Anatoly Antonov, the Russian Ambassador to the US, said that Russia does not want “confrontation” with the US but "as we see it, American aircraft have no business being near the Russian border." #CNN #News
Hear what Russia had to say about US drone that crashed

Oh brother, “we didn’t do it, but it’s the USA’s fault for having a drone in the Black Sea air space.” Ok, sure
@LBC depends on the propaganda you hear and believe
@Corinne M. 💯 percent true 👍
That’s the right answer😀😁😆
A kinetic impector can be considered as just a little push too!
Yea ask the Japanese they know all about kinetic impactors with planes.
Thank you!
It was nice to have a talk with you
Now everyone wants a new Top Gun movie, involving Chinese spy balloons, Russian jets dumping fuel on US drones, and US intercepting Chinese fighter jets in the S. China Sea.
USA shoots balloons, over and over and over 🤣😂
@TheDrAstrov Right. Just do it over your territory.
@Sezar D’Ком Right after you
@TheDrAstrov Russians try to ram drones .
@Hannah Dyson and they don’t turn out bad
Well this is great news, Russia has set a precedent for downing Russian aircraft over international waters.
Received, thank you
They only gave a golden shower to the American drone. ❤
Planes have been shot down over intranational waters for decades. Just because this is the first time you’ve head of it doesn’t means it set a precedent.
According to information relayed from PENTAGON an unidentified hypersonic shovel traveling at 8.5 MACHs rammed the drone into the BLACK SEA.
@mile_high_topher >>> Not really. “Spooky action at a distance.” (Einstein), Or Schrodinger’s Cat, T.O.E.’s, String Theory, many Worlds view, Inter-dimensional universes, Boson-Higgs, Sub-atmospheric Micro-Singularities, Etc Etc.
Drone was near Crimea a Ukrainian lands not Russian and also in international waters
>>>> Hey Clark Jackson >>>>> This isn’t Funny! Not at all Funny, a Shovel??? It was obviously a Washing Machine at Mach 6.02×10^23 !! Get Real!
@AT So?
In accordance with INTERNATIONAL Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC), any spy aircraft is fair game.
Seeing the footage would be interesting
I got a bad feeling. Escalation ? this whole damn thing has done nothing but escelate since the reds started their tank engines a year ago+.
The only good russian….
armed drones are not allowed there only ships ,,,,evidence under the Montreux Convention of 1936 so usa violated sending an armed drone
Shocked the Russian pilot was sober for long enough to down a drone.
It was nice to have a talk with you
It’s good to talk to you
absolutely reversal
drunken russian pilot to down a drone by MPL-50
Hilarious 😂
5:40 no body will know the real story..
Explosion of Nordstrom
The drone in Black Sea 😮
As far as I know, no Nordstrom’s has ever exploded in any city.
nice to talk to you
They blew up A Nordstroms?! But I love that store!
At the next meeting of the UN. Russia needs to be fact checked with the drone footage.
@Michael Hughes i wonder who saw them dump fuel? 🤔
@Sina Bagheri Sarvestani drone top speed 250
Su-27 top speed 1500+
will you still claim that this incident was a race?
only a fool
Hats off to MI for taking a XXX story and turning it into a PG without losing or changing the story. Not an easy job these days.
@GeneralSodaPop Like what, you can clearly see what is going on !
@Luise Kjeldsen They are using the drone as an excuse to escalate. The whole thing is a sham.
Russia’s Air Force is so frustrated in Ukraine, they’ve resorted to picking off drones in the Black Sea.
@Marc Bjorg or western Russia. In any case, the US is very far away.
@TheDrAstrov Wow thats a very good arguement, I hope you did not overstretch you brain comming up with that !!
@Luise Kjeldsen Arguments are over, barking has begun?
@TheDrAstrov You be like russia then ! Lots of barking, no real bite!!
Russian subs are around and near both west and east coasts. We don’t do anything but follow them. It’s international waters.
@Sky22 Odd to deny everything, still. The jet clearly hit it on purpose. It makes them ‘official statements’ hollow, like oh so many before…
reminds me of that dude saying the US would get pounded, as tanks were clearly approaching him on the background. Everything for the narrative.
@sleekblackroadster like you ♡
black sea is not…..cnt fabricate a reason
Russian pilot commended for providing in flight refueling operations.
The next time a Russian jet refueles on top of a US drone, it had better keep in mind that the drone can be equipped to take the Russian jet down.
Ooops ! Keep THAT in mind, Vlad !!!!!
I couldn’t really hear what the lady was saying over the sound of banks collapsing….
@Nick Phillips ashamed that your banks endorsed devaluing your money? You should be angry at them, not him. Hes just pointing out how foolish the bet was in the first place…
@Operator 9 Hiya Op. Forgive me. I’m an old pensioner in the United States of England with a slightly distorted view of the world. I certainly meant no offense to the contributor, and the observation was well noted. We in our country have a slight problem. No Fucking Leadership! Sorry. Had to get that off my chest. Look. Thanks for the input, and I wish you well. Keep safe. Nick the crappy bass player. 🎸
@Nick Phillips i think we’re all in that same boat these days here in the west in general. Good luck out there tho…
@Operator 9 Ta.😎
The same games are likely being played underwater with nuclear submarines.
That’s something to really worry about.
Turkey isnt allowing subs or any western warships through the straits atm so hopefully not…
@Operator 9
There will be Russian and likely Chinese nuclear powered subs off both American coasts.
They are always there, and so are the US hunter killer subs, shadowing them, with standing orders to stop them from launching if they try. Both sides play this cat and mouse game, and collisions have happened before. Exciting times.
Been doing it since the Cold War, miss those days, never a dull moment onstation, now its all busy work and cleaning stations.
I had to watch this interview because in a few hours Russia will deny this interview even happened.
This guy makes sense
The comment that we would shoot down a Russian drone flying near a US city holds no water. Russian recon flights routinely fly OUTSIDE the 200 mile territorial limit, in international waters, just like the US drone in this incident. We don’t shoot them down if they are outside the 200 mile limit.
Russian nuclear bombers regulary enter european nato airspace and never got shot down.
Russian Ambassador Anatoly Antonov said that it was accidentally-purposely carried out: they need the technology.
I never seen someone blink so much lol damn