Judge denies Trump’s motion for mistrial in battery case

A federal judge overseeing a civil battery and defamation trial involving Donald Trump has denied the former president’s motion for a mistrial. CNN's Kara Scannell reports. #CNN #News


    1. @Ver Coda you’re not tired about being wrong about this yet? Learn he’s smarter and more moral than y’all and just take the L

    2. @Cxmplex^Cxrtex Vladimir who only felt comfortable invading other countries when Biden was in office and not trump lol

  1. Trump: *“You see the mob takes the Fifth,”* he said. *“If you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?”*

    1. Funny, pink is in right now for a mans shirt. Different, edgy, and then it will be out soon cause everybody’s doing it!

  2. The still disgusting thing about the strategy, although to undercut her credibility, is also the undercurrent that somehow whatever they are insinuating still somehow entitled the accused to sexually assault her. Buy a woman 10,000 13,000 dinners or whatever and still no grounds to rape her.

    1. @Nil Nil It was rape. But, she brought a case for molestation, because New York recently extended the window, just for civil prosecution of molestation. It’s a lesser crime, than the one he committed, but for a year, not prevented by the statue of limitations.

    2. @@cactustree505 how do they know they happened and were unreported if they were never reported. Kinda like the stories where there are never any survivors that encounter a ghost or demon in a legend. Where do all the stories come from? Lol

  3. We all know how much Trump respects women. Trump never lived a single day following laws.

    1. @Bill Robbins no not really. Just said he a lot of girls let him get with them cause he’s rich. Not really how he feels about women unless you mean he’s attracted to women I guess

    2. His point in Access Hollywood wasn’t that women are objects; his point is that Trump is handi-capable, but mostly because of his fame/fortune.

  4. Tacobeano is one of the most unprofessional Mob lawyers, so unprofessional even the Mob wont hire him. Bwaahaah, the judge was so mean to me, want a mistrial…

  5. It’s questionable how anyone could possibly think the former president wouldn’t have done exactly what he’s accused of. We have all sadly heard the infamous recording of him casually bragging that he thought he could “grab ’em by the p*ssy,” and get away with it simply because of who he is.
    The man is a senior citizen with the mentality of a small child and insecurities of a teenage mean girl. As is said, “Actions speak,” and he clearly thinks it funny he can do what he wants when he wants to who he wants and get away with it.

    1. @J Dy
      So your essentially condoning sexual assault.? It sounds like you should maybe reconsider who you spend your time with. It’s astounding you appear to believe that because you’re okay with the people you know acting as they do that it justifies their actions. It doesn’t. And, whether you know it or not, clearly not, not all women are attracted to rich men, nor would they be okay with being mistreated, and only those who lack healthy self worth would allow it.

    2. @J Dy
      Again, it sounds like you should maybe reconsider who you spend your time with. It’s VERY clear you must have a skewed view of the world.

    3. Huh.? No I neither made an assumption nor an accusation of you. However you did both, but please find someone else now I’m bored.

    4. @Butch Lane lol. You’re right I don’t hang around with simp incels feigning such support from female safety. Some people can’t separate politics from reality. I’m glad I can.

  6. They’re setting up an appeal, this woman has to live for a REALLY long time for any justice.

    1. @voteforme thanks The only assumption is that IF Trump loses this case, he is going to weasel his way out of paying. As Trump routinely does with his contractors or any other person suing him who does not have the same resources.

  7. Damn!
    Why is it Taking “Soooo” Long to Lock This “Enigma “…….Up!!!!!😡😡😡😡😡

  8. Mr.Trump will go court again
    For his petite hit woman’s flower
    His wet head dropped off water
    His mouth groaned :”No,my son didn’t“
    Plaintiff moaned :”Yes ,he did hit it “
    Judge said:”you still have it,haven’t you
    Why do you sue?”
    Please give her some advice
    What can she do?

  9. Trump: your honor I object.
    Judge: why is that?
    Trump: because it’s devastating to my case
    Judge: overruled

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