Meacham: Is This A Chapter In An Unfolding Story, Or The Last Chapter? | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Presidential historian Jon Meacham reacts to the consequential week in America following the deadly insurrection on Capitol Hill incited by Trump. Aired on 1/9/2021.
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#JonMeacham #CapitolHill #MSNBC

Meacham: Is This A Chapter In An Unfolding Story, Or The Last Chapter? | The 11th Hour | MSNBC


    1. @CJS channel indeed! Pretty long fall from America’s Mayor. I thought he was big and tough and stood up to terrorist, not stood behind them. Looking back on it, what did he really even do after 9/11 besides talk tough like every other public figure. It was of course the right thing to do, but he Got way too much credit for that. He was americas mayor because nobody else was mayor that day!

    1. Lee you are on a roll, LMAOOOO 😂😂😂😂. Thank you for the much needed laughter during this rough time, my friend.

    2. @Radio Queen Bee A rough time indeed , in fact only today Trumps personal library was set on fire and both his books were destroyed. Sadly he hadn’t even finished coloring the second one in.

    1. @AriSiMom You have to, for the sake of your family, get over your fear of guns. Recent events have shown the danger posed by these people can’t be overestimated. They are literally insane. Armed and insane, and there are millions of them. You HAVE to protect yourself.

    2. @The Truth Is Out Now 777 trump is a traitor treasonous evil vindictive vicious he sent his supporters to do this horrible thing he is a disgrace pathetic

    3. @user name I’m not afraid of guns,I can’t use one , I’m blind …I am uncomfortable when they are concealed in public

    4. In 4 years, Trump cost Republicans the Presidency, the House and the Senate. He really made America Great Again!!!

    1. ​@Rezyn Rogue Vikings is BS, I live on the Island where Olave the grate was barred, I live on the Island where the viking king had his main thrown, if you have played the last Assassin creed game you would know Avaldsnes, I live on the Island where its name comes from, as a kid we was taking part in the Historical plays that tourists whacked. When the Viking king orded people to sayle the North line trow Greenland a to what you call USA today, he orded that from this Island. We occupied the American continent a long long time before Christopher Colombus and was a arrow miss from taking over the British empire.

    2. MMMMMMMM NNNNN This provides the mechanism for each state to recall their slate of electors immediately or face lawsuits and request all federal government agencies to lock down all internal communications, equipment and documentation from the Rome Embassy. “Make no mistake, this is a coup d’etat that we will stop in the name of justice and free and fair elections,” stated Maria Strollo Zack, Chairman of Nations in Action.

    1. video proof is not lack of evidence. This happened because no judge would hear the case weeks ago, address the videos in detail, and either act on or dismiss the case! If we did that weeks ago, the capital would not have been stormed. They showed up because judges were paid off to not even hear the case. Why didn’t we just let them make fools or heroes of themselves weeks ago?!?! This could have been over weeks ago! What didn’t the judges want exposed? If I were a judge and I heard of the Georgia hearing surveillance video, I’d want to hear that case! What are they so scared of coming out huh

    2. Unfortunately the Senate is on vacation until January 19. What does that tell you about our country?

  1. Meacham, as he always does, has hit the nail on the head – this is a chapter, not merely the end of a bad week. America is never going to be the same after Trump’s gone; what remains to be seen is will it eventually heal and get better, or will it continue to fracture violently, and get so much worse?

    1. video proof is not lack of evidence. This happened because no judge would hear the case weeks ago, address the videos in detail, and either act on or dismiss the case! If we did that weeks ago, the capital would not have been stormed. They showed up because judges were paid off to not even hear the case. Why didn’t we just let them make fools or heroes of themselves weeks ago?!?! This could have been over weeks ago! What didn’t the judges want exposed? If I were a judge and I heard of the Georgia hearing surveillance video, I’d want to hear that case! What are they so scared of coming out huh

    2. @Courtney Ricci you comment is very poor in judgement. This is not about week’s ago oh jugges this is been 2 years plan all along . His supporters have been saying if he lose that was going to be a civil war. He take that and realized that he’s supporters are willing to even die for him and that is because the midia outlets that support him have been a work brain washing his supporters. Before after the election religious tv leaders are telling their audience that if was worth to die for him. Si don’t blame anybody else . All the world knows with side is to blame

    3. @Edwin Gonzalez She’s also endlessly posting the same ‘cut & paste’ in every comments section, which rightfully gets them reported and removed as spam.

    4. @Courtney Ricci The clear reason that the judges refused to hear those cases is that when the judge asked if there was fraud in the elections the lawyers said there was not since lying to the judge is punishable by imprisonment. Then they went out and said that the judge refused to hear the cases. It inflamed the mob and we have seen the result.

  2. The loser who lost by three million votes and lost again by seven million votes needs to go home until he is called to answer for his crimes whereupon he can go to prison.

    1. If one good thing comes out of this presidency is that this is the closest we have ever been to getting rid of the Electoral College. This is the time for change. Hopefully this will be one of them.

    2. No going home he should be in custody with no bail wake up he deserves no rights at all he’s is the biggest criminal in America today

  3. Jon Meacham is the calm voice of historical perspective I look for after hours of doom-scrolling these past two days…

    1. Hes a lame duck and he made his injuries worse on the way out the door because he and many others couldn’t accept it. Lame duck president with a few radicals pulling him under his pond.

    2. Exactly & I’m surrounded by these trump nuts. Literally. They refuse to wear a mask & scream at us cause we wear one in public. It’s a literal nightmare & my family is not safe right now. They must have real consequences & it starts with their cult leader.

  4. Trump read about healing the nation from the teleprompter just to buy time to enable new revolt on the 17th on JAN – IMPEACH NOW!

    1. @jerry bangwaller The idea is to break the capitol before they are prepared, which will be on the 20th, cos then is inauguration.

    2. @jerry bangwaller they’re planning another larger attack that day. Apparently there’s a lot of talk about it on Parler and other right wing forums. Luckily it was easy to pick up on because these morons are so transparent about their plans. And hopefully there’ll be a military presence akin to the BLM protests from now until well after the inauguration.

    3. @Joey Outlaw yeah I expect to see the national Guard at all state capitols and governor’s mansions handing out stupid prizes to people who choose to play stupid games

  5. If US are unable to secure its people with healthcare, education and living wages, the country will eventually break.

  6. But that’s the point: this is not the end of something, this is the beginning of something. What that something is depends on us and our leaders now. What we do from now on will determine whether we descend or rise above.

  7. We must keep speaking to this and those who attacked our government must be brought to the full punishment of the law!

    1. I can’t believe those white supremacists terrorists walked out of the capitol unharmed. They are the rotting garbage of our society.

    2. @Ria Love I kept saying to myself, as did so many others, where is the Guard, why aren’t police stationed on the roof? Total, absolute failure on the part of the Capitol police it would seem, but I’m waiting to read solid reports of what went wrong. I hope two good things will come out of this (well more than two): The nation actually acknowledges the extent of white privilege, especially within law enforcement. And, the District should become our 51st state. With a population larger than Wyoming and Vermont, just under Alaska and N. Dakota, it is wrong that residents do not have full representation. Of course, white privilege also has something to do with a majority Black population not having full representation, same for Puerto Rico.

    3. True, this was a treasonous Attack.
      But a picture of the capital in flames?

      The Media is fanning the Flames.
      The media should be providing the FBI ,DC police, Hill police,etc
      Bring copies of the film,,,, To the Anove, so they can move forward with their charges to get these people behind bars!

    1. Give me a source or keep it on the playground. We all know who the FBI is concerned about and it’s the statistically violent group. I don’t even need to say who that is because the research and experiences of millions of people in real time highlights exactly what is going on 👋

    1. I cherish his inspiring knowledge, I always feel hopeful at the end of his missives. A true gentleman, a brilliant historian who always knows which lesson in history can redeem us. Thank YOU for your comment

    2. I had a college professor that said at first lecture: “history is reading other people’s mail.”
      he often looped back to that to emphasize importance of “primary documentation” for how we could know so much of history.

      my HS european AP teacher was fantastic – lectured by “telling a story” where almost every 50 minute class ended (at the bell) w/ “… and we’ll pick it up there tomorrow” w/ *_GROANS_* bc the lectures were DESIGNED to end at a “cliffhanger” moments of the story.

      p.s. I know my HS AP teacher did that on purpose bc she was my aunt, had 30 yrs to make it work to keep kids listening, is a FANTASTIC storyteller (even beyond Western Civ) … and admitted it at Christmas dinner at my grandma’s.

  8. “Givе me ten years, and you will not recognize Germany anymore!”
    ― Adolf Schicklgruber @ last election slogan, 1933

  9. The protesters, I mean RIOTERS are not black. If they were peaceful black demonstrators, hundreds would be dead and still be in jail.

  10. It’s like a military commander ordering his men to attack their own troops, and then saying: “They did it, not me”

  11. Trump and his enablers and the far right media. Should be held accountable for the Insurgency. They r complicit collaborators.

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