‘People are furious’: Jayapal withdraws Ukraine letter amid Democratic anger

House Democrats are angry at Democratic Rep. Pramila Jayapal of Washington state for sending out a letter calling for the Biden administration to pursue diplomacy in Ukraine, with many publicly and privately fuming that the progressive leader blindsided them and revealed new divisions within their party over the war and with just days to go before the November midterms. CNN's Manu Raju reports.

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    1. So long as you point out both parties in that summation, sure…better than 90% of the current U.S. population never paid attention to history or social sciences in order to have the most basic understanding of our laws and democracy. The last 40 years has been the end result. I’m a lifelong registered independent; always voting for a representative that earns my vote regardless of party, relying on public servant voting record alone – open to listening to what a new candidate has to offer when the incumbent is trash. Why listen to media or social media…you people are simply being spoon fed like the infants you truly are?

    2. Preventing nuclear war, swiftly ending bloodshed abroad, saving billions or even trillions in military aid…

      Yeah I can’t imagine a politician advocating we do the right thing. That’s why the entire political machine, media included, turned to deal with the small progressive threat to hegemony.

      What do y’all want? Iraq war 2 electric Boogaloo?

  1. all i can say is it feels pretty scummy to send out an old memo that people attached to it no longer support. the people attached to it should have at least been notified that it was being sent out. it’s so random

    1. @Selonious at least they’re not sheepishly following each other around and threatening to burn the country down if they lose elections.

    2. Were they no longer in support of the memo, or were they too cowardly to support their statements when the demented one questioned them?

    1. @Won Yankee Says Correct. Their media and government flunkies will keep people believing this war is all about freedom, good and evil, blah, blah, blah


    1. @David Rivera So you don’t like Mark Twain quotes? And when you asked me to apply what your father said to myself (which you’ve apparently edited out, but I saw your original comment), which of us is the moron, and which of us is stupid? You decide which one you want to be.

    2. @REAPERK1LLZ popular vote actually doesn’t win elections. Ask Hillary. That’s why politicians have a strategy of how they campaign in states that can give a higher electoral vote. They don’t worry so much about states with a lower electoral vote. The reason why the electoral vote is more important is that it is suppose to give states equal say. If we went strictly by popular vote… New York, Las Angeles, Chicago and a few others would control who is president. That would totally suck for the lessor populated areas. People in big cities have no idea what people in rural areas would be in need of or why. So the electoral college is required.

    3. @J҉O҉K҉E҉R҉ Popular vote alone doesn’t but in 99% of cases electors vote based off the popular vote in their state. Some states require it by law, others will simply replace the voter if they go against popular vote.

    4. @REAPERK1LLZ ah… I see you’re speaking in terms of statewide popular vote, not national. Silly me for not realizing that. I think some other folks might be confused about what you were talking about as well.

      From what I have read all but 2 states electoral votes will go to the popular vote in that state. Maine and Nebraska go by popular votes in Congressional districts… plus 2 electoral votes for statewide popular vote.

      So yeah, in that regard you are right.

    1. Battle for democracy! 😂Biden administration is afraid that they will not control the new Bipolar world with Sanctions. The 8 sanctions the West put on Russia is backfiring to everyone in the world! It didn’t work. End the Sanctions and start talking about peace. In a nuclear war just 1% of the entire population will survive, unfortunately their existence will be inhumane!!

    2. @O Z so what are the two poles: west democracies against Russia-Iran-North Korea-Bielorussia- Syria ? Wow, seems to me like asymmetric new bipolar world. Got to use your brain, buddy

  2. It should be easy to find out where the letter came from, who licked the stamp, who said …go send this out, who threw it in the mailbox, who took it off the printer? No guessing needed.

    1. Amazing how AOC gets heckled in Philadelphia for supporting the war in Ukraine and not demanding negotiations toward peace; and shortly after, this letter appears signed by 30 of her colleagues, who now appear to be totally gutless cowards who could not stand to even a little pushback.

    2. @Belladonna Took It is a bad thing when we should be electing politicians who want to help everyone. She’s disgusting!

    1. There is currently a convention of states underway that has the power to override Congress. One of the items on the agenda is term limits. Google to see if your state is attending and if not contact your state representatives immediately and demand that they do so.

    1. What is sickening.. When the war starts it will be the people who lust for the war that hide in their mothers basement.

    2. @German John another one *still* triggered by mean tweets?! Too bad you can’t be taken seriously at all since you can’t even properly use the term “fascist”.
      The funny thing about this is the fact you think Trump wasn’t telling the truth with every word, because the dude obviously had no filter and would speak his mind no matter how stupid it came out.

  3. “We support President Biden….except on those days we don’t. And in July. Plus all even numbered days in October…..” Yeah, this is the Democratic Party we all know and love.

    1. @waterman165 their voting records for his agenda say otherwise. Always pay attention to their actions not their words.

    2. @Die Defending The average moronic American cannot pay attention to anything other than whatever they are told to think at that moment, let alone something that required being educated.

    1. @SpecOps140 I obviously struck a nerve when I mentioned negotiating table but I can tell you right now America can’t afford all those wars. The Era of America trying to police the world is over. What is America’s interest on the independence of Ukraine? And even if there is a bit, is it even worth it?

    2. empowering a nation that actively commits genocide cant be allowed to grow any bigger or stronger. these people could be you

    1. @Information Warlord Russia has held that same stance since day one of the invasion yet Ukraine has yet to be crushed and either the “bear” has yet to awaken or it already has and it was quite lacking. Im willing to bet Russia couldnt care less about the Eastern regions and is using them as a pretext for invasion, so if they’re just allowed to keep the Navy based in Crimea and given some assurances that troops wont be stationed close to the approaches to Moscow theyd be willing to swallow that, provided of course they continue to be beaten back by ukraine

    2. Zelensky is a dangerous child, perhaps somebody should be making decisions for him. Zelensky called for a preemptive nuclear strike on Russia! To him, it’s OK if the world goes up in the flames of thermonuclear war, just so he keeps his little kingdom.

    3. @Vladimir Lorenzo it is if we are paying for the party. No us, no party. We could get Zelenskyy to talk to the Russians if we asked him to, just like we asked him to NOT talk to them back in May when they almost had a deal. No one is saying to speak FOR Ukraine.

    4. @Jeff Braus From what I heard it was the other way around (but the source could be mistaken), that the US diplomat suggested conceding territory in exchange for peace and Ukraine refused. I dont think Zelensky is unwilling to talk to the Russians, but I believe they do not want to cede territory to Russia at any cost especially given how Minsk I and Minsk II turned out. Russia’s goals (aside from the propaganda pretext of annexing the separatist regions) is ensuring a buffer zone between Europe and the Russian interior, and holding onto the naval base in Crimea. Ukraine and Russia have been in talks before and they both are allied to nations like Turkey and others that can better mediate from a neutral position compared to us. At the time Putin probably felt he was in a position to keep a lot of the territory he held when they were negotiating, which Ukraine proved otherwise. Regardless of who’s call it is to make, I think US and Ukrainian officials are more or less in agreement about when to approach Russia again, and its gonna be after Ukraine has retaken as much territory as it possibly can, and successfully defended against the probable winter counteroffensive that Russia is likely to launch. If we get to that point, Putin wont be in a position to demand territory concessions, and will probably have to settle for Ukraine being neutral or having a dmz buffer + the important part of Crimea.

    5. @Vladimir Lorenzo I agree with nearly everything you said (except the first part about who was told to walked away from the talks). My original comment was only to say the US has some leverage and can get the two parties in the same room. Now what happens after that, who knows. I will say Zelensky is running out of time, as public opinion in the US is starting to shift as we address our up and coming recession. I wonder if Ukraine still will refuse talks, once the US drastically cuts back our aid, and they start running out of supplies? The point I am making is right now Ukraine can come to the negotiating table from a position of strength, but that could drastically change over the next 6-8 months. ✌🏼

  4. She was the chairman of the committee that got pissed when Homan told her she worked for the people, not the other way around.

    1. @Darrelle Pickering He was just grandstanding so he could land a Fox News post. Sad how easily the MAGA sheep are manipulated.

    2. @Matt the party on the other side of the lines from Maga just got upset when one of their representatives suggest peace over war. Is that the side you want to be associated with?

  5. “the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger” Herman Goering

    1. @TexarkanaPrepper my oldest son saw action in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Thank God he was physically sound when he came back. I talked my youngest out of enlisting. I was a peacetime soldier. ’84-88 i n the 82ND. I toast you sir for your service and valor.

    1. @Aaron Knauer Sorry man independent. With that said, the democratic party of JFK has been taken over by mentally ill, narcissistic, extremist, kiddy molesters.

    2. @JumpinJimmyjack did you think I was going to entertain your redneck fever Dream fantasies with sincere rebuttals? Not the Pearl-caster you were looking for

    1. @Autodrome96 when muller charge manafort for things nothing to do with russia hack but let podesta go for same reason =blackmail Britain(thank Blair Iraq/france stolen libya gold) to support blame russia to cover up fact 2 party system failed since mccain-hillary all did united fruit company scandal 2.0 but remain rich

      george bush 14y ago said add ukraine to nato foreshadow nuland f eu coup 2014 support =

      1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nTQ3D1a-j20

      2001 pentagon memo kill occupy iraq to syria


      current ukraine gov is proxy since obama drew red line just like did in syria earlier arming rebels telling russia not to interfere while zelensky ethnic cleanse donbass region 7y=

      2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ta9dWRcDUPA

      3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBeRB7rWk_8

    1. Then why don’t you vote for a 3rd party? If you are always voting for the lesser of evils you will never get a good candidate. Yes there might be some short term pain as the wrong party wins the next few elections but in the long run A 3rd party would hold the other two parties in check and you’d be better off. The democratic and republican parties are going to continue to get worse and worse if we don’t show them that we have other options. Its also critical that the 3rd party makes major reforms when it first comes into power because without reform the 3rd party will eventually get corrupted as well.

    2. The sovereign citizens of this nation was NEVER asked if they wanted non European immigration. This is the Nation’s entire problem when the true enemy of mankind is sitting everywhere in Washington DC.

    3. @k.k. marriott I question the ethics of anyone who thinks it’s okay for kids to chop off their body parts or taking things that can cause irreversible physical changes in their bodies… just saying. Younger doesn’t mean better. That just means they don’t have the life experience to understand the repercussions of how they think things should be. There’s a lot to be said for people who have experienced life and can think beyond the yellow brick road. If you mean younger than Biden… well… that’s not a stretch. Personally, we need term limits. Too many people get too accustom to having the lifestyle of a Congressman and the such and forget who they actually work for.

    4. @J҉O҉K҉E҉R҉ I didn’t mean 30 year olds. Definitely term limits. No stock trading when in d. C. period

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