CNN correspondent Selina Wang asks Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning about the government’s claims that the balloon shot down by the U.S. was a weather balloon and not a spy balloon. See the exchange. #shorts #cnn #news
See Chinese official respond when asked about suspected spy balloon

Obvious lies do not encourage good will or trust. Quite the opposite.
Calling U.S. “irresponsible” when they “irresponsibly” had their balloons go “off course”
@David Jones why not he’s running for president fair game go away
@John Chriswhat the actual hell are you talking about? What on gods green earth does the massive earthquake tragedy have to do with the Chinese spy balloon?! Stop trying to make connections where none exist. It’s so goddamn stupid and exhaustingly frustrating. These two events have NOTHING to do with each other, unless you want to count them both happening in the same month 🤷♀️
@AlbuggyThat doesn’t change the fact, they irresponsibly looked after what they said was a “weather balloon” lol. Regardless of how you perceive what it is, doesn’t change the fact it was irresponsible lmfao? Tf.
It’s what balloons do muppet
China sounds like Russia
Why not inform the U.S. CANADA that the ballon are going their way because of the wind beforehand? Silence is louder than words
How would they know. Anyway the United States has more to explain as to why they even let it into us airspace. Shows the US was looking to make a scandal of it.
Anyway it could have carried a bomb and the United States let it get that far. Thats insane. You dont think so?
Because, unlike you, US and Canada knew about it way before. China knew that they knew and they knew that China knew they knew.
@Ignaz Staudinger CHINA said mainly a meteorology airship that doesn’t leave spying out
Exactly… it undercuts their innocence claims
It was no accident. They knew its location, they said nothing. Plus we saw what was inside it.
@Kelly Riordanconservatives 🙄 see, look I can do it too! But guess what? It doesn’t change the fact that Trump DID NOTHING when there were multiple balloons spotted years ago. But I guess this is just another smear campaign, right? I know, taking responsibility for your actions might seem foreign to Trump, but hopefully soon the Justice Department will be taking care of that. Trump is a traitor. Go get better idols. Maybe next time not a sleazy NYC real estate conman ✌️
@gillm9 okay next time don’t worship political snakes who sell their souls to foreign countries
@Descended_Flames that was already debunked. More democrat communist propaganda.
And we knew its location.
And they knew that we knew its location.
And we knew that they knew we knew its location.
The *only* thing they don’t know we knew is just exactly when we knew.
@OnTheLake the top official lied
When has China ever played by the international rules?
@mythologyworldwhere did he pull the race card? i don’t see him mentioning that at all
@Islandstyles he either edited or deleted his reply, dummy.
@BRIAN UYUNGELE he edited or deleted his comment. It’s not there anymore.
@mythologyworld Nope, I did not delete anything. Yes, I did edit my comments for glaring grammatical errors, not content. You have a very active imagination.
@zeissjim okay surrrrre thing, buddy.
The Chinese are pulling out that ultimate Uno reverse card………….
And US is playing chess. Check yo self, China.
China cannot deny they have a serious issue with integrity and they always have.
They can’t lose face. Which means they can never admit
publicly they made a mistake. The guy in charge of the program was fired recently in China, which they are saying is not true he was being promoted to a local regional position.
So does every stinking communist country Cuba is an excellent example.
It’s a nice statement , but more and more it’s just becoming a tired copout.
We should just come to realize that the CCP does not GAF about anyone , anywhere , but the party members.
@xinyiquan666 Chinese bot
@xinyiquan666 says the person whose name starts with an x.. why would the Chinese gov get so pissed about a civ weather balloon being downed. Maybe if we are looking for ubsurd balloons we don’t see the drones.
Ops went over Japan, ops went over Alaska, ops went over Canada ops went over rocket silos in the USA, should we tell them we lost our Ballon Naw ,Ops we got caught…..
South Korea…ops we missed the balloon.
Japan…ops we missed it too.
Alaska…ops we thought it was one of ours.
Canada…ops let the US handle it.
US…3 days later…ops we’ll ask China if it is theirs…our stuff is all made in China 🇨🇳.
South Korea…ops we missed the balloon.
Japan…ops we missed it too.
Alaska…ops we thought it was one of ours.
Canada…ops let the US handle it.
US…3 days later…ops we’ll ask China if it is theirs…our stuff is all made in China 🇨🇳.
Oops accidentally targeted Australian plane with a laser
Ops went over rocket silos that you can buy pictures of on eBay.
Ops went over rocket silos that were left with 1 door open during the cold war so Russia could see inside.
@Dragon Lord no “ops” is an abbreviation for operations, and “oops” is an interjection indicating a mistake.
Book and bok arent the same either fyi
It “drifted” many miles from international airspace and absolutely far from Chinese airspace. How long does it take to realize this? Also, captured sensitive data can be encrypted and hidden with advanced military encryption far superior to what the public uses… or sent directly to a location and not stored locally.
When China is mad at you, you know you’ve done something right.
When US praised you as a school kid: Good Boy… largest democracy… vibrant democracy…
It means you are FU
Don’t bet on it.
That is a pure Americanism.
They’re not mad really. They’re secretly laughing at the stupidity of USA and its people. How much did this cost USA? I bet it didn’t cost China much.
When China is mad at you it’s probably because you tried to return a shitty radar detector that don’t work that you let Amazon slip in a 3rd party seller to drop ship it to you and you waited a month for for it to not do anything and wanna give you a 6 dollar refund when it costs.. oh those bastards.
Haha I love how China says it’s irresponsible to shoot something down in our airspace 😂
@Johnny Wong It wasn’t flying at the Karman Line (the boundary between earth’s atmosphere and outer space at 327,000 feet) China bot.
@Johnny Wong it was between 60,000 and 65,000. Still not space bud. Space begins 100km up(about 62 miles) which is about 5 times higher than the baloon was.
@kirodos OK American bot look it up there’s no treaty or international laws that said you can’t fly anywhere if you fly over 60,000 feet. 60,000 feet is the maximum a jet fighter or any aircraft can fly. So the chinese balloon was not in violation of any international laws. There’s no international said that you can’t fly over the country air space it’s over 60,000 feet.
@Skateboarding Jesus @kirodos OK American bot look it up there’s no treaty or international laws that said you can’t fly anywhere if you fly over 60,000 feet. 60,000 feet is the maximum a jet fighter or any aircraft can fly. So the chinese balloon was not in violation of any international laws. There’s no international said that you can’t fly over the country air space it’s over 60,000 feet.
@tabber87 @kirodos OK American bot look it up there’s no treaty or international laws that said you can’t fly anywhere if you fly over 60,000 feet. 60,000 feet is the maximum a jet fighter or any aircraft can fly. So the chinese balloon was not in violation of any international laws. There’s no international said that you can’t fly over the country air space it’s over 60,000 feet.
We should launch Winnie the Pooh balloons over China.
Lol! Nice one.
Really or the flintstones. 😂
I’ll start the GoFundMe
Next time, a middle finger balloon over white house.
“…Unexpected incident…”
More like, “…unexpectedly successful incident…”
The way I see it if something like that was flying in my country even if it was a spy balloon or something else it shouldn’t of been there in the first place .I’m sure if the shows were in the other foot China would of done tb same thing .
Unacceptable? But it’s only a weather balloon!
Why is this even a story? And why is either side making a fuss?
Didn’t everyone assume this happens all the time anyway?
Wow! That’s bold… I’d love to say to the cops that it was very irresponsible of the person I was trying to shoot for running into my bullets. 🤣
Autocratic regimes always make others responsible for their own aggressions! Like a badly brought up child…
Yep! Right out of the democrats playbook
@Sheez Nutz fr. Russiagate, biden files. TRUMP WILL START WW3!?!?! HAhahaha
@Sheez Nutz : Republican. There I fixed it. Why is it always Republicans complaining when they don’t follow the rules?
Anyone hear the the first comment when the Chinese response to the question is translated “is ALSO civilian in nature….”? Also leads me to believe it had more than just the “civilian weather” device. So, what was the “ALSO” she mentions? Is this an accidental incident where a politician unintenttimeionally tells the truth? If people pay attention this kind of thing happens all the time. It is a “tell.”
If it was a non-government airship as they claim, then why are they upset what happened to it?