1. I particularly liked it when he said “the best is yet to come, right” and she chuckled even though she didn’t get the reference

      That’s how you know those Russians are on to us! They can blend in and you’d never even know!

    1. She sounds and talks like a child. Doesn’t seem apologetic. Seems to think those who arrested her and put her in prison are at fault. Want to reform the system that held her accountable. Acts privileged and entitled with no accountability.

  1. There’s something off about her. Somehow I doubt that she’s really interested in “making things right” so much as trying to rehabilitate her image so that she can exploit the attention again. She comes off as vapid to me.

    1. Exactly!!! I noticed that straight away. She thinks she better & smarter than all the rest of the little people around her. Full full full of herself.

  2. Now that everyone can find out who she is she’ll have a hard time running her con on people. She’s really crafty about her responses and saying one thing she did wrong was misrepresenting how much money she had. That doesn’t sound that bad. These folks never change.

  3. Not repentant, just because you were not convicted of certain crimes does not mean you did not do them, the jury just did not have enough information,

  4. She didn’t really make eye contact with him when she said she regretted her past actions -but I wish her the best-the actress that played her on Inventing Anna was so good and was so convincing seeing and hearing the real one is crazy-Jake did a good job by calling her out.

    1. Thing is, she worded it very specifically around the misrepresentation of finances. Basically the layman’s legal description of her crimes not the harm or unethical side of it. So her answer is basically that she was caught.

  5. Lots of people deserve second chances, she isn’t one of them. She knew exactly what she was doing.

  6. everyone deserves a second chance if they do the right things afterwards. problem is, she lacks empathy, so who knows

  7. Are you going to do this again? Breaks eye contact looks down and slightly smiles, “absolutely not”.

    Uh, yes she will.

    1. Something you may want to keep in mind the next time you question a person’s authenticity.
      When someone looks up and to the left from your point of view (their right) they are constructing an image, in other words they are making up a situation in their mind, clearly this could mean they are lying. If they look left but their eye’s stay level they are constructing a sound, for example they could be imagining a conversation that they haven’t had.

      When they look up and to the right they are remembering an image (probably not lying) and when they look right but keep their eye’s level they are remembering a sound.

      If someone looks down and to the left they are accessing their feelings and when they look down and to the right they are having an internal dialogue with themselves.
      Also at 4;40 she lowers her head after answering the question as if to see if he bought her answer.

  8. She learned from her mistake, yeah right.
    Accept the label you were given, you deserve it and you wear that bracelet well

  9. There is something seriously wrong with this woman… a total inability to empathise with what it might have been like for those however small or grand, to be on the receiving end of her actions. She appears to have no notion of repent regarding this, only a regret for what she went through when caught as well as being all reved up to being let loose.

  10. She’s used everyone she’s ever met – and ruined people. She’d trick people into going on expensive trips with her (promising to pick up the tab) then she’d vanish, leaving everyone else with life changing bills. She’s even grifting in this interview!

  11. What I got out of this interview is that she was able to steal from people because she looked a certain way. She said people made assumptions about her and she didn’t exactly say that she was a rich heiress. Sounds like people in general should work on themselves and not put people on a pedestal based solely on their physical traits. Or, what they’re wearing. A true life lesson for all.

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