A mob armed with batons attacked commuters at a metro station in Hong Kong, leaving dozens of people hospitalized, according to Hong Kong's Information Services Department.
#CNN #News
Gang attacks riders on Hong Kong subway

A mob armed with batons attacked commuters at a metro station in Hong Kong, leaving dozens of people hospitalized, according to Hong Kong's Information Services Department.
#CNN #News
The tactics of dictatorships to keep people down.
@Brian Nope, did you have a look at his home page, he’s an Evangelical right-winger.
@Barry White you mean antifa?
@Utha Stop with your fake news please.
@missinglew orange man bad, cheetos face muh hitler. HERP DERP! BEEP BOOP!
These are not gang. They are disguised government thugs. Happened in Vietnam too
I wouldn’t be surprised if the Chinese government had something to do with these gang member mob attacks. It would be perfect for them as they get to quell the anti-government protesters without getting their hands dirty in the public eye.
Thomas vanDyke and when white folks go bombing other countries that is not aggressive?
shin chan ‘ lose her child’ That is new to me. Can you prove it?
The Communist government are deadly. Ask the KMT when they were fighting the Japanese in World War II for China’s survival the CCP stabbed them in the back.
@j w because apparently they are VERY unhappy with how the corrupt chinese government is meddling with their politics and money was the only way for them to make china to respond. U actually think they are stopping businesses for no reason??
Just like Iran government let the motorcycle thugs hurt the Iranian protesters years ago! The Chinese government is doing the same here!
These gangsters were hired by the Chinese government. They primarily attacked people in black who very likely were anti-China protesters. The police arrived very late after the mob had all left – an obvious cooperation between the HK police and triad societies.
What about the US government? Hiring a lot of spies and gang members around the world!
Art Dent you are funny😂
Took so long for the police to respond because they had to change their clothes.
Alot of pro china sympathizers here. Dont u know that Britisn once offered hong kong back to ccp but china refused. Yea imagine that. Ur beloved china did not want hong kong back.
Daemon Blackfyre well done to the police their heart must roaring with joy.
Bingo 👉
Took them 2 hour to come I was there
They rejected calls too and the surprising thing is the police station is 10 min away from walk
Can’t help but think of “what if..?” something like this would happen in the USA. The outcome would be remarkably different. 💥🔫🇺🇸
What are you talking about, antifa and blacks do this all the time. Mob violence is their specialty.
@US Of Zion I bet you wish you could have citizenship here in America
have you seen antifa in portland
40 minutes? Just enough time to make it back to the station, change into uniform and come back….lol
Hong Honk uprising is fake news.
good imagination!
FYI, official response time from HK Police Force is 15 mins for New Territories like Yuen Long:
– HKPF strives to respond to all genuine emergency 999 calls within an average response time of nine minutes in Hong Kong and Kowloon and 15 minutes in the New Territories.
– The response time is measured from the time a report is received at the Regional Command and Control Centre 999 console until police officers arrive at the scene.
So 40 mins is more than doubled the time.
Chinese Military out of uniform.
@Maximilien Charles = moron, ignore happily 😉
@SHADOW BANNED = idiot, ignore happily 😉
@独秀陈 惊现共匪教主。
U see most of them have muscle. Means u idiot. U never see chinese military before.
China has Democrat mobs too?
Time to bring bats and crowbars instead of umbrellas. ✊🏼🙏✌🏼
Gangs hired by the government to hurt protesters.
Dictatorships like China’s government often uses crime organisation to do the dirty work.
Would not be surprised if they were agents of China’s government that will try to oppress the riot letting HK subject government to come out clean.
So much corruption it really pains my eyes
Employed by the evil western countries. UK and USA
Undercover Chinese security brought in from the mainland. Old trick for the dictatorship.
@Speak only factsagreed. Xi and Putin are screwed, as I clearly demonstrate: China has a Nazi “living space” genocide in Tibet, a MILLION Uyghars in Concentration Camps, their children in other Concentration Camps, and now Tortures foreign (Canadian!) diplomats: that’s the US argument for bombing China back to the Stone Age, either economically, or just like Germany ’45 if Xi fights back.
Kim has US boomer subs on China’s doorstep, Dictator-Fanboy Trump’s own polling says he’s toast, and the Dems idealize Canada (the US minus Republicans), HATE Putin, and have GOP backing to CRUSH China. Xi and Putin are SCREWED, and the Dems will back Canada all the way.
China might have gotten away with their Nazi-inspired genocide in Tibet, but harvesting organs from innocent citizens, plus the Uyghar horror, and now extorting a Western country like Canada, who can politically bridge the EU, UK, and Aussies with the US against China: all glaring mistakes.
Seperating families is a hot-button issue for the Dems, they are spending MILLIONS on it next year whipping up a public frenzy to crush Trump, and China just admitted they did it on a vast, Nazi scale. OOPS! The American public will be howling, China will hand those diplomats over just to blunt the outrage.
I majored in History: Germany in ’45 will be China’s new look if Xi doesn’t stop his Hitler-’35 act, and if China thinks Realpolitic justifies Xi’s current arrogance and brutality towards Canada and his own citizens, Bombed Back to the Stone Age is the Real Realpolitic, just ask Germany!
Don’t get me started on what a Dem President is willing to do to Putin.
Just sayin…;)
Scary things about communist is that they rat you out and beat you up in plain clothes, your neighbor might be your worst enemy. Busing people into afflicted area is also their biggest strategy.
@SuperBat, duh Superbat, China hasn’t been Communist since Deng allowed free enterprise in the ’70s. Stalin was Hitler’s biggest fan, everything you think of as Communism is Fascism 101, and here’s what Xi’s in for if he doesn’t stop his Hitler-’35 act: China has a Nazi “living space” genocide in Tibet, a MILLION Uyghars in Concentration Camps, their children in other Concentration Camps, and now Tortures foreign (Canadian!) diplomats: that’s the US argument for bombing China back to the Stone Age, either economically, or just like Germany ’45 if Xi fights back.
Kim has US boomer subs on China’s doorstep, Dictator-Fanboy Trump’s own polling says he’s toast, and the Dems idealize Canada (the US minus Republicans), HATE Putin, and have GOP backing to CRUSH China. Xi and Putin are SCREWED, and the Dems will back Canada all the way.
China might have gotten away with their Nazi-inspired genocide in Tibet, but harvesting organs from innocent citizens, plus the Uyghar horror, and now extorting a Western country like Canada, who can politically bridge the EU, UK, and Aussies with the US against China: all glaring mistakes.
Seperating families is a hot-button issue for the Dems, they are spending MILLIONS on it next year whipping up a public frenzy to crush Trump, and China just admitted they did it on a vast, Nazi scale. OOPS! The American public will be howling, China will hand those diplomats over just to blunt the outrage.
I majored in History: Germany in ’45 will be China’s new look if Xi doesn’t stop his Hitler-’35 act, and if China thinks Realpolitic justifies Xi’s current arrogance and brutality towards Canada and his own citizens, Bombed Back to the Stone Age is the Real Realpolitic, just ask Germany!
Don’t get me started on what a Dem President is willing to do to Putin.
Just sayin…;)
@robert lau history shows how many millions of people your flag killed before
old but efficient and useful
Attackers are funded by the Chinese Government.
The Police knew all along. In this way, they are trying quell the subsequent protest by discouraging the protestors not to join.
@ect08 says chinese propaganda
Where you evidence? I think they came from the government of United States, I am sure but I have no evidence.
“We’ll deal with both sides fairly!” Both sides. As if there are good and bad guys on “both sides.” Who does that sound like?
A member of ANTIFA was recently killed for firebombing a federal facility, I hate to be the one to break it to You but ANTIFA are in fact assholes, So sorry if you’re still bitter that they were rightfully called out for being exactly what they are.
Robert Laurence Meanwhile, we Europeans tend to the immaculately maintained graveyards full of the ultimate antifa people: the hundreds of thousands of brave American soldiers who died in our fields and villages just 70 odd years ago, flinging themselves into bloody death in a bid to smash fascism and Far Right poison. We honour their sacrifice, even as you shame them by siding with the very ideologies that they died in a bid to violently destroy fascism. Any contemporary violence of a literal kind can not, and must not, be condoned – but the morality of being antifa fighting back, politically and socially, against the new Far Right fascism and thuggery that’s become normalized and acceptable in America, remains intact. Resist and object to Trump’s dangerous fascistic wolf whistling.
@Ver Coda The Allied soldiers of WWII had nothing to do with “Antifa” who were around back then with a practically identical flag to what the fly today. Funded by the same people who funded the Nazis. Dig a little deeper.
@Robert Laurence A (as in one) member of Antifa was arrested for firebombing a federal facility so Antifa must be all bad but the far right have commited dozens of terrorist attacks so who is worse? If one member of the other side does something wrong they’re all bad but if dozens of people on my side does something wrong we’re still all good. That how the far right think and it’s so fucked up.
They are called instigators. It happened in other countries where nation-wide protests/demonstration took place. They serve mainly 2 purposes: they incite violation among protesters so that the government can use force to suppress the protest because they now have a justifiable cause. They also instill fear among people as well.
Mason K well who provoke who 1st . Protester announce they want to take over yuan Lang which is mostly farmer with super hot temper
The White T-shirt they are from government China all of them they have bags same stick and they are really training very well looking how they handle people
are u one of them ? or how did u know as u were there in person?
They are local mafia group which exists more than 70 years.
This bot knows eferything
This is the way that China will take full control of Hong Kong. They will call this “terrorism” and use it as the excuse for China to come in to Hong Kong and fully absorb it, to cancel the 2 party system that exists there and force them into the completely monitored, totalitarian, communist surveillance state.
It’s all pre-arranged and orchestrated by the Chinese communist regime to initiate martial law or something similar so they can take over properly, with the blessings of the majority of the (non woke) people of China and Hong Kong.
The people of Hong Kong know this and as far as China is concerned, all is going to plan.
It’s really messed up!
Absolutely…. I lived in China for years and know first hand how much of a hollow society it is….. The scum government has an iron clad grip on the whole country but do practically nothing to bolster it own society and give the people real security or prosperity. China is a house of cards…
Great analysis!
Asian people are the only ones I know of that mob up while wearing flip-flops, lmao 🤣
Gotta keep those toes breathing lol
Fred Bread – lmao 😆
Lol yea but it’s pretty hot and humid in Hong Kong now too
Wow what a coincidence… men in white clothing wearing masks attack anti government protesters, and then the police take 40 minutes to respond
Is not coincidence, there’s a conspiracy that says government has a good relationship with those gangsters
You Chinese people are adorable because a lot of times you guys don’t get sarcasm. But yes these guys were definitely paid by the government and the police were compliant in the attacks in their response rate and handling the matter afterwards. There is definitely some shady business going on between China and the gangsters in allowing this to happen.
@xxx l there are 30,000 police officers in HK. not all of them are in the protest right?
That is what you get by loving communism ,
We love the country not the party.