A person from the audience ran at Payton Gendron during his sentencing. Gendron was convicted of killing 10 people in a racist attack at a Buffalo supermarket. #CNN #News
Man charges killer in court

A person from the audience ran at Payton Gendron during his sentencing. Gendron was convicted of killing 10 people in a racist attack at a Buffalo supermarket. #CNN #News
He doesn’t care, but I feel her and that man who tried to rush him.
@Jack Riddance u trump supporter or what?
@Jules Gilberto Blah,blah,blah with the racist black lady speaking to a white person in a chair. If it was a black man in that chair and white lady standing and speaking like that, guarantee this wouldn’t been so dramatic or carried out this long and or she would be in trouble for speaking to a black man sitting in a chair like that🙄😂💀. For example, the guy that did that Michigan shooting spree a day or two ago before taking his life in the end, he was black and shot mostly white people but if it was a white person that did that and killed a lot of black people and after that white personal took his life in the end, they would still be talking about and probably go after his family and friends too just cause their white too and didn’t have anything to do with it. But that’s a perfect example of how it is these days but only the uneducated black people will defend these facts😂💀 #whitelivesmatter
He’s GONNA care. Protective custody will make it a little tougher to get to him. But they WILL get to him.
Why do they protect mass murderers? I dont understand…
@Brother Antonio Child of Yah I’m not into Yahoo 😂
Nobody can blame the man for wanting to attack that killer.
@Gospel of Jesus Christ Not yet, he needs to feel the full blast of an Electric Chair!
Who was he?
We been getting killed by these racist bastards over 400yr. Always tell black folks turn the other cheek while you praise Jesus and say pass the ammunition. Sometimes revenge is necessary. Turn other cheek all the time is just a cowards excuse not to take the necessary steps to remedy the problem. No country has ever won a war by turning the other cheek.
@Casemboo man u sound dumd af
My sincere condolences to Barbara Massey for the loss of her sister. This world is going upside down and there’s no reason for her death.
@Ziaral 100 percent racist black lady speaking to a white person in a chair. If it was a black man in that chair and white lady standing and speaking plus white man charging at black man like that, guarantee this wouldn’t been so dramatic or carried out this long and or she would be in trouble for speaking to a black man sitting in a chair like that🙄😂💀. For example, the guy that did that Michigan shooting spree a day or two ago before taking his life in the end, he was black and shot mostly white people but if it was a white person that did that and killed a lot of black people and after that white personal took his life in the end, they would still be talking about and probably go after his family and friends too just cause their white too and didn’t have anything to do with it. But that’s a perfect example of how it is these days but only the uneducated black people will defend these facts😂💀 #whitelivesmatter
@ck1986 ahhh okay I see what you’re doing. Tryna get a reaction out of “racist black lady” even though it has nothing to do with anything.
@#WhoDat4Lyfe Kris youre numb to it bc it doesnt effect you. If you family member got shot bet youd wish for numbness.
its going upside down because they are seriously depopulating the earth…this isn’t the first time
We got flowers for her grave. 😢🌷
This was sooo hard to watch. No one can blame the victims families for wanting to hurt him. God only knows what they’re going through. There’s a place reserved in hell for people like this smh
Why do they protect mass murderers? I dont understand…
@Richard exactly 👏
@Tina1924 that book is basically mythology. No such place exists. ⚛
@FTC 22 This guy will be a sexual play thing for many inmates of many colors.
@FTC 22 Nazi whites will love him in prison
The pain and anger in her voice made me cry . N yeah I can’t blame the guy for losing it and trying .
The bad guy is still protected after killing ten people!
It was a very emotional response, I don’t blame the poor man listening to all that 😔
I hear you, man, feel you. It was tough to watch, wiping my eyes but I wanted to sit through every word she had to say. I truly can’t imagine their pain; the agonizing loss. And these horrible situations never become “normal”..
How to understand that kind of hate….where does one file that in their head. That kind of hate can only come from a place of pure evil, it’s the only place it could.
I pray God provides the peace that only He can.
They were ready for sure. I don’t blame him and would be surprised if he got charged with anything. Poor guy..😞
Let’s keep this energy and stop forgiving these evil people. They would never forgive us if the shoe were on the other foot.
I agree. I for one would not afford these mass murderers any human rights. Why should we? People who kill like that are obviously beyond redemption. You can’t fix evil like that. So the only way to bring some closure to the victims is to let them get their hands on him. The prison system exists to correct individuals. There is nothing to correct in this evil psychopath.
Our hearts goes out to all of the victims of this horrible tragedy. He doesn’t know what’s in store for him now. Life in prison is far worse than the death penalty in my opinion. If his prison buddy gets released fifty years from now. Fifty years won’t be enough for him. He’s going to suffer like anything he could ever imagine.
@Uriah the Hittite so very true
@Nereida Llonch u got it …. U said it
He should be sent to ADX Florence. There he’s gonna be dead alive.
Listening this woman’s testimony and speaking about her sister being a kind and generous retired school teacher makes me sick. I just don’t understand how you can hate someone so much that you don’t even know? I will pray for the victims and their families. 😢🙏🏿❤️🖤
@Vladimir The Invincible. The attacker and the motivation. Isn’t that enough? Don’t tell me you are a Tucker fanboy? Don’t hate people son
@JACKSON H WYOMING I wouldn’t say this is Carlson’s fault. But I’ve watched him and see his MO. He’s very good at likening himself and those who think like him as the aggrieved victims. He likes to feed the anger that keeps his viewers foaming at the mouth. He’s knows exactly the red meat they respond to. He’s not the only one. You have it on both sides but Tucker seems especially cunning
The killer’s actions but to say Tucker Carlson take doesn’t fuel anger in an already overly polarized environment in my opinion is dishonest.
@Danny Martinez so somebody that you love so much it’s telling you to kill somebody are you going to?
@JACKSON H WYOMING 🤔 one would have to be ” woke ” if you will to understand my point. Completely neutral and God loving and / or fearing with peace, love and understanding in. Their heart to understand what self centered , future fearing people who run Fox news and your nation to see the point… 😑 Again i repeat…..fox news.
@Daniel romero sol If you wanna see hate read the comments .
If I was a guard, and saw that man creeping closer, I would have pretended to tie my shoe.
Looks like he was next witness up. Props to her for her moving testimony. Hard not to cry.
That poor woman and all of those friends and family members. I couldn’t imagine being there and being feet away from the person who took my family member. I pray they can find some kind of peace ❤
Evil and confused people everywhere and no answers. Putting them in prison is not the answer, that I know!
In some places there are Crime Victim Tributes. I have seen them for domestic violence and sexual assault.
@carlos oliveira well then let them move in with you 🙄
@🌄 Sugar Xyler🪶 the Cherokee You just solved all the problems of society in that one sentence! You are a damn genius! You must have graduated high school……twice!
@carlos oliveira I am not trying to be a smartass I really would like to know, a kid like this one who did all he did, what should be done with him?
You can feel the pain in her voice from the loss of her sister. They obviously were very very close. Sounds like her sister Kathrine was an amazing women and educator. It’s terrible that good people like Kathrine are killed so horribly.
Let me tell you more of this would happen because in the Last days men hearts will be desperately wicked. That is what the Bible states. Nothing surprises me anymore.
i felt her pain. I’m so sorry for all that suffer. Kat sounded like a beautiful person 🙁
Oh man, her words had me tearing up. The pain just oozed from her. I’m so sorry for her loss. I hope the man (her husband? Brother?) wasn’t charged, but just escorted from the courtroom.
When you are sitting in the same room as these evil people who have hurt your family and friends, it takes massive amounts of strength to hold back. My condolences to the victims family and friends
Exactly 💯 right 😔
They don’t have to be there.
I imagine this is true for so many.
@Nomen Clature no they don’t have to of course but they’re there to give their victim impact statements and to watch this pos get convicted of his crimes which they have every right to do. It helps bring closure and healing
I know that pain and anger they both are feeling, especially the mans anger. My family wanted to do the same thing to my brothers killer. During victims’ statements, it’s really hard to stay cordual when facing your loved ones’ killer. May God continue to heal the families and friends affected by this.
I’ve worked as a court reporter for years and seen this happen several times. The hardest part of my job is to remain impassive and continue working while people pour out their anguish like this. There were a few times I wanted to jump up and rush some monster while they sat there smirking. Hopefully this family and community is able to have some kind of healing.
@Sean Young Court reporter here as well… The testimony we hear changes you
@shannon russo My 26 years in court reporting soured me on humans and their behaviors. Glad I don’t have to hear the horrible and repulsive things humans do anymore.
@tommy nevils Ive been a reporter since ’89..I can’t even believe it’s been that long. I started out doing a lot of criminal…and for the last years 10 years almost solely criminal. Soul-crushing really.
I was lucky enough to take 2 adoption hearings–a whole different spectrum
This raw emotion is so heartbreaking. You can feel the love she has for her sister even a billion miles away.