1. @Deborah Freedman I’m so sorry that your government doesn’t do more to protect you from violence. I grew up hunting too, still have antlers in storage and target practice with the family every summer Sunday when I visit. You don’t need a semi automatic to get the job done. And if someone can’t pass a gun safety test they probably shouldn’t be owning guns anyways

  1. I swear these people don’t understand about time we find out if someone has mental illness it may be too late.

  2. Last time I checked if a parent is accused of child abuse the child can be taken before the case goes to court.

    1. @Riclmnopp Yes, and then if you are found out to have accused him fraudulently, you should go to prison or at least have to pay a steep fine.

    2. @dreamcoyote Unfortunately, the welfare system is so broken. Mainly due to the lack of qualified social workers. Just like police departments broken, with rogue power drunk cops. Yes, two entirely different systems, but both lacking well trained, qualified people.

      Something needs to be done to fix both. I have no clue what that will take. I disagree with this idiots view on “property” when it comes to guns. His response to Tapper’s comment on what about the people who have the right to be safe and not be killed was disgusting. He’s a MAGAt Republican who cares more about the 2nd Amendment, the NRA and gun lobbyists who line their pockets. Not to leave out any mainline Republicans and any Democrats who do the same. I just can’t think of any off hand.

      The murderer who killed the three 9 year olds and adults, at the Christian school, was about 25 or 26 living at home. The parents were aware at one point he had 1 gun, but was told he sold it. When in fact he stocked up a total of 5 guns, in the same household. In addition to being under mental health care. Yet, another broken system that needs to be addressed.

      Another broken system, is the ability for psychologists, social workers and the like to report anyone who is under their care for mental health. That violates their right to privacy, which is covered under the HIPPA laws. I also think it’s also in the Constitution. But, they certainly took that away from women without flinching. No one was lining anyone’s pockets when they took away a women’s right to bodily autonomy.

      I can’t remember which state it was, but they changed the state’s law allowing someone with domestic violence to retain their guns. It is all so messed up in so many areas that I don’t see anything changing for a long time. However, I saw the statistics on the increase of mass shootings increase once the assault weapons ban expired, sometime in the late 90s.

    3. @Riclmnopp  If you’re in a car with a family member who has drugs cops are going to arrested you, not wait until you prove you know.

      You take responsibility for people around you are allowing around you. You made a choice to be around them.

    4. @D COSBY They will also take all your money, guns and the like. Even if there are no drugs, they can and will take any guns, money, etc. All done legally if they find it find, or make up, any reason to confiscate said items.

      I’ve been watching and reading so many reports, as of late, how these individuals have to go to court to try and get their property returned. In many cases to no avail, even in those cases the items were confiscated with no legal reason. I know that’s the norm, but it certainly seems to be on the rise. Maybe people are just speaking up more and bringing the corruption to people’s attention.

    1. Exactly~! What about property and cash taken by the police based on suspicion it might be ‘ill gotten gains”~! Nearly impossible to recover.

  3. Hear how he says “property” rather than guns. It is “guns” that are taken not property. Property is a broad term to describe something someone owns, often used to describe someone’s house. It is obviously scary for citizens for their “property” (including their home?) to be taken away from them. It is subtle, and obviously not incorrect, but it’s intentional and weasel words.

    1. Guns are also property and he just shows that this law has severe flaws. Maybe he knows the laws by the book and this is exactly how you make your case in front of a court. The guys that wrote this law maybe didn’t make their homework and did a sloppy job!? Not his fault, he is just the messenger….

    2. ​@Englishlovers My guns are considered my property, it is not just a term used in real estate. So who missed the point?

    3. Property is taken from people all the time. The kid borrows the family car, and buys some drugs, and the police take the family car and sell it at auction. Eminent Domain is used to take people’s property all the time. Ranchers lost parts of their grazing land, to build that stupid wall. In Portland, in the 1950s, the entire Jewish section of town was taken, ostensibly to build a freeway, that was actually built elsewhere. Then the seized property was sold, for bargain prices, to developers. People who are moving from one part of the country to another, close out their bank accounts, and travel with all their money as cash. If the cops pull them over, they say having that much cash is proof they are dealing drugs, and confiscate the money. Then it is up to the person, who the cops ripped off, to prove it did not come from drug sales. The government really rips people off all the time. Losing a gun, when you’re dangerous seems like weak tea.

    1. ​@Easter_Sunday think a fetus is the same as a baby or a 8 year odl shot dead.😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  4. Basically it comes down to this: one person’s right to own any gun, anytime, anywhere, outweighs two or six or nine or fifteen or 48 people’s right to come home alive at the end of the day.

    1. Wells statistically it’s 30 to 35 peoples choice to not come home that day. The others it’s mostly they live in a bad neighborhood with evil people that will do it no matter what.

    2. @What?  doesn’t change the clause of “the right of the people to keep and bear arms……”

      If it was only abt militia, they could’ve very well wrote “the right of organized militia to keep and bear…..”

    3. @Deborah Freedman and you can’t deny that 99% of these stupid mass shootings happen in designated gun free zones where we are also too dumb to lock the dang doors and have basic security of entry.

    1. @m. jackson Take a look at 8 of the 12 top crime-ridden states. All red states, including Florida & Texas. And 7 out of the top 10 most crime-ridden states are also the most financially dependent.

  5. It is not just any run of the mill property, it is a very unique piece of property and has one very specific purpose, to kill.

    1. @RSE I like the sleigh of hand.
      Implying that “there was never 100% guarantee than no guns will end criminals’ hands” means “we (who?) were never successful in reducing the number of guns in criminals’ hands”.
      The first is true, the second is not.

    2. @What? Well, take away guns and crime will still occur. Crime has been around long before guns were even invented. Take away the criminals is the solution. Severe punishment and consequences serves as a deterrent. Cant have soft crime policies and expect crime to go away.

    3. ​@What? You obviously have not studied US history and why the constitution was written in the first place.

  6. He’s focusing a whole lot on the “property” part of the Constitution, but doesn’t seem to have a clue about the “life” and “liberty” parts.

    1. ​@emort6 Is your point that if the gun was illegal, they’d have found a way to get it anyway because they don’t care about the law? I highly doubt these suburban kids are going to some sketchy place to buy a gun. It’s another barrier for them.

  7. Forfeitures?? Why can they seize your cash merely because you have a lot of it, and then say you have to prove that it is legally yours.

    1. That’s my point. They can take property, money, homes before a conviction. And you may not even be convicted and they still keep your stuff.

    2. And this should be wrong, that’s why it’s not making sense to vote for a law that can be abused.

    1. What about the right to live free from violence? How are the children’s rights so much less important than the gun owner’s rights?

    2. @Sprig well tell that to the children in the West and South side of Chicago that have lost there lives due to one of the highest gun restrictions in the country and complete lawlessness

  8. It sounds more and more like we just need to amend the Constitution. If the GOP lawmakers’ concern is that something is unconstitutional, then we just need to remedy that problem.

    1. Sounds perfect, how?

      Here are the two ways;
      1. 36 state legislatures vote for a constitutional convention.
      2. 2/3 of both Chambers of the House vote to amend. That is 60 Senators and 258 Congressman.

  9. Wonder how his opinion would change if his loved one was injured or killed. If one doesn’t have a gun when someone has a mental health issue then they can’t use the weapon to kill🤔

    1. @emort6 Guns are a machine designed specifically to maim and kill something by firing a projectile at the intended target. While the gun doesnt kill anyone, nor does the person firing it. It is the medical complications caused by a projectile ripping through flesh and bones.
      There is nothing in the Constitution that says ammo has to be sold for those weapons, only that someone’s right to have one shall not be infringed. So in essence, the ammo can be made illegal to own.

    2. ​@ID10T The right of the people to keep and bear arms. Guns are not “arms” without ammo, so your analogy is void. Try harder.

  10. Someone needs to introduce him to the Civil Asset Forfeiture theft that has been taking property from people for years.

  11. People will never truly understand something until it happens to them. They bring this stone faced guy on every now and then, never smiles. Mr. Tough Guy

  12. I am thoroughly DIZZY from that senseless verbal spin he needlessly took us on! How does he, in good conscience, equate the TEMPORARY inconvenience in having get “property ” returned with the PERMANENT likelihood of DEATH! 🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️

    1. It’s a blatant human rights violation. How would you like your car being taken because you are accused of being a bad driver without due process? If a person is such a threat then why not take any weapon they possess, why not just lock them up?

  13. I wish these politicians would be honest and say, “Hey, gun lobby money is WAY more important to me than kids getting killed in schools, so I am going to just say thoughts and prayers.”

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