A man abruptly attempted to tackle Payton Gendron, the gunman who killed 10 people at a grocery store in Buffalo, New York, in the middle of his sentencing hearing. #CNN #News #shorts
Man rushes at Buffalo grocery store mass shooter during hearing

A man abruptly attempted to tackle Payton Gendron, the gunman who killed 10 people at a grocery store in Buffalo, New York, in the middle of his sentencing hearing. #CNN #News #shorts
Bless that man. He was so brave to charge in the midst of so many cops with guns. Wow.
They would never draw their weapons in a court, unless you took one off them and another had to use theirs.
@A M I think he was being sarcastic
30 more minutes and he’d have reached him
I was mad he didn’t make it to that defendant P.O.S.
This is IMPORTANT what was SAID !!!!!! We need to listen and all row in the same direction;we are human beings being human no matter what :listen WE ain’t Alone in this Universe
That small cop held that big boy stopped him dead bullrused by a fkn angry 300lb coming to kill a guy behind you bro definitely a ex military
Life in prison with black inmates his life is going to be hard deserved.
I really hope so. He deserves whatever he gets.
He’ll be in protective custody.
Life is going to be hard for him? That’s not the only hard thing he will receive if you know what I mean.
This choked me up. We are all Human. God please stop the racism from continuing.
The Lord Jesus will not stop it are anything else that’s wicked and wrong in this world. Because His coming is nearer now than before and and He told us to save ourselves . As in turn to Him God. Because no man knows when he or she going to be taken away. Alot more wicked and dangerous things are going to happen and it’s going to only get worse. Remember that. Sad to say
Yup. Like praying will do anything. This fantasy is also f‘ed up.
The entire session lasted several hours. I watched it live locally and I had to turn off the television. The testimonies by the victims were absolutely heartbreaking. I wept for hours. This has so deeply affected the people of Western New York.
@pyrexmaniac I find long walks with my Dog helps escape the madness for a little while. 🙏
Lord knows that I would want racism to end! The devil influences people to hate
That piece of trash isn’t going last long in prison 🎉🎉 couldn’t happen to a better person
This crime will enrage the hardened criminals and the guards won’t be able, or want to protect him in prison . Sad day for him!
If he isn’t sorry now, he will be!
Ugh. The pain.
Sometimes I wish the victims’ loved ones would be allowed 5mins in a private room with the person who took their loved ones life.
I know that’s not politically correct, but I’m only human and sometimes being sentenced to life in prison just isn’t punishment enough.
I think it’s fair to have that thought.
Hugs to all the families and friends who lost a loved one(s) to this terrible tragedy. Let’s keep teaching others, especially the babies to love one another, be civil with one another. She’s on the money, we are ALL humans.
I hope they take care of him in jail so these families may have closure.
See the sad thing about this situation is that the murder had protection but the innocent people he killed didn’t.😢
that guy has the life expectancy of a house fly in prison.
Omg choked me up too
I know the man charging is what made this video viral, but please PLEASE listen to the words said before that moment. THAT is where all the substance is
That was a weak attempt to get at that guy. He should’ve planned it better
Did that lady say that “we never go into neighborhoods and take people out”? I understand her frustration but I’ve seen alot of black people go into another neighborhood to commit murder ,it’s actually very common
Just give big man two minutes with the P.O.S. & save the taxpayers a million bucks.