John Avlon examines the ‘rigged’ system of redistricting

CNN's senior political analyst John Avlon reacts to the Supreme Court's decision to uphold Alabama's racial redistricting map and what it means for democracy at-large. #CNN #News


  1. Ban gerrymandering outright for both parties and see how quickly things change in this country, once “safe” districts are a thing of the past and these career politicians actually have to start answering to their constituents rather than their billionaire donors if they want to keep their jobs.

    1. @Josh R. so ur just delusional then i guess
      yes a national voting law is unconstitutional…
      that is what HR1 is and it goes against the amendment that explains voting laws are to be created by state legislatures…
      i see how ur just some blind democrat supporter

    1. It’s just another Lefty VoterFraud Conspiracy Theory. Just sit back, relax, eat popcorn, and tomorrow they’ll float another one.

  2. Do away with all maps!!!! No gerrymandering. Things would change fast. The lawmakers might actually work for the people, not the billionaires.

    1. @Mark Faust Germany and NZ are doing fine with their MMP/AMS. This system has been implemented in the real world. To call someone “has no idea what’s going on in the real world” is simply wrong. In these countries, there are multiple parties in their legislature. The percentage of votes is nearly identical to the percentages of seats in the legislature. They don’t live in a country where the system is designed to only benefit 2 big parties.

    2. You mean like Biden’s granddaughter working for Mike Bloomberg and that’s why we have all this 2nd amendment infringement or better yet didnt he say no amendment to the constitution was guaranteed

    3. @Light Blue Sky Why is it you guys are doing it New York and not calling it Jerry mandering because you’re getting extra seats out of it lol hipocrite

    4. @Abortion rights would’ve saved us from you If it’s Jerry mandering why are you guys doing it in New York it’s OK then because you guys got more seats out of it that of it guess you guys are doing the Jerry mandering trump 2024 we’re gonna throw all you Communist in a rededucation camps

    5. @Will You’re such a joke you got people being pulled out of there Houses for not having a covid vaccine sounds real Ann Frank Now you ask clowns can even have a butter knife any more cause they banned them too

  3. when i was in high school we had busing. really just made hating hard . you cant hate for no reason in the 10th grade . too much work. contact removes fear and with out fear there is no hate . whats left in hates place are mental health issues.

  4. Ive been ” redistricted” 3 times.
    Now my district covers parts of 4 counties. 1 urban and 2 rural and 1 very rural.
    Guess where most of the people in the district live. Guess why the district results never align with the residents of the 3 rural counties.
    Guess where our Congressman lives. Guess what his priorities are.
    They have nothing to do with the concerns of 3 of the counties he ” represents “.
    Representative Democracy is failing us. Whichever party has a majority ( even by one vote) claims VICTORY and a “Mandate to Rule”.
    In a few years they are gone leaving an even bigger mess.

    1. Representative democracy is not failing us, corruption via money in politics is what is causing things to fail

  5. How the hell this is in any way shape or form legal is beyond me. And we just sit here and watch it happen. Seriously.

    1. It’s just another Lefty VoterFraud Conspiracy Theory. Just sit back, relax, eat popcorn, and tomorrow they’ll float another one.

  6. Tom Hoffler, who was singlehandedly responsible for the heavily gerrymandered map of North Carolina’s redistricting in 2010, said it himself:

    “In elections, the voters get to pick the politicians, in redistricting the politicians get to pick the voters.”

    If you listen to his tone of voice in that speech, then you will hear how unashamed he was in his gerrymandered map of North Carolina. The reason is because it worked as intended, Republicans won about half the popular vote and Democrats ~48%, but Democrats only 3/18 seats in the State Senate, way less than half

  7. Maps should be drawn by an algorithm which is open-sourced and proven fair by academia.
    Get politicians’ dirty hands off the maps

  8. California has taken redistricting away from the legislature and assigned the process to an independent commission. That is what should happen nationwide BUT not until it is mandated nationwide by federal law. California should go back to letting the (Democratic controlled) state legislature draw the districts and make every effort to deny Republicans any representation at all in California’s state legislatures and in its federal House delegation, to the extent this is possible.

    If Kevin McCarthy lost his seat and the presumed Republican successor to Devin Nunes’s seat also lost, that would get the attention of the national GOP and might bring them to the bargaining table for national voting rights legislation. Appealing to their “sense of fairness” or “belief in democracy” is a laughable notion.

    Maryland, Illinois and New York are doing the right thing by responding in kind to the aggressive tactics first embraced by Texas Republicans in 2000. Unfortunately, Elise Stefanik’s seat is not about to disappear, but Republican seats in the NewYork House delegation are designed to be reduced from eight to four. Still four too many.

  9. Politicians deciding who gets to vote for them doesn’t make sense. Defeats the whole meaning of democracy if they can redraw the lines to suit them better. I think everyone would agree with that

  10. I do agree political maps need to be adjusted over time to reflect population change but its crazy that one political party or another can decide those boundaries based on who is in power in a state at the time. It should under a single non-partisan agency that apportions electoral district changes without bias.

  11. I know some people will have issue with what I am about to say but we need to get rid of district maps altogether so gerrymandering can not occur essential. Instead of by district it will go by county (and county lines are hard to move) and each county will get an allotted number of representatives based on population (but no less then at least one person).

  12. Big John speaketh the truth, but the solution is simple. Let the popular vote do the electing not the electors. This eliminates gerrymandering and eliminateds electors (who are not neutral) from voting acording to popular vote. Trump played this system and continues to. That’s how he beat Hillary (along with voter fraud).

  13. We need something like independent commissions to deal with redistricting everywhere. Take it out of politician’s hands.

  14. Politicians should have no control in this. That’s rigging in itself. I do understand populations increase and decrease. I am not against changing the lines when needed, but the people fighting for votes should not be involved.

  15. Don’t forget that GOP have struck down 5 bills to dispute voitng right which includes bipartisan commission for redistricting map. Politicians shouldn’t be allowed to pick who votes for them. GOP want less voters and only the voters they need to win. Democrats want everyone equal and fair access to the polls. Making it a holiday and not allow partians official the right to overthrow the will of the people choose what votes count and which one don’t.

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