Piers Morgan’s stunning advice for his friend Donald Trump

Former CNN host Piers Morgan tells CNN's Brian Stelter what advice he has for his friend Donald Trump regarding handling the coronavirus pandemic.

#CNN #News


  1. “What Huxley teaches is that in the age of advanced technology, spiritual devastation is more likely to come from an enemy with a smiling face than from one whose countenance exudes suspicion and hate. In the Huxleyan prophecy, Big Brother does not watch us, by his choice. We watch him, by ours. There is no need for wardens or gates or Ministries of Truth.

    When a population becomes distracted by trivia, when cultural life is redefined as a perpetual round of entertainments, when serious public conversation becomes a form of baby-talk, when, in short, a people become an audience and their public business a vaudeville act, then a nation finds itself at risk; a culture-death is a clear possibility.” ― Neil Postman, Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business

    1. @Rarediel I didn’t know that. I have seen his posted videos and many of those he is just fawning his support of trump so much, it’s sickening.

    2. TRUMP: What do you want from me? I’m a failed game show host! You voted for me to entertain! ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?!!

  2. I appreciate Mr. Morgan’s very honest statements, but everything he mentioned has been Trumps M.O. since day one…..

    1. Piers is a nothing commentator. He’ll say whatever he can to remain relevant, whether it be intentionally whipping up controversy or jumping on board to shame someone whenever he gets a chance. I saw him get legitimately angry because a particular candy (that he admitted to never trying by the end of the segment) had changed from using gelatin derived from pigs to vegetarian gelatin. Remember, he publicly supported Trump until March of 2016, changing his mind when Trump became the Republican nominee.
      He’s actually very similar to Trump, just ever so slightly more intelligent.

    1. @Kljh D Fun fact – Joani did start her sentence with a capital letter. She put a colon after “Fun fact,” therefore, her sentence is correct.

    2. @natelin Lmao You’re taking this way too seriously my guy. If you find it wrong for someone to inquire about things in a YouTube comment section, then maybe you need to straighten your priorities.

    3. @Rush Mars Uh oh. Looks like you have been upset with my comments toward you. You ought to man up. BTW, you erred in your last, heartfelt comment to miked. You said “less people,” when the correct term is “fewer.” You are welcome.

    4. TRUMP: What do you want from me? I’m a failed game show host! You voted for me to entertain! ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?!!

  3. Trump: You’re fired, Pierce!
    Pierce: But I don’t work for you.
    Trump: I don’t care! You’re fired because I said you’re fired!

  4. That’s hilarious. Mr. Morgan You’re trying to explain color to a blind person. Trump will not even be able to comprehend what you’re saying. But nice try.

  5. Narcissists are not capable of empathy, never, ever! They can fake it for a while but truth always comes out.

    1. danger clown doesnt even try to fake it. not once has he shown sadness at the fact that people are dying.

  6. He said it “Populist leaders”.
    The main common characteristic of a populist leader is their complete disdain towards the people.
    A populist leader relies on the ignorance of the population, treating them as nothing more than votes. Sheep who vote.
    Now the sheep are dying and guess what the populist leaders don’t care.

    1. Everybody likes to critisize. Im sure mustafa can do a better job at running the country. Probably can run his own life thats why hes hating on these message boards.

  7. Admit when he’s wrong? ??Who Trump? ??? Before Trump admits that he was wrong, Hell will freeze over!!!

    1. You are absolutely right! Melania could walk in on him having sex and he would yell at her for coming home early!

    2. TRUMP: What do you want from me? I’m a failed game show host! You voted for me to entertain! ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?!!

    3. @Mitt Romney yes. Trump supporters are pathetically dunce! They either are idiots who believe a pathological liar, or they agree with, support, and follow an evil man. Which are you: number one or number two? Trump is destroying America! What are you going to do about it? Please vote against him in November – don’t just stay at home! I’m just fooling you. I know you support the Evil One. You know – the one who didn’t even have a simple Access database created so that the migrant parents could be reunited with their children! Now 6,000 kids will NEVER EVER see their families ever again! You know – the one who always supports violence and encourages people to do the wrong thing; who pardons corrupt criminals and who fires Patriots who testify the truth to Congress? Yeah, that guy. The one who’s been corrupt his entire adult life, the one who, at 12 years old, had a whole stash of switchblades in his room! THAT’S why his parents finally shipped him off to military boarding school. yeah that guy!

    1. I am speechless because that guy has always defended Trump so it is incredible to hear him speak like this!😲

    2. Dave Scott They all have a couple of things in common! I guess most people realise that. Again their commonalities are very dangerous. Piers is likely to recognise it when the walls are caving in on him and tries to find an escape route! The other 2 aren’t!

  8. “He has to put the country before himsel”… Have you not been watching? The man is fundamentally incapable of doing that or asking himself any other question other than, “What’s for dinner?” He’s a maggot.

    1. @north east fishing ok. Sarcasm! I was worried for a second there! No one with more than 65 brain cells would call this ‘winning’ or ‘America First’. (Although we are first in known C-19 deaths and infections) yay???? I’m sure you believed him when he said ‘I alone can fix it’ when he said ’15 will very soon go close to zero’ when he said ‘my administration has this under control’ when he said ‘I will release my tax return when they’re out of audit’ when he said ‘I am the chosen one’ when he said he ‘would donate $1,000,000 to Obama’s charity of choice if he released his birth certificate’…
      Surely you’re not an idiot who believes a pathological liar! So the other explanation is: you share Trump’s thoughts, actions, and deeds. Either way: it’s disgusting. Individual 1 is guilty of negligent homicide. His inaction and total unconcern for his constituents have resulted in the deaths of 42,000 Americans, 732,000 known infected with just 1% of the population tested, 22 million people unemployed, thousands waiting for hours and hours in bread lines, people dying alone, morgues running out of space, despair and fear across the entire nation. IN JUST THREE MONTHS! Where will we be by the 4th of July? That’s the guy that you are supporting? Oh let me guess… you don’t believe anything I just listed. facts!

    2. I’m saying this a pandemic period so how can you get pissed at a guy for just trying to spread hope at first so the American people don’t go insane,but the media ruined that which I’m sure you believe everything they say. Look Trump is not perfect but he has always had The USA first no matter what and he has been trying his best period. Sorry he didn’t have super powers to stop a pandemic in it tracks and be able to see in the future inconsiderate trump hater lol

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