1. Dear DOJ we referred Mark Meadows and Dan Schavino and Steve Bannon and you declined to indict so get off your high horse.

    1. @Stacey Cramer: If you go to visit Harvard U. they’ll happily tell you and show you his student life, and all of his accomplishments. He graduated as Juris Doctor magna cum laude, a degree you just can’t get if you fail classes or your grades are low. On the other hand, TFG kept threatening on suing any educational institution if they showed his grades, why? Maybe because like his sister Mary mention: he didn’t graduate first in his class, and never made it to the dean’s list like TFG bragged about. His father had to pay another student to take the SAT for him. His sister Mary was forced to do most of his homework, and Warton wants nothing to do with TFFG’s name. Pluss, a bunch of college classmates have been painting him for decades as the dumbest peer in class.

    2. @Carmen Romero Obama’s accomplishments are not in question I know he’s very accomplished. it’s his transcripts that’s concerning. Why does he have those records sealed? Did he register as a foreign student? A Harvard in Columbia education are very expensive. Where did he get student loans?

      Who is TFG?

  1. Unfortunately the damage has been done. It is extremely difficult to undo now. The punishment they should receive should depend on how long it takes America to get back on track!!

  2. The unfortunate part of this is that republican voters do not appear to care about any of this, especially if they only watch fox. Legal actions are the only thing that will put an end to this. It’s astonishing that they haven’t considered that this could have been the other side and what they have wanted in that case? Is it really just about the home team no matter what? If so, then they deserve to fall under authoritarian rule because that’s what they’re supporting. I also want to state that I am critical of cnn and the current administration, for lots of reasons. But I will never support the con man trump

    1. Ha ha, I’m actually pretty well informed but I respect your opinion and your right to disagree with me. We need to remember again that this country affords all of us rights and we should be able to disagree with each other and for that to be alright. I’m very concerned that that right is at stake if a person like trump comes to power again. And I want to highlight that I’m not a Biden fan; lol his country can do better than these 2 senior citizens. Let’s come together and figure this out.

    2. @T. R. Campbell: you said “Joe’s policy you said could lead to a reception”
      What or whose reception? The presidential reception? The Pope’s reception? What reception?

  3. All I want after this goes to the DOJ is six years! Six years of wasting our legislator’s time. Six years of spending taxpayer’s money to uncover all the criminal activity. Six years of constant lying and alternative facts in the face of truth. We wasted six years of progress to satisfy the whims of a narcissist and his followers and I want it all back!

    1. @Danny Smith He did get tax breaks, but they mostly went to the very wealthy, and at the expense of raising the deficit. He promised to build a wall and have Mexico pay for it, and they did not. I don’t know what you mean by “energy efficient”, but he blocked an already existing policy for efficiency in light bulbs. If you are talking about oil production, he just continued the trend that was already going on since Obama was president. If you are talking about opening up coal again, coal production dropped each year he was in office. And then throw on top of that, he refused to step down as president. I feel his promises were like all the other presidential candidates, and I will have to strongly disagree with him doing more for for this country than any other president.

  4. Don’t be fooled by Ginni Thomas boasting how she can’t wait to tell her side of the story. Schiff is going to have to drag her to the panel kicking and screaming. And then she’ll plead the fifth to all the questions. The writing is on the wall.

    1. @Ravenzpeak She also sent a number of emails to states asking them to throw out about one million votes in 1 or 2 states. I’m not sure how many in other states. If she doesn’t show for the hearing,they’ve still got her via the paper trail.

    2. @Jen Vicinity I like her she’s a honest woman and a true patriot as well as Lauren boebert both are great American heroes

  5. The economy cycles.. it always comes back around.
    Democracy should be infinite, so when it is threatened in such an overt way, we have an obligation to fight for it for our future generations, for without Democracy, the economy won’t really matter..

    1. Republican oil companies are keeping the price high to help republicans in the mid terms. There is no shortage.

    2. @Sheila Millar he has everything to do with it.. he refuses to let America produce its own oil.. he refuses to face the fact inflation isn’t going away and the recession is almost here.. but I doubt he remembers much these days.. LGB

  6. The affects now are from the height of the pandemic and the 4 years that the USA was on auto-pilot during the Trump administration

    1. @Danny Smith Putin’s war is only one factor, like I mentioned. Also the collapse of the supply chain which happened under trump and the greed of the oil companies. If you had brother Ed reading the whole thing instead of defending your beLoved Putin

  7. As a Registered Republican Voter never again speak to me about Republican Values, Family, Law or Parenting as well as supporting any Republican Candidate again as they only care about themselves and their own political views, opinions and careers and anyone to whom they can sell their loyalty to to protect themselves.
    Republicans have failed to protect and defend those who have elected them into Office.

    1. It’s small, but I’m hearing more and more of your sentiments from Republican friends. Can you imagine where Republicans would be with this today if Obama had committed these acts?

  8. We have to thank those GOP officials that stood up to Trump and upheld laws and defended our democracy.. G Thomas and co conspirators should be prosecuted.

    1. @Van Life On Social Security Yes. the story is there and 1000 trumpists are out there telling it to the Committee. I’m very proud of the work the Committee has done. Treason doesn’t bother you at all?

  9. My guess is if Virginia Thomas does go under oath before the committee she’s expecting her husband to protect her.

    1. @Jason Boyce So are saying she’s going to produce some change mind lame excuse at the last minute?

    2. @Jason Boyce Subpoena, arrest and jail. Is what should happen, but with Americas slack laws, I’m hopeful justice will prevail.

    3. @Deborah Mulkey I believe this is the person in question, it’s a distasteful comparison though.
      Ilse Koch was a German war criminal who was an overseer at Nazi concentration camps run by her husband, commandant Karl-Otto Koch. Working at Buchenwald and Majdanek, Koch became infamous for her sadistic, brutal treatment of prisoners. In 1947, she became one of the first prominent Nazis tried by the U.S. military.

    1. @james wheeler I bash so many liberals, sometimes I get you fools mixed up. I don’t remember bashing you so that means you meant nothing to me! Sorry to disappoint you.

  10. The stinking justice department can’t do it’s own work? What’s the matter with them? I can only hope and pray that the delay in charging people is due to the department’s wanting to have an airtight case that will stick.

    1. Yes, and we hope and pray that the D.O.J.’s demand for all Select Committee’s records is not an attempt to sabotage the Committee and cast doubt on them.

    2. @Bran R They are letting them do the heavy lifting for them IN PUBLIC so that when the take in Cheeto, the country is softened up a bit.

    3. @BeSmart VoteBlue If they truly were, you wouldn’t have to as they would be evident in how you carry yourselves and treat others…So much for that.

  11. I just become very angry over and over. Those who knew did NOTHING!! The Capitol Police Officers were put through HELL because those Republicans, Aides and Councils did NOTHING. They continue to SAY nothing or write a book for 1.5 years!!!! And first at the threat of lawful Consequences did they finally speak up!!!!!

    1. Say THANK YOU Nancy! Trump wanted 20,000 additional national guardsmen but Peloski said We’ll open the doors……………..Now she’s writing a book!

  12. That so many people care nothing about their country and only care about gas prices is sad. The country needs time to recover from the pandemic.

    1. That’s true, it’s not like people can go to another country for cheap gas, it’s a worldwide problem just like inflation.

  13. There was a time when that one recording at the beginning of a president asking such a thing would have been enough to end him and his administration

    1. @geegee last The media in the U.S (cable) is only there to make money-not provide a service.
      Maybe more people should tune in to PBS?

  14. The former president his entire business life has demonstrated his dislike for both federal and state employees who are loyal to law, regulations, and to their jobs, getting them fired or threatening their lives. Whenever he was told no by building code offices, he would get them fired. He was born not being told no often enough, and his mental disorder continued.

  15. These so-called Patriots fronts they’re a danger to themselves and their danger to others and must be held accountable !

  16. You don’t find votes like they are lost somewhere. You earn vote by citizens casting them for you during an election. If that man doesn’t do any time as a result of the of all of the January 6th commission investigation. He should definitely do time for election tampering in Georgia. The phone call is more than enough evidence of his guilt on that charge in my opinion.

    1. Why no progress in Fulton County? Is D.O.J. leaning on them, trying to protect trump and the office of the presidency?

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