1. Someone figured out they were the “butt” of a joke and decided to use the police to retaliate… can’t wait to see the footage…Love you Steve and crew!!!

  2. Im sorry, Loudermilk gets caught giving secret tours, lied about it, and nothing gets done. Hypocrisy.

    1. @David Mclean DAM recordings lol yet police reports there was zero problems. 🍿😜😜🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓

    1. Right wing media wasted no time to label this film crew an insurrection and demand they be jailed indefinitely along with the Jan 6 insurrectionist. We live in the craziest of times.

    2. @CL Why not Yall did it to them they should be set free it’s BS that Only patriots get held accountable for the insurrection

    3. ​@CL don’t they know that it’s totally different rules for these people? I mean come on. they can wander around the capitol without credentials or a guide.

  3. Am I the only one that thinks some of the capitol police should be investigated because many of the capitol rioters said the police let them in. Also when asked about Sen Loudermilk did a “tour” they saw nothing wrong. But people that were authorized to enter the capitol now that’s suspicious 🤨

  4. I can’t wait to hear what Steven has to say about this. It’ll be interesting to see if the charges even stick. It’s not exactly the team’s first trip to the capital. If I had to guess, they had permission to be there, and the someone told them to leave. They had every right to say tough nuggets to whoever told them to leave, they had permission to be there, and only someone with the authority to withdraw their permission could actually tell them to leave. If that’s the case, charges stick. If it was the more likely scenario that a Republican saw them, told them to leave, then told Capital Police they were trespassing, then the police and whoever told them is in some hot water.

    1. @Chris Fuller The hand puppet advised them they had permission. So they can’t be blamed for believing they were aloud to stay.😎🤑🤠😇

    2. @Chris Fuller thanks. I’m not the boss of you and I appreciate your reply. I also “appreciate” your reply, as in “get” what you mean.

      You’re right about that. You aren’t mistaken, the left does that. It’s freaking aggravating!

      I’m a transplant fm TX to Upstate NY. I didn’t “fit” in Texas and I don’t fit here. Too liberal/conservative in some ways. I am accustomed by now.

      However, I was surprised to find out that what you described has a scientific explanation. (whew! I haven’t been imagining this)

      Research tells us that when members of either party (or folks who are more loyal to one over the other) watch the news, we unconsciously take a defensive stance if we think a negative point is made about “our” side and we think of reasons why the “negative” is excusable and even defensible.
      Conversely, if we hear statements of fact without judgment about the “other” side, we tend to think of reasons why the “boring” news is actually “bad.” I try to check myself anyway but finding out about the science is an even stronger motivation to check my teeth for spinach, at least on political stuff.

      I’m sorry. This division sucks. Facing wave after wave of hypocrisy is aggravating and demoralizing (!!!) Try living in a red place and fighting for privacy or living here and supporting my right to carry.
      Maybe I’m wrong a lot more often than I think. Maybe I just enjoy the debate. I dunno, but Science says I’ll give •myself• a break, lolx

    3. @Chris Fuller I’m a sucker for self-reflection. (Now watch me dislocate something as I pat myself on the back for being so great that even my shortcomings rock!

    4. @TXpatriate A very mature and well thought out reply TX. I wish I could encounter reasonable discussions like this more often. Cheers to you.

  5. There’s something seriously wrong with America and its justice system when seditionists are harder to arrest than comedians.

    1. @Lp78Ch Well…the comedians were immediately arrested. Does that sound like it was hard to arrest them?

  6. This and just a couple of days after finding out how the insurrectionests casing the Capitol was deemed by the Capitol police as a normal tour, makes you question the chief of Capitol Police. 🤔

    1. Yeah… during Covid-19 no less. Tours were not open to the public but yet there was a tour for certain people? Suspicious.

  7. The truth will come out, but I find it VERY hard to believe that they were asked to leave and disregarded those orders.

    1. Absolutely. We seen footage of them being kicked out of conference before… They’ll leave pretty easily. An Arrest? An abuse of power.

  8. I totally understand everyone’s desires to get tough on crimes. But that does not mean people should get arrested indiscriminatly and end up with criminal records. ( In this case, Stephen Colbert’s production crew ) But with the outing of San Francisco DA, I know it’s very likely that we will see more of these type of indiscriminatly arrests, prosecutions, and convictions especially among Black and Hispanic communities. We may see higher numbers of shoot first and ask questions later cases and may be higher numbers of arrests among the migrants 😳

  9. The fact that this headline reads anything other than “escorted off the premises” only goes to reinforce what we already know: how badly the Capitol Police need new leadership – there is no judgement at the top.

    1. @Chris Fuller there’s a pretty big difference between trespassing to try and murder members of the senate and Congress and overturn a *fair* election vs. trespassing to film a sketch. I think it’s pretty obvious that the two are vastly different.

  10. Some should explain what the meaning of insurrection to Tucker Carlson:
    A violent uprising against an authority or government.
    He shouldn’t be allowed to stir the pot of hate thy neighbor like he does. Same goes for Ingraham and Hannity.

    1. I named them: Insanity Hannity; Sucker Tucker (or use the ‘f’ word, if you like); and Evil Ingraham. Catchy!

  11. Oh, that’s really sad. It used to be that once you go through security and are inside those buildings, you can pretty much hang out until they close. You can go through the halls to see the names of Representatives, go eat in the lunchroom and stand outside the doors of hearings, waiting for a chance to go inside (I did that during the hearings on Ukraine — got to see Sondland, Cooper, Hale, Hill & Holmes).

    You only have to go through security again if you want to take the underground tunnel to the Capital building itself. And you can’t do it without a Congressional escort, like an aid on a tour.

    You know, that’s why this thing with Loudermilk is so suspicious. Congressmen/women only lead tours for high profile people. Their aides lead all the other tours. I mean, maybe they do one or two a year for publicity. But they are far too busy doing other things.

    Loudermilk does not describe the people in that tour group as high profile by any means. He makes them sound generic and unremarkable.

    1. The whole complex was also closed to visitors because of the pandemic. It was illegal for them to be there

    2. @Maria G. Matthew Martin was found not guilty of all charges and he was inside the Capitol with hundreds of other people.

      Not guilty on all charges.

      The capitol police let the public in.

      Check out the court case.

      Many walked in, took pictures, stayed within the ropes.

      The vandals will be tried.

      Many were like Matthew. The judge agreed. Hard to convict people invited in.

  12. GOP just hates being made fun of, and yet they keep giving us SO MUCH material! Some little butt hurt senator is responsible for this, for sure.

  13. So let me get this straight… They can arrest a well-known insult puppet who has been known to do this kind of thing in the past and who always speaks truth to power… BUT they had no problem with a very suspicious “tour group” taking pictures of security stations at a time when there were supposed to be no tours open to the public? I got that right? Wow. That’s some fine security we pay for there.

    1. None of this is by chance.
      There are leaders among the Capitol Police who clearly wanted the insurrection to succeed.
      They want to make sure it does next time.

  14. Oh No!
    there was an American who had PERMISSION to enter a government building and actually NOT threaten anyone. Call the Nation Guard!

  15. Tucker was defending the guy running around with zip ties wearing tactical gear.. Saying it was some big misunderstanding.. then saying it wasn’t a big deal? But these guys should get charged? Any of Tucker’s fans find nothing wrong with what he said? 😂

  16. This is awesome. Fox news found the one “QMAGA capitol police officer” to interview, and this guy was insinuating so much crap for an “ongoing” investigation, that he will most likely be investigated and fired. Not once did the dude say, “I can’t speculate about that”, and in fact, he was so animated and giddy, all he did was speculate and agree with the host that they should all be charged with “sedition”. This is going to backfire on whoever decided to arrest this crew. Don’t get me wrong, rules is rules, and if this crew broke laws, then by all means, charge them, but if it turns out that this is just the handy work of some jaded Trump lovin capitol police under the orders of, let’s say some GOP senators, and the crew was legit… this is going to be fun. Normal people will be shaking their heads in disgust, while the crazies will shrug it off and scream “Hunter Bidens laptop!!!”… rinse and repeat.

    1. The crew had permission to be there. The police who arrested them clearly have an ulterior motive. I’m a lawyer, and there is no (lawful) way that these charges are not dropped.

      And the officer(s) involved should be disciplined, up to and including termination. This is some next-level dystopian fascist BS.

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