CNN's Victor Blackwell speaks with Ben Ratner, a resident of East Palestine, Ohio, who says the toxic train derailment in his town has "uncanny" similarities to the Netflix film "White Noise," in which he appeared as an extra. #CNN #News #shorts
New Netflix film is eerily similar to recent catastrophic event

Its called Predictive Programming.
Just stick to the news. Not entertainment.
Its news Jim but not as we know it.
And Biden goes to Ukraine with a blank check. And FEMA might or might not help to citizens of East Palestine Ohio. FJB
It must really suck being left behind in life because you are stupid. The real problem with being stupid is that you don’t know that you are stupid.
@Jonathan Swift Does it suck to back a president that’s slowly destroying America? Joe Biden is slowly destroying America and you cheer him on.
Almost like WW3 actually is a bigger problem
Where’d you hear that FEMA may not help residents of East Palestine, Ohio? I certainly haven’t heard that. But quite honestly, local residents should be helped by the railroad company responsible for this disaster.
@Beth Wright The government is trying to say it’s nothing wrong with air and water. A cover up for the slow response. FJB
Si un marc amirican de stodio houlyed (the acsident)……… Bonne film….. 👍🦁🇲🇦🇻🇮🇺🇸🔱
That awkward moment when the propaganda machine does a segment on one of their predictive programming shows.. 😂👍🏻
Spot on. Having to cover it. I’m surprised they’ve allowed comments🤣🤣
We know they lie. They know we know they lie. We know they know we know they lie. They know we know they know we know they lie.
You’re all crazy 😂
This same situation has happened literally “zillions” of times, within the past 3-decades, anywhere on Earth, but it’s “eerily” similar somehow to these guys
The guy was an extra in the movie and he lives in East Palestine. 😮
“Life imitates art far more than art imitates life.”
-Oscar Wilde
Remember the time Netflix equated climate change with an asteroid on a collision course with earth?🤣🤣
Wouldn’t be nice to see our transportation secretary or our President taking interviews about the actual crash. Instead we are listening to an extra in a movie depicting an actual crisis. LGB FJB
I’ve heard both of them speaking about this corporate caused disaster.
I watched it a few days ago
watch the scene after the derailment where the family is in a gymnasium, and some random guy starts barking about the lack of concern and attention for the locals.
that exact same thing happened at the town hall where the RR exec didn’t show up.
everyone in a gymnasium and one guy yelling about the lack of attention and concern for the locals.
Oh did you have to evacuate your home due to the derailement?
I am sorry if you did, and hope you will get everything needed.
It could be possible, but I was watching news coverage and I though I heard a train in the distance. Do not tell me there are multiple train lines there..and one is still operating.
American archaic infrastructure. Maybe America should blame the Chinese for being the world’s leaders in infrastructure and fast speed rail. Maybe America should blame the Japanese for having bullet trains in 1964 when The Beatles released their first record album. How backward? 59 years backward
The China Syndrome, a movie about a nuclear power plant that comes close to nuclear meltdown was released less than a year before the Three Mile Island incident.
See my comment about forthcoming shipments of spent fuel rods from the oldest nuclear power plants, which are now being decommissioned, across almost the entire United States by truck or train. Scary, huh?
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This is the kind of info we don’t get from most!😊YouTube channels. I’m definitely bouncing on this right away…. I’m really impressed
I just texted him I hope he replies soon 🙏 🥺
Also in the movie, pause the movie when the girl goes to the attic, there are three books there. Read the titles and research them
Witchcraft is one of the books. The movie was a witchcraft sacrifice, which was filmed in the town of Palestine, because it summoned the real event to happen. One year later..
Think about the fact that there are plans to ship highly radioactive spent fuel rods from older nuclear power plants which are being decommissioned, from sites like the Indian Point Plant up the Hudson River from New York City, to a Defense Department nuclear waste site in New Mexico by truck or by train. Does that not make you nervous? It sure does me!