treatment anyway.
      Whatever some doctor says or doesn’t say about the matter, as you are talking about, is beside the point.
      But to your first point, yes, trump may very well be lying. He probably is, as usual. Shocker.

    1. thediidymen Because the doctor is a truth teller an any truth telling too evil people it’s like the figurative holy water thrown at or on them …

    2. Remember Trump is his own doctor. He writes his own medical reports and he knows everything on every subject.

    3. Probably because there is no WH doctor who prescribed this drug to that orange stain in our WH. He’s lying through his teeth just to get press and keep people talking about him, narcissist that he is.

  2. If trump died from taking whatever rogue medicine for COVID, I would say, I really don’t care, Do U?

  3. Trump: ” I think people should take hydroxychloroquine. I mean other than your life, what else do you have to lose?”

    1. David, Yes only millions of people have taken this drug for over 60 years! David J is leaving his trail of tears again! KAG! 2020!

  4. Dr. Anthony Fauci was appointed Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) in1984. He oversees an extensive research portfolio of basic and applied research to prevent, diagnose, and treat established infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS, respiratory infections, diarrheal diseases, tuberculosis and malaria as well as emerging diseases such as Ebola and Zika. NIAID also supports research on transplantation and immune-related illnesses, including autoimmune disorders, asthma and allergies.

    Dr. Fauci has advised six Presidents on HIV/AIDS and many other domestic and global health issues. He was one of the principal architects of the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), a program that has saved millions of lives throughout the developing world.

    Dr. Fauci also is the longtime chief of the Laboratory of Immunoregulation. He has made many contributions to basic and clinical research on the pathogenesis and treatment of immune-mediated and infectious diseases. He helped pioneer the field of human immunoregulation by making important basic scientific observations that underpin the current understanding of the regulation of the human immune response.

    Dr. Fauci is a member of the US National Academy of Sciences and has received numerous awards, including the National Medal of Science, the Mary Woodard Lasker Award for Public Service, and the Presidential Medal of Freedom.  He has been awarded 38 honorary doctoral degrees and is the author, coauthor, or editor of more than 1,200 scientific publications, including several major textbooks.

    In a 2019 analysis of Google Scholar citations, Dr. Fauci ranked as the 41st most highly cited researcher of ALL TIME.  According to the Web of Science, he ranked 8th out of more than 2.2 million authors in the field of immunology by total citation count between 1980 and January 2019. Today, countless people around the world owe their very lives to Dr. Fauci, and the work he has done.

    Dr. Fauci does not set policy in this country, because like he said, that’s not his job, nor his responsibility. Dr. Fauci can’t make Trump do anything. He can’t make states do anything. His job is to provide the president, and other elected officials, with the best possible advice on how to deal with the pandemic. His advice is based on science, facts, and decades of experience. Trump will either take that expert advice, or he will ignore it, and do whatever his tremendous gut tells him to do.

    Why anyone would choose to listen to Trump instead of Dr. Fauci is beyond me. Call me Krazy, but if I want to know how to effectively deal with a pandemic outbreak, I’m calling Dr. Fauci. If I want to know how to bankrupt multiple casinos, or set up a fake university and charity foundation, or lie like it’s my job, or launder money with the Russians, then I’m calling Trump, and nobody but Trump.

    1. @eddrum100 seriously, Do u think, I will say given his age and position. If he is heading, he needs to know what they are doing right. Reading journals result analysis. I hope you should understand, what I am trying to convey.
      People were asking for fauci instead of Trump or press secret
      My comments- he is busy

    2. Yes, but he’s only five feet five inches tall. How can you believe a man that small? He’s shorter even than Kjirsten Neilson, who incidentally I never also even knew.

    3. @Don Y I just want to start of by saying I am not picking a fight with anyone, your comment just really interested me, as I’m into stats. So I did some research and here’s what I found. (sourced from nytimes.com & cdc.gov)

      Roughly 65 000 000 children under the age of 16 made use of motor transport on a regular basis in the USA during 2019.

      In 2019, 209 children under the age of 16 died in motor vehicle accidents in the USA. 89 Due to not wearing seat belts, 32 due to being in or on the back of the vehicle, and 13 due to drunk driving. Leaving 148 to “non-negligent” causes. Devide that with 3 to get a number of 37 average over 4 months.

      37 out of 65 000 000 is a 4 month mortality rate of 0,00006%

      In the last 4 months 2 286 kids under the age of 16 have been diagnosed with COVID 19 in the USA. 52 of these cases were fatal. That is a 4 month mortality rate of 2,27%.

      So statistically speaking, a child under 16 has been 37 833 times more likely to die of COVID than of a car accident. And that’s during lockdown.

      Again, I’m not picking any fights, I just purely wanted to run the statistics for interest sake. Obviously sources may vary, these were just the two most reliable ones I could find that gave me the statistics on these matters.

    4. @Don Y The reason why you have traffic rules and you introduced safety measures on cars is to mitigate death. Those safety measures were created by experts and save hundreds of thousands of lives accross the world every year. The same with the advice from medical experts. Their knowledge was fundamental to reduce the death toll of the pandemic and countries that followed their advice in due time were able to mitigate the losses. I drive a car the same way I react to the pandemic, with respect for the people around me. I hear what the experts say, I try to have various sources and I take decisions for me, my family and the people that work for me using my judgement but also the knowledge of people that know much more than me in the problem we are facing. Actually, even in the subjects I am an expert I will hear second opinions and more often than not, those opinions add to my initial opinion.
      The idea that my opinion is equal to the opinion of an expert in a subject that I know little about is arrogant and would take me in the direction of failure. The same when I influence the expert not to give me his/hers honest opinion in order to accomodate my opinion. And that is the reason why America, a country with access to better financial, technological and scientific resources than almost any country in the world, end up having 30% of the death toll of the phase 1 of this pandemic. The reason for that is a complete lack of leadership of the federal government in using the time and the resources they had to mitigate the losses of human life by doing the measures required in due time, instead of losing February and half of March believing that the pandemic would follow the rules of the alternative world trump created for himself.
      You reply forced me to go into this directions while my message was much simpler… allow your kids to have access to good education that help them to be an expert in something, because know nothings that believe they know better than others are not very useful for society and most of them just end up bitter and complaining about the bad luck they had. Push your government to make education more accessible for all.

    5. Wasn’t he one of the doctors supposedly accused by that female doctor for stealing hers and her teams discovery for AZT Drug for aids?

    1. @majtom58 There is very little to understand about Trump; he is a self-serving, cold-blooded conman. That’s it, that’s all.

    2. Bob Bart And he’s not even that interesting! Putin, at least, with his beady eyes and smirk-there could be something interesting-like what he did to Markel. Sophisticated sadist.

      Our boy jumped the shark long ago.

    1. @Tron
      No whining just info …… read it again Not really controversial unless your feelings are hurt

    2. @Brian Nave
      Thanks, Looks like India uses it as a treatment. They are probably ahead of America with COVID-19 treatment because they don’t have Democrats. There is some restricted use but not like most drugs in the U.S. where it takes most of a commercial having a fast reader giving a long rundown of side effects and the best part, it is not very expensive. Used as a prevention and treatment as well.

    3. @Drake Fire
      Oh, I thought it was used for lime disease.
      Oh, also malaria
      Oh, also COVID-19.
      What do people with brains care what
      saves their lives except for Democraps ?

  5. When trump was asked who was the doctor that told him he could take Hydroxychloroquine, he said “I dont know his name”, tsk tsk..

    1. @Hells Bells Guarantee: the letter doesn’t exist and trump is not taking his own snake oil!

    2. @Vera von Weltin Oh I agree with you. I don’t believe he’s taking it. You can hear him say at one point “I’d take it” meaning he *would* take it, not that he is.

    1. @Rune – Thorne I’m a lifelong Republican and a Marine Corps veteran and I’d vote for a paper plate before I’d vote for Trump

    2. I don’t wish death on anyone, but if Trump gets this virus, and is taking his ‘game changing’ drug…. he has 411% chance of kicking the bucket… so what’s it gonna be Trumpy…. What have you got to lose??

    1. @HiIlBilly Back Woods
      He’d be on a ventilator.
      With his poor physical shape and a coronary calcium count of 133 he would definitely have heart arrhythmia or worse.

    2. Exactly!!! He knows if he lie and say he’s taking it a lot of his dumb cult members will take it and he’ll been used them to see how it works on them… what a dangerous, heartless man

  6. “Leader”🤣🤣of the most powerful nation 👍
    Leader of the free world 👎
    I would go with most dangerous man in the world because of his ignorance and what he is and can do.

    1. America is the most powerful nation in the free world, that’s as far as it goes. It doesn’t make him the leader of everyone else.

    2. If america thinks its leader is the leader of the free world then everyone in the free world should be allowed to vote in their elections. donny dump is not, and will never be, my leader. That phrase makes me angry every time I hear it.

  7. “Drug Touted By Trump Is Linked To increase Risk Of Death In Virus Patients” could be shortened to “Trump Is Linked To Increase Risk Of Death.”

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