The US has recently begun seeing “disturbing” trendlines in China’s support for Russia’s military and there are signs that Beijing wants to “creep up to the line” of providing lethal military aid to Russia without getting caught, US officials familiar with the intelligence told CNN. The officials would not describe in detail what intelligence the US has seen suggesting a recent shift in China’s posture, but said US officials have been concerned enough that they have shared the intelligence with allies and partners at the Munich Security Conference over the last several days. Retired Air Force Col. Cedric Leighton reacts. #CNN #News
Retired colonel predicts what could happen if China supports Russia

MAD POLICY. That’s just the way it will be. ⚫️
Bring back MAD TV.
She said China, might support its military aid of Ukraine. I think she meant China might increase its support of Russia.
The Chinese are very pragmatic and I can’t see any upside/advantage for them to overtly help Russia and plenty of downside. Europe and the USA does a lot of business with China and I think Xi will be careful not to risk damaging that. China is, after all, still recovering from covid and they were hit very hard.
China is an ally of both Ukraine and Russia, China wont choose sides.
China supplies both Russia 🇷🇺 and Ukraine 🇺🇦 and vice-versa.
Yea she’s a black commie for sure
CNN can’t even get the facts right lmao 😂😂
Keep thinking of the innocent people caught up between the fighting…just horrible
That’s why they should be making peace not sending weapons and money prolonging what will probably end with Russia winning anyway. It doesn’t even matter if Russia walks away, Ukraine has been destroyed, and a lot of people are dead and we prolonged this crap.
War is satanic, disgusting, Gods wrath will get those responsible for this sh##,especially on a persons judgement day
@Jason C. this is Putin’s war and is like Europe’s middle ages, the west left that behind and fight the pull back to barbarism. Life is precious.
@Steen Romme this youtube video framed my comments
Ikr CIA have long history of toppling regime they don’t like in middle east/north Africa for decades. Cough*Saddam Hussein and Gaddafi*Cough
🇺🇸 Американские налоги будут направлены на поддержку Украины
💬 Байден объявляет, что американские налоги пойдут на поддержку украинских социальных услуг, включая выплату государственных пенсий.
Огайо отказано в помощи. Байден глупец!
Come on, it would be crazy for China to help Russia to fight Ukraine war. It is simply not possible unless Russia was pushed back by NATO to east side of Urals.
how is it not possible? they can do whatever they like
Tiananmen Square
Great Leap Forward
Student Protests 1989
Taiwan Country Free
Free Tibet
Are Ukrainian lives expendable? Denying jets and long range ammos to UKR will result in more civilian deaths.
This is not an unprovoked war we have been pushing nato towards Russia’s border for several decades
“Russia invaded for no apparent reason” 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I feel sorry for CNN viewers.
This sounds like nonsense and I have no idea where it is coming from. Quite aside from the issue of sanctions on China it would forfeit any opportunities for expansion of influence north west (into what is currently Russia) and in places like Kazakhstan. The only plausible reason for expanding China’s current involvement is oil. I would have thought it would have been a bad deal for China.
So NATO can support Ukraine but China can’t support their ally? Give me a break
When Soviet Union invaded Czechoslovakia , and Warsaw pact Nation ,it was a least 900, 000 troops, compare to Putin 200, 000 troops.
We agree General, but those helicopters will be used more efficiently by not using inverted divebomber tactics.
They’re definitely aiding them
China would definitely help Russia. And Russia would help China back once they start taking Taiwan. They’re allies for a reason.
@Ryan lex it would be more than a “democrats worst nightmare” my god, there are greater threats than your political affiliation which you can’t seem to think past.
The United States is opposed to Russia and China, and Russia is China’s shield. If Russia falls to Europe and America, China will be punished.
How about the derailment in Palestine Ohio with toxic chemicals destroyed killing American? Can China help fix US garbage rail system? 🙈🙉🙊🥸
@Republic of China wrong!!!!!
@Republic of China Qing rule (1683–1895), Japanese rule (1895–1945). What happened after? Japan never returned Taiwan back to China…..
She said China, might support its military aid of Ukraine @3:52. I think she meant China might increase its support of Russia. At 5:20, he calls her a “sir”.
? No he doesn’t. At about 5:39 he calls her Sarah, since that’s her name; is that what you mean?
Can CNN talk with the general fixing the derailment system that killing Americans?
This is exactly the kind of gutter tripe you expect out of the US while it threatens to start a war with both at any time. You are the guilty party and the aggressor.
“It certainly would cause some problems for the Ukraine” 😅 Understatement of the year.
Yeah it’ll spiral into another world war which will be the end of everything..
understatement no, facts. Made in China is not quality keep dreaming 🙂
Wasn’t China an ally of USA during WWII? Some dumb politicians keep antagonizing foreign countries *sigh*
“Russia invaded with no apperant reason” tells how pointless this whole conversation is. And this is how the media feeds one sided story to its people.