See expert’s plan to end pandemic in four weeks

Harvard Medical School's Dr. Abraar Karan says the US can end the Covid-19 pandemic in four weeks if everyone wears N95 masks. #CNN #News


    1. A leader isn’t supposed to scare there people. Besides we didn’t even know nothing about covid then.

  1. This is a bit too optimistic. In Germany we have been wearing N95 masks ( they are called FFP 2 here) for weeks now, people over the age of 60 are getting them for free from the government. The numbers haven’t changed much since. Many people don’t know that they have to use a new mask after about 5 hours of use and many still are very careless regarding the other safety measures.

    1. These are stupid stories! CNN is lazy and not reporting news! Countries worldwide are asking the US for money and the Congress, Senate and the WH are giving away our future. These contries have been promised tens on trillions of dollars already! This will crash the US economy and there will be no money for Americans! Outrageous! CNN is nothing but MORONS! They are not reporting the depression this will put the US in. We must write our senators and congressmenbt and tell them to send the money to US not to rich countries like Canada, Europe, etc.! We are already in debt from CoVid! We elected these people and they are crashing the economy! Big Business is doing NOTHING except making more money for themselves and not paying tases! They are not even giving us jobs! The US is broke and they are putting us in debt and crashing the economy for other rich countries. Outrageous!

    2. @Firecat Crone …please tell me what bullcrap propaganda I’m spreading? My comment has been edited, and the new strain is much more contagious. Before you reply please read whatever you’re replying to properly before flying off the handle!!

    3. @Teresa kenton Have friends at hospitals. Lots of false positives, but they get counted anyway. That’s what they were told to do.

    4. @Teresa kenton Sadly, Covid was used as a political weapon. The hate overrides common sense. They would use cancer if they could but there is too much profit in the treatment.

    5. @Teresa kenton Scamdemic.
      Flu is gone.Cancer is gone.Heart diseases are gone.Everything is gone.Except covid.Virus that has 99.7% survavibility rate.😂😂

    1. At least by April…

      The U.S. Postal Service had drafted a press release announcing plans to send 650 million masks across the U.S. early in the coronavirus crisis, but the plan was abandoned, The Washington Post first reported.
      In April, Postal Service leaders drafted an announcement saying the USPS would deliver five reusable face masks to every residence and post office box in the country.
      The White House ultimately canceled the program, senior administration officials told the Post.

    2. We did but remember we had a failed businessman in charge. If only we had enough of those to go around, there just are not enough. I wear an N95 and give them to friends.

  2. It surprises me that there just talking about the N95 masks. I live in a Third world country and we’ve been wearing them since last year. It’s like the US has been way behind on control procedures for the pandemic no thanks to Trump.

    1. @Kicky states mandate mask wearing and all restrictions put in place for covid.
      Federal government only has control over federal property.
      Over 800000 vaccines a day.
      I believe 19million vaccinated so far.
      You’re misinformed

    2. @Geee Jjjj
      No, I stay informed.

      Trump had projected 20 million would be vaccinated by the end of 2020.

      “The calendar will flip over into 2021 with the U.S. well short of its goal of vaccinating 20 million Americans against the coronavirus.

      “With the pandemic still raging, at least 2.6 million have received the first of two Covid shots while over 12.4 million doses have been delivered to the states, according to the Centers for Disease Control’s most recent figures from Wednesday morning.

      “Covid vaccine distribution is undermined by Trump playing politics with transfer of power

      “The Trump administration has stopped all transition activities and funding, and that will slow — if not completely halt — vaccination efforts.”

      I Noticed that you didn’t disagree with the rest of my comment.

    1. @N Æ S-18 given their very efficient logistics network,it will be shipped in record time,faster than ups and fedex.its just like any other package👍

    2. @Michelle Gaza amazon will get the vaccines and ship them quickly to those places in just and fedex takes a while.

    3. @memelord andromeda But we don’t have refrigeration services and the ways deliveries work, the vaccines could spend hours and hours in a hot car. A large portion of us use our own vehicles. If they get extra orders, they just put more work in the queue and people scoop up the shifts. It’s regular cars/independent contractors that help make Amazon so efficient.

    4. @memelord andromeda
      You must’ve missed the memo, the military is doing the distribution. Or, they were under Trump. I’m pretty sure Biden scrapped that like he did 75,000+ jobs in his 3 days as President.

    1. @hunkey monkey I walked out of my apartment
      a piano fell on my head
      my heart stopped
      I didn’t die of piano
      I died of cardiac arrest
      6% of people who get pianos dropped on them die by ambulance crashes on the way to the hospital

    2. Masks do no good when people don’t know how to wear them .
      People are stupid .
      Just watch the people that are in charge, they walk up to the podium, remove their mask , place it on said podium, touch said podium, speak into community germ ridden microphone, and then the next stooge does the same thing .

    3. @DarthSailorMoon
      I’d be asking why your leaders refuse to wear the masks while they speak about requiring masks everywhere you go. Rules for thee, not for me.

  3. Of course the previous admin didn’t want to panic people so they CANCELED sending N-95 to every household based on census count

  4. *People barely wear cloth masks, I doubt they would now wear N95 masks*
    They get kicked out of planes for not wearing masks, people just dont care just to wear a cloth mask

    1. Or some 330+ million Americans don’t live their lives in fear and are sick of wearing a piece of cloth over their face cause they realize 99.9% of people survive the virus

    2. @Dom Dom
      Or that 6% of the reported deaths are solely from the virus and not from other underlying condition. Or they had a cold virus at the time of their deaths and label it as covid being the cause. All for the fear push ammunition needed by the media.

    1. @Scott Roby It’s virtually impossible to get a safe effective vaccine for a coronavirus that has been around forever, in just a few months. The only way that could happen is if the strain of coronavirus released was a known type and the vaccine was already made. Of course you had to wait until right before the changing of the guards to make it all happen. I guess you’ll have that.

  5. You know what here in the Philippines it is a new normal to wear mask in the public, you’re supposed to be the role model of the world but your country is becoming pathetic because of corruption and becoming a bigot country.

    1. The US is NOT a role model. lol Their politicians and media are so incredibly corrupt it’s ridiculous. And they have the population convinced it’s a left vs right issue when it’s a top vs bottom issue.

    1. @A. George No. The #’s currently show it’s not. Avg. age of death older than the avg. life expectancy. Also even in ICU’s most studies show around 96% of the people in ICU’s with COVID are lacking in Vitamin D. Exercise, eat well, drink water, get lots of sun, take vitamins and there’s really no concern whatsoever statistically.

    2. Exactly it mutated just like every virus. That’s why the flu always comes every year. C’mon adults don’t even know basic knowlege.

    3. It’s already in the public. You can’t stop people from getting it unless you have some magic wand or something.

  6. Biden and his family were seen without masks just hours after he signed the mask mandate. What a hypocrite. Press Sec said he was “celebrating” so it was okay to not wear a mask 😂😂😂😂😂😂

  7. Harvard Medical School’s Dr. Abraar Karan: “We only need to wear masks for 4 weeks to end Covid-19!”

    Forgets the fact that Covid-19 has other ways to spread beyond just breathing it in…

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