1. As long as Clarence Thomas is still on the court, after all his wife had been involved in, the court always will be compromised!

    1. I can’t believe we’re circling back around to calling for thomas removal from the court. i mean we had so much other stuff to deal with the last few weeks that the ginni thomas scandal kind of slipped under our radar. good to hear it’s back and forefront in the news.

    2. This is NOW very much an incontrovertible fact, if it hasn’t been already for the better part of a whole human lifetime.

    1. Ginni Thomas emails to Arizona & Wisconsin state politicians, “And then please take action to ensure that a clean slate of electors is chosen for *OUR STATE* ” 🤔🤔our state? You can only be a registered voter in 1 STATE plus did she just lose a primary election in Wyoming???? What state is she even a registered resident of anyways????

    1. This is hilarious because everybody’s thinking if they were through the government of the United States that they just show up to work tomorrow and everything would continue on as normal.

    1. @Lester Jeanpierre Not saying that at all… you really think Biden could have stopped Thomas’ appointment?? Who’s to blame for kavanaugh then?

    2. @T this can go on and on and on, because like a trump supporter who is unwilling to except trump’s misgivings and will come up with ” WHAT ABOUTS ” to try and defend him rather than say “OK I give you that one”

  2. Somehow these people think that a russian-like oligarchy is the way to go. Just compare North Korea to South Korea and you’ll have your answer about how good of an idea that would be for this country.

    1. @mattspokane DEFINITELY (not possibly) impeached – this is far from the first time that his wife’s activism has produced a conflict of interest for him.

    1. @Raymond Sylvia The electoral college is the contract under which the less populace states joined the republic. Those that argue for it’s elimination literally argue for dissolution of the country.

    2. Fuk what you saying …here’s a spam link …lol…sorry I feel like every comment section has that crap. I was missing it!! Lol

    1. @ST I wouldn’t know. Liberal tears are the best though. They let Trump live rent free in their heads. What a sad life they lead 😂

  3. First of all. Does ANYONE believe that Ginni would advocate assigning a clean slate of electors and taking the matter to SCOTUS without Clarence’s knowledge? So we are all in agreement that a sitting member of our Supreme Court has directly participated in the coup attempt right? Perhaps we should do something about that…

    1. @Thilo Reichelt correct which is why I’m not suggesting that we go straight to prosecution. There is plenty there to begin a formal inquiry though.

    2. @Ms G she was planning on bringing this mess to the supreme court though. To review, he is ON the supreme court. One would have to believe that she intended to rely on his help to overturn a presidential election but she wanted the whole thing to be a surprise.

    3. I think he knows too but how do you prove that…he has said before that they do their own thing and respect each others differences. It would be really bad to see her in jail for him though.

  4. “Democracy cannot survive when one side believes there are only two outcomes to an election: either they win or they were cheated.”

  5. Don’t forget that Thomas was the only supreme court member to vote that Trump didn’t have to turn over documents or whatever it was.

  6. Yah. You don’t make people angry over an election. Make them angry over an issue upon which they will vote.

  7. SE Cupp’s attempt to control her facial expressions as Jennings speaks is hilarious. Scott wants us to believe that all members of the SCOTUS have integrity, even the ones who misrepresented themselves during confirmation! What a crock!!

    1. Yeah, I caught the sideways looks she gave Jennings multiple times while he was spewing his B.S. On the part about all of them (SCOTUS) having integrity I was waiting for her to bust out laughing in his face. SE may be Conservative, but she is more Moderate than anything and thinks the GOP has gone off the rails.

    2. He was subtly defending the mar a lago issue in another video earlier in the week if only i could remember which one

  8. Clarence Thomas NEEDS to be removed from his position for the acts of his wife. Anyone who thinks this is extreme or wrong just know that Military officers can be held accountable for the actions of their spouse. The Supreme Court positions should be held to the highest of standards.

    1. I don’t think that he should be held accountable for her actions (as I don’t believe that military officers should be held accountable for the actions of their wives unless it affects their security clearance).

      However, he should be held accountable for disobeying a federal law requiring him to recuse himself from a matter in which his wife is implicated.

    2. @mattspokane Completely respect your viewpoint on this. And thank you for giving a level headed response. So few these days on social media it feels like. Maybe meet in the middle and let the people vote on it.

  9. “I’ve never seen any evidence whatsoever that Clarence Thomas has ever been influenced by anything other than his own views and jurisprudence.” 😳
    06:20 The look on her face while he blathered out that sentence is priceless.

  10. The Federalist Society seems to consider itself the fourth branch of our govt.
    Their agenda, finances and activities should be made public.

    1. Hello, impressed with your profile and personality. I also admire your good sense of humor over here. I don’t normally write in the comment section, but I think you deserve this compliment.

  11. The other justices may have partners or other family members with opposing views but it’s ONLY Gini and Clarence Thomas that we know either actively tried to obstruct a lawful transition of power OR try to cover up that unlawful activity. Remember, Gina Thomas is KNOWN for being politically active and working with and getting paid by litigants about to face her husband in court.

    1. @C.K. Lee As a “consultant” for people who have business in front of her husbands court, it is at least of questionable ethics. Given there is no mandatory ethics rules in the SCOTUS, the legality is only questionable. While Justice Thomas has recused himself from several cases, he has not recused himself from all cases that raise concerns of impropriety.

  12. Here’s a reminder that Clarence Thomas was the only justice to dissent when the Supreme Court rejected Trump’s bid to withhold White House documents concerning January 6.

    1. @Marie Lucas Stop embarrassing yourself Marie.🥵🥵🥵😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡👎 👍💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙

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