Nation Building Without Reparations? #TVJSmileJamaica

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    1. No, he’s no house slave. He’s speaking truth. So you really believe that we deserve reparations for something the our forefathers went through?

    2. Do you believe Jesus die for our sin 2000 years b4 we born …if yes we do if u don’t believe in Jesus then we don’t…think

    3. Rather than throwing insults, maybe you should use your energy and time to make an intelligent argument as to why you disagree.

    1. @Marv antony Our African names were replaced with the names of the slave traders because our ancestors were their property. That’s why all Jamaicans have British surnames

  1. He is deluded, i moving to the the uk and paid from Jamaica and was paying toward the slavery Loan bill that uk the government take out paid off slaves owner after Slavery was abolished, so do he thinks that is ok? For black people to paying for slavery loans? I would like to hear his opinion on this..he’s black but he’s not one of us.

  2. This is crazy ,what makes u different from the Haitian or the bajan is culture an the way of life yet still we are all black people, this is how we where conquer because of different tribe’s we align ourselves too after a greater civilization fell due to the passage of time. So when the Devil came with his mannerisms to protect our tribe’s we gave up other tribe’s to save ourselves . This man doesn’t have is views accurately.

    1. @Kevan I can barely understand this comment, but are you saying that African tribes gave up other tribes?

    2. @Marv antony exactly what am saying, new knowledge is supposed to be confusing that’s how u know ur learning take your time it will eventually soak in.

    3. @Marv antony exactly what am saying, new knowledge is supposed to be confusing that’s how u know ur learning take your time it will eventually soak in.

  3. The money is owed! All nations have to repay their debt. Germany pay the Jewish for the holocaust and you see how that money have made them some of the richest people in the world , it’s no reason why descendants of the enslaved shouldn’t be compensated when the slave owners have passed that money down to their families and they are all rich including a lot of the British government today. If you think otherwise it’s ok, just don’t accept the money if/when it comes.

  4. This guy is ignorant. I was going to write a long response but these days I would rather do the work than educate ignorant people. He’s confused. And dangerous too because he mixes factual information with nonsense.

  5. If we did get reparations in 70’s 90’s and 2000’s we wouldn’t have to run to the IMF until 2022 and people like Holness would have Castles instead of big house 😂😆🤩🇯🇲🇯🇲🇯🇲

  6. Asking for reparation is synonymous to a hands down mentality, we are still hurting and it’s understandable but we need to move forward and create a space where the black community not only survive but thrives. It’s very daunting to know that our mindset of asking for the same is a true reflection of mental slavery.

    1. We can do both at the same time. We can work for what we deserve. We can also ask for what our ancestors worked for that would help us be a better nation today, which we also deserve.

    2. The slave masters left generational wealth for their children. What have the slaves left in Jamaica?

  7. This young man don’t have the slightest understanding of our slavery very well. Our enslavement was different from all others slavery . We were treated has chattel, as property. We were not even considered human beings. We carry the names of our enslavers. Dahlia Seems to have a far better understanding on this topic than this young man.

  8. It was truly hard listen to this man speak. Slavery was an economy sanctioned by nations. It was not an arbitrary underground business. Slaves, their labour, the products they produced, and the slaves ships all had a monetary value. The slave ships were even insured by companies that still exist today. Nothing is insured without a known value. When slavery was abolished by the British, each slave owner was given reparations by the British government for the value of the slaves. Although I think all the former British Caribbean colonies should petition for reparations collectively, we are not that united as yet so each nation has to make their petition individually. He raises a good point about being sold by other Africans. This is the primary reason I am not a “back to Africa” type of person, even though Ghana and other Western African nations try to dupe Black Americans and West Indians to return for tourism. I acknowledge the common lineage but my roots have now been transplanted to Jamaica. There are numerous west African families and tribes that made generational wealth from selling Africans. There is a value for our ancestors labour. This man may be misrepresenting the educational institution(s) he got his degree(s) from.

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