1. @Deborah Wolz _Right, you are_Teachers would have the express permissions of our parents, and the school board, to apply some “act right” to our hands, and our butts. What NO teachers would DARE to do, was to commit abuse(s) against ANY students

    2. @Joe Mckenna _President Biden is the one Authority, who, maybe, should have called for the hecklers to be removed from the chamber.

    3. @Joe Mckenna Look at you. A right wing conservative defending the honor of a gay drag queen/pathological liar. How chivalrous of you!

    1. This is the same lunkheaded audience that believed some vague comments about a new medical technology called Healight somehow actually meant ‘inject bleach’

    1. I would like to see more politicians pushing ethics. We want Ukraine to clean up their government in exchange for our aid. We complain about the Corruption in Russia and China. We need to look at ourselves too. Respecting the “loyal” opposition is important. But how can you respect your own party when your colleagues tolerate someone who is lying, cheating and stealing within the flock?

    1. I would never vote for Mitt Romney and I would never believe a word he says he’s a coward, and a turncoat

    2. None of the republican party have balls, he should have kicked him out from the start. Your scruples and morals are a joke. trumps exactly the same way. Nothing that comes out of his mouth is true..

    1. This is the same lunkheaded audience that believed some vague comments about a new medical technology called Healight somehow actually meant ‘inject bleach’

    2. He’s not honest at all, please do your research. Dude is taking advantage of a popular topic to boost his own popularity. Guy is a scumbag

    3. Man you fall for just about anything won’t you . I’m actually starting to feel sorry for people like you who can discern the difference between somebody lying to them straight to their face and somebody who’s telling the truth. I don’t know which is the bigger problem the liar or the person believing the lies. Especially when the lies they are telling are so blatantly false. That says a lot about you. But then again you’re most likely a paid adversary to make comments on social media. That’s even sadder. But nevertheless here you are.
      How do you know when your side is losing. When their paying for a bot army to try and change the narrative because your political beliefs have no substance no support no solid common sense in any of their policies that they bring forth. Nothing to benefit the people, only benefits for themselves to keep themselves in power.

    1. @Glenn Hubbard Look at you. A hard core right wing conservative defending the honor of a gay drag queen/pathological liar. How chivalrous of you!

    2. @Myspot Myrules The problem is Romney only stands out as a leader because everyone else is dead or retired. Imagine if Romney and the other old guy was not there. Taylor-Green, Santos, Cruz and the guy with the rape face is now the leaders of the GOP.

    3. @Myspot Myrules We don’t claim him on the right anymore. But thanks for voting for him in 2012. Trump ’24.

  1. Mit has always been a true republican with ethics and morals. Can’t believe Santos has the balls to act like he should be in the same house with him.

    1. Apparently, the voters thought otherwise.
      If you want to talk about liars in office, look at Senile Pedo Lying Joe Biden!

  2. I don’t agree with Mitts’ politics, but he is a man of integrity. Something that is rare in the GOP nowadays.

    1. @Truth TV Integrity? He was a member of the Mormon church when it’s official policy was to ban black people from membership and opposed interracial marriage.

    2. *some* integrity. This is the man that campaigned and told regular middle class working constituents they must vote for him because the “evil boogey man democrats” were coming for your inheritance with the estate tax. Meanwhile, the estate tax applies to people with insane net worths like in the billions and not at all anything to do with regular working class people. He’s a manipulator and liar at the very least.

    3. @maria  That can be debated, however he’s not Q believer or conspiracy theorists like many others in his party.

    4. Mitt Romney only stood up to trump once and he supported trump every other time. He’s no different than any republican. Romney wants to take away with your grandparents social security and your childrens rights to healthcare.

  3. Honestly, it’s in rare form to see a prominent Republican speak out. The quieter ones need to step it up.

    1. May be other Republicans are also Liers given their silence over this unethical person. This is one of the major example of why America will NEVER be great.

  4. Wow! A Republican that actually agrees that Santos ( if that’s even his real name) shouldn’t be allowed to be there!

    1. Hes doing the Biden thing you know man the thing! College and truck drivin and being raised in a black church and graduating top of his class and 80million votes. Shall I go on or have you had enough? Theres more if you want?

    1. Then why doesn’t RINO Mit Romney speak out against Lying Joe Biden? He’d rather attack a fellow Republican instead of a Democrat!

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