Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke for nearly 2 hours in his annual State of the Nation address. #CNN #News
Putin marks first anniversary of ‘special military operation’ in Ukraine

Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke for nearly 2 hours in his annual State of the Nation address. #CNN #News
Putin represents psychological transference in action .
@S Sh what? I speak English only unfortunately
@S Sh Blame the WEST for Putins actions, adorable.
@S Sh WEAK child.
Lol talking medical jargon…
You’re a rope
Hmmm what a wonderful thing he ‘pats himself on the back for’.. all the slaughtering,and torturing of innocents.He should feel proud of himself. Give the guy a gold 🥇 medal.
@Matt Riches вас так испугал коммунизм в прошлом веке, что вы его видите повсюду и готовы выброситься в окно с криком – «русские идут». 😂
@S Sh bla bla bla … mate I can’t understand this language, sorry.English dude English 👍😁
@Matt Riches you get info from movies, not news, homie. Come on. We got you.
@Night Night … Night night Mr night night .u got nuttin
They do not take responsibility for anything, its no wonder the world is turning their backs on the West–but we know that the West was built on lies and criminality–the end game is near for them
His words were garbled . His sentences seemed detached from each other similar to guests to a dinner that didn’t previously know each other nor were they properly introduced to each other by the host . He repeated the same ideas : the Russian economy now is almost better than it was before this devastating war !! … the people support the war , Ukraine is the cause of war( because it refused to turn its army into a big scout marching band and to give him 25% of its land ) , and everything is going as per the original plan.
They do not take responsibility for anything, its no wonder the world is turning their backs on the West–but we know that the West was built on lies and criminality–the end game is near for them
dear comrades, the special action continues to go well for the motherland Russia. We are winning the fight against the pigs of west, martians, little fairies, trolls and the little blue smufs, man the little blue people scare me. I am happy to announce that we have lost NO Russian soldiers during this special operation. I am also proud to suggest that I have ALL MY MARBLES, and I am complete control of my mental facilities and as well as my bowel movements.
You forgot to mention the Green and Purple M&Ms….
Your funny
@Bruce Lee spell , Bruce, spell !
Smufs –> Smöffs…
That dependence is bilateral, and may be the only thing preventing a confrontation.
we need to find a path to peace.. even though US is a superpower, doesn’t mean it can’t be harmed by a great power country. Every superpower country has fallen to a great power in history.
“terrorists,nazi’s,devils” 100% INSANE NO DOUBT
It certainly is a “special” military operation, as the entire world has seen.
yes, it’s so special the way it loses
An invasion of red clowns from Moscow against a Ukrainian citizen army answering to the call
Basically meaning we aint seen nothing yet
P.S. If it was Putin and not a double that speech would have blown his chance to host Saturday Night Live.
Considering the impending Russian major offensive from both northern, eastern and southern, as well as now also western direction (looking at Transnistria, ready to break away from Moldova and join the Russian Federation whereby Putin will feel invited to post a hundred thousand-odd troops to act out security against Moldovan aggression), those 31 Abrams, 18 Leopard 2s and 14 Challengers look awfully few and alone. Luckily the graphics show that three other countries might send some tanks too, Norway is mentioned.
What it doesn’t say anything about, oddly enough as this information would surely calm down worried minds, are the several hundred Leopards 1 *also* having been donated as part of the recent agreement within NATO to supply MBTs. Which I think is weird isn’t mentioned along with the number of Leopard 2s Norway is donating (8, *twice* that of Canada). Since this would make clear that even if Russia actually went ahead and pulled off some kind of offensive, Ukraine would pretty much be ok, and able to keep them nailed to the spot. But maybe that’s the problem with mentioning it. It’s not putting stress on people. There’s no suspence in knowing Russia can’t do diddly-squad beyond either start with the nukes or pull out and call it quits.
It’s not alternative reality that putin speaks, it’s out of touch with reality that putin is living in.
And you live in the reality of a clown (by diploma) Zelinsky.
Rootin’ Tootin’ Putin is hootin’ and scooting.
Sad thing is everything he said about the United States is true.
You don’t know anything.
The reason why the west is urging for the renewal of the treaty on nuclear weapons is that they are running behind on the technology and want Russia to disarm to the same level.
The US has no defense against Russia’s hyper-sonic missiles and is still in the process of developing their own, while Russia already has a whole range of hyper-sonic missile types which are already deployed, operational and currently in series production.
Russia from their side have not only developed the hyper-sonic weapons, but also the capacity to intercept and destroy them, even if the US still doesn’t have any to launch against Russia.
The US is only interested in treaties when it serves their own benefit and earlier walked away from the INF treaty, not because Russia was in violation of this treaty, as they claim, but because they thought they had a advantage over Russia in this area.
Why would Russia agree to any treaty with the US when they just ignore them as they see fit.
Pretty sure the Russia already mined the stocks in Moldova and if the Russians in this area risk to be overrun, they will simply destroy them.
“But honest sir, the fight started when he hit me back”
First hit – 2014 Donbass bombing…2022 back hit !
Putin sounds nearly as unbalanced as Trump… “They did this… it’s Their fault… They’re trying to get me!” Etc.
*_Usually, I agree with CNN coverage, except this time!_* The endgame here centers on negotiations, which there exists only one factor that is more relevant than any other is; *_who will reach the exhaustion point of where cost becomes very problematic!_* And discussions about iPhones made in China are irrelevant! Because from what I can see The US/West has not exceeded cost factors, *_but they for damn sure better come up with a strategy to halt Russia’s territory gains!_* And Ukraine needs *_a special team operation that enters Russia and produce considerable losses to its arsenals!_*
“Whoever has Truth on their side, God is with them.” — Alexander Nevsky
@S Sh No, I don’t support Zelensky and his regime.
@Sleepy Joe
Obvious troll account is obvious.
@Some Guy Yea whatever.
@Sleepy Joe
Yeah whatever, TROLL.
@Some Guy Projecting much but it’s okay. Some just don’t have a life. I kind of feel sory for you.
“They don’t want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking. They don’t want Well-informed, Well-educated people capable of critical thinking. They’re not interested in that. That doesn’t help them. That’s against their interests.” — George Carlin
Keep them stupid ignorant and brainwashed. Zombies
US citizens?
“I slit the sheet, the sheet I slit, and on the slitted sheet I sit!”- Steve Martin
@Randy Boisa A real american )