Gov. Hutchinson Calls For Biden’s Current Covid Relief Plan To Be ‘Reduced & Compromised’ | Katy Tur

Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson spoke to Katy Tur about his thoughts on the Biden administration's current plan for Covid-19 relief. He agreed that passing aid was urgent but thought the cost of it should be reduced and stressed an importance on bipartisan support. Aired on 02/17/2021.
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About Katy Tur: Katy Tur is an NBC News Correspondent and anchor of the 2 p.m. ET hour of “MSNBC Live.” A dogged journalist, Tur emerged as a breakout broadcaster in 2016 while covering the entirety of the Trump campaign across all platforms for NBC News and MSNBC.

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#AsaHutchinson #CovidReliefPlan #MSNBC

Gov. Hutchinson Calls For Biden's Current Covid Relief Plan To Be 'Reduced & Compromised' | Katy Tur


  1. So after giving Wall Street bankers and big money investors trillions of bailout money the Republicans are suddenly worried about the debt?

    1. IKR sounds like💩💩. Wants bipartisanship when it’s the Q-GOP’s idea & as long as it helps big money

  2. Actually the Covid relief bill can be paid for by the unbelievably wealthy who have profited by the pandemic while most have suffered!!

    1. Real Republicans are for the bill just the way it is. However these GOP Congresspersons and Senators just don’t want the Democrats to repair the economy. It will make them look bad next election. Just like the ACA (Obama Care). If it was so bad why wouldn’t they make suggestions to fix it. Instead they just wanted it gone. This proves my Point. Anything the Democrats want to do to help the American people has to be turned down in their eyes.

    1. @REAL BLACKS KNOW THE TRUTH says the programmed by alt-right extremist propoganda opinion outlets. Wow. Delusional, ignorant, and hateful. You are a trifecta of awfulness according to your comment history

  3. Why didn’t remark when trump said it was a Democratic Hoax, why didn’t you speak up then in February 2020. oh So now you want to be Fair.

  4. Now republicans want bipartisan deals after they moved our budget skywards on walls tax deals for people who didn’t need it Please !

    1. Yeah, we need to just leave them in the dust. They demand bipartisanship when not in power, and insist on undermining everything in doing so.
      Then they undermine and block everything when in power, while giving lavish taxcuts to people who don’t need it.
      They can just gitfukk’d.

  5. I will listen to him when he actually enforces mask mandates. Traveled through AR not long ago and nobody wears masks.

    1. That’s hilarious, when the democRATS are the MASTERS OF HYPOCRISY…an good for THEE not ME mantra…👌

  6. Cool. They can just give arkansas less and if the citizens of that state complain, tbey can take it up with their governor

    1. I voted Biden-Harris and am a resident. Don’t punish all of us because of the many stupid ones

  7. Don’t ya love it…the moment Democrats get voted in, Republicans start singing the good ‘ole debt, deficit and fiscal rectitude hymn.

  8. Imagine having a terrible Governor in Arkansas only to replace him with another terrible nominee in Sarah Huckabee Sanders. All I will say is Arkansas good luck.

  9. Ok, since Arkansas wants little relief package, perhaps the governor is willing to get much smaller relief than the other states just to back up your proposal?

  10. How do people in Arkansas hear this, and think “gosh, he’s a man of the people. Let’s vote for him again” 😂

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